i'm really broke

Chapter 91 Shared Bicycle Launches

Chapter 91 Shared Bicycle Launches
Liu Yu washed his face with cold water, and his spirits improved after being stimulated by the cold water. He looked at his watch and it was almost 07:30, and subconsciously clicked on the sign.

"Successfully signed in and received a sign-in bonus of 819200 yuan, and a total of 1638300 yuan in sign-in bonuses were obtained."

Liu Yu patted his forehead and remembered that he forgot what he succeeded in wearing luxury goods yesterday. Now Liu Yu can wait for the No. 15 day to sign in and withdraw cash tomorrow.

"I go."

"I actually forgot such a big thing."

"Get rich!!!"

Just happy, Baby Ma came over. "Brother Liu is about to start, we have to pass."

"Okay, I'll go right away."

Get busy with today's affairs first, and then think about withdrawing cash tonight. Liu Yu really doesn't have time to think about it now.

When the truck arrived at the school, shared bicycles began to be released at fixed points, and the time to open the QR code was getting closer.

At 100:[-], this is what Liu Yu asked someone to calculate. For [-] yuan, you can buy one with peace of mind.

The code scanning ceremony was placed at the delivery point in front of the Nine Canteen, a small stage was set up and the topic equipment was ready.


"thanks everyone."

Liu Yu nodded to everyone. "I'll meet Dean Gao."

Gao Jianguo came here on a small yellow car. Many students from the School of Management who were watching were quite surprised to see Gao Jianguo coming here on a small yellow car.

"Dean Gao."

"when it start?"

"Eight past eight."

Liu Yu looked at the time, there were still more than ten minutes left. "Dean Gao, please say a few words."

"Okay, then I will say a few words."

After the microphone was adjusted, Gao Jianguo took it over. "Let me introduce myself first. There should be many students from the School of Management here. I am Gao Jianguo, the executive vice president of the School of Management."

"Our school of management has always paid attention to the educational concept of combining theory and practice, and the cultivation of students' innovative thinking. Liu Yu proposed to use the combination of Internet thinking and intelligent hardware to solve the problem of traveling within one kilometer, and thus the ufo was born. Shared bike project."

"Dean Zhang Wenhong and I are very happy. This is the success of the college's education. This is the result of Liu Yu's innovative thinking and learning attitude that follows social development."

"I am very happy and proud that shared bicycles can be put on the market so quickly. I hope that more students will join in the future, follow social development through a combination of learning and practice, and make a career..."

"Finally, I sincerely wish Liu Yu and his team set sail and make great achievements."

As he spoke, Gao Jianguo handed the microphone back to Liu Yu, who hurriedly took it. "Thank you Dean Gao for your encouragement. The bicycle sharing project is the result of our joint efforts. It is also indispensable for the support of Dean Zhang Wenhong and Dean Gao, as well as the help provided by the school."

"I'm here to say thank you on behalf of our team."

"The original intention of sharing bicycles comes from better serving the people and the society, making our lives more convenient and the city better."

"Sharing is the social development to a certain level, technology and hardware..."

Liu Yu then explained some concepts of the sharing economy to the audience. Yu Sitong, Liu Kexin, Qiu Ran, and Han Yumo were all listening.

For a while, everyone was a little shocked by Liu Yu's ideas, and Yu Sitong seemed to know Liu Yu for the first time. This guy is really good.

The big picture of the sharing economy opened up a corner, and Liu Yu was really interested, until Ma Baobao reminded that the time was coming, Liu Yu glanced at his watch and there were still two minutes left.

"Thank you again to Dean Gao, as well as many classmates and friends who came to participate in the shared bicycle launch ceremony."

Liu Yu took out his mobile phone while talking. "Please take out your mobile phones and click on the app to let us experience the charm of the sharing economy and the convenience of sharing bicycles."

Bang bang bang, eighteen gun salutes sounded, and Liu Yu took the lead in shouting. "Countdown to launch shared bicycles, five, four, three, two, one."

With the sound of welcome to use ufo shared bicycles, riding makes the body healthier and the city more beautiful, the beautiful female voice rang, and the sharing bicycle launch ceremony officially kicked off.

The first batch of users will receive a one-month free riding coupon, and the shared bicycles will officially enter Jiangning University and officially enter Jiangning.

"Usage rate."

QR codes were opened in other places at the same time. Liu Yu sent Gao Jianguo away as soon as he got off the stage. When he came back, he turned around and asked Dong Cheng's team for technical support.

"The utilization rate has now reached [-] percent."


This is not only good, it is beyond Liu Yu's expectations. The utilization rate has reached [-]% in less than half an hour, and the peak may be [-]%. Of course, the peak period will pass soon.

The first day is the data of the stable period after the freshness, which is the data with real reference value.


Ma Baobao waved his fist, and the shared bicycle project got off to a good start.

"Don't be happy yet."

Liu Yu said. "We still have a lot to do today."

"Baby, you are responsible for cooperating with Dong Cheng on the bicycle."

Although Liu Yu spent a lot of thought on the bike-sharing project, he paid more attention to the milk tea shop, and the money earned here is his own.

"Brother Liu, don't worry."

Ma Baobao patted his chest and promised that he would bring his masters to cooperate with Dong Cheng's team, and ensure that there were no problems with the bicycle, and that any problems were found and solved at any time. There would definitely be some unimaginable problems on the first day of the bicycle's launch.

The team needs to follow up and solve it in time, and Liu Yu sees that it is almost here. "Guo Cong, let's go to the burger shop."

The opening of the hamburger restaurant is scheduled for 18:[-], and there is still half an hour before the time. Liu Yu, Guo Cong and others hurried over.

The launch ceremony of the different shared bicycles was simple. The burger shop joined five milk tea shops to open at the same time, and some friends of Liu Yu came over.

"Squad leader."

"Okay, Xiao Yuzi, you'll be the big boss now."

Behind Cao Jingying were two people carrying two flower baskets.

"What a big boss, a little business."

Liu Yu modestly thanked Cao Jingying for sending the flower basket. "Have Yuan Jinsong and the others come?"

"Boss and Zhou Chengzhe, Qin Bo is on his way."

Liu Yu beckoned Cao Jingying to come in and sit down.

"Liu Yu, don't greet me, go get busy, I'll sit down for a while."

Cao Jingying looked at the hamburger restaurant, it's really good, the decoration is stylish and grand, but Liu Yu exchanged the decoration design drawings, and now the latest KFC decoration style.

"Squad leader, sit down for a while."

Liu Yu really didn't have time to greet Cao Jingying, and there were quite a few people coming. Jiangning University sent a lot of flower baskets, including several deans of the School of Management, and the director of the Department of Business Administration, Liu Yu's class instructor Wang Changlong.

Then there are the flower baskets sent by Mr. Han Feng and Dong Cheng, and then there are the student unions, and the entrepreneur alliances of several other schools have sent flower baskets. Competitors are competitors, so this kind of grace is still required.


Liu Kexin and Qiu Ran also sent a flower basket each.

"Thank you, come in and sit down."

Liu Yu called Yu Sitong to entertain the two of them, and Yu Sitong murmured that she was almost becoming a maid now.

“Nice decoration.”

"The style is very good."

The two came in to look at it, and nodded secretly, it's really good.

Cao Jingying glanced at Yu Sitong, but this girl can hold back, and she is still working under Liu Yu, which is interesting.

"Second brother, you are too good at hiding."

Zhou Chengzhe, Qin Bo, Yuan Jinsong, and Liu Ping also rushed over, and the four of them presented two pots of green plants with good meanings.

Only when Liu Ping went back yesterday did she find out that Yuan Jinsong's reception in the morning turned out to be Liu Yu, a person with a background.After asking, I found out that Liu Yu actually knew District Chief Qiu of Xianling District. This is unbelievable. Liu Ping was really shocked.

How could Liu Yu have such a strong background? I really don’t know. This poor student who was riding a [-]th year’s car and didn’t even look up to him has suddenly turned into a rising star with tens of millions of worth and a strong background.

Not to mention her, Zhou Chengzhe and Qin Bo were also shocked from ear to ear. They couldn't believe it. If Yuan Jinsong hadn't told them, they wouldn't believe that Liu Yu had become a multi-millionaire. This is too bizarre.

"I didn't hide it, I'm still a loser now."

Liu Yu said with a smile. "The monitor has just arrived, let's go in and chat."

"Hahaha, second brother, we can just go in by ourselves, you are busy."

There were guests coming over at this time, and Liu Yu didn't expect that it was Ran Li who sent a flower basket. "Jiangning TV station will broadcast the cycling clip at nine o'clock. Thank you so much." The person who didn't expect to come was the staff of Jiangning TV station, who was very busy.

Liu Yu sent it back to the hamburger restaurant and turned on the TV. The shared bicycle ride was edited for nearly 10 minutes, which is not too short.Liu Yu contacted Gao Jianguo immediately, and Gao Jianguo greeted each cafeteria of Jiangning University.

It's a pity that Gao Jianguo couldn't broadcast it simultaneously in all university cafeterias in Jiangning, otherwise it would be awesome. Fortunately, the University of Posts and Telecommunications and the University of Finance and Economics agreed to it.

At this moment, nearly ten campus cafeterias broadcasted simultaneously, and the days when shared bicycles spread to all universities in Jiangning City are not far away.

It’s great, Liu Yu has to say that it’s great to have the support of the school, and now I finally understand why some people say that Capital University and Tsinghua University are easy to start a business, easy to attract investment, and the school’s support has no money to give money and no one is looking for someone.

This is incomparable to your average university, and it is at this point that Hang Zhouma suffers, otherwise there is no need to attract investment from the little devil. In fact, the heads of domestic investment banks are basically from several top universities in Qingbei.

These people are very proud. They came to start a business after they came out of a small normal school, haha.

Jiangning University is also considered a top university, especially in the Yangtze River Delta. Liu Yu now feels that he is right to embrace this thigh.

At [-]:[-], the salute was fired, and the burger shop and five Xiaoxiao milk tea shops opened at the same time.

Liu Yu couldn't help but talk a few words, nothing else, just talked about some things about the milk tea shop and burger shop from scratch in the past 20 days. "I would like to thank the employees of the milk tea shop and the burger shop for your hard work."

Applause, I have to say that Liu Yu is getting more and more bossy, and Yu Sitong is watching all the way. "This guy is really getting better at talking, and he's getting more and more proficient at buying people."

"What are you mumbling about?"

Cao Jingying came over with a smile.


Yu Sitong asked in a low voice. "Are you really going to come?"

(End of this chapter)

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