i'm really broke

Chapter 46 Mom and Dad, I May Have to Retire in School

Chapter 46 Mom and Dad, I May Have to Retire in School
The Jiangning University Entrepreneurship Alliance has four major principals. The first is the vice chairman of the Rongjun School Student Union, the chairman of the College Student Union, and the chairman of the Entrepreneurship Alliance. There are three stores on the pedestrian street, including two restaurants and a milk tea shop.

There are two restaurants, a small western food restaurant that specializes in French fries and steaks, a wasteful dish that is popular among girls. Although the other rice noodle shop is not big, the profit is also good, and the milk tea shop is also doing well.

Ying Heng, the vice chairman of the Entrepreneurship Alliance, one of the four principals, the organization minister of the school student union, the vice chairman of the college student union, and the vice chairman of the Entrepreneurship Alliance own two chain milk tea shops.

Then there is Duan Minghao, the head of the Entrepreneurship Alliance, the deputy minister of the student union of the school, the organization director of the student union of the college, and the director of the Entrepreneurship Alliance Office. He owns a milk tea shop and a French fries and burger shop.

Duan Minghao is rather gloomy and aggressive, and few people in the Entrepreneurial Alliance are willing to provoke him.

The last person in charge is Han Yumo, the secretary-general of the Entrepreneurship Alliance. This is the secretary-general of the student union and the vice-chairman of the student union of the college. He opened an optical shop and a photocopying and printing shop on the pedestrian street.

These four people are the main leaders of the entire Entrepreneurship Alliance. Liu Kexin opened a flower shop in a relatively low-key way and only appointed the Deputy Minister of the Entrepreneurship Alliance. Of course, there are some ministers who are not low-key, such as Tao Yuan, the propaganda minister, who opened a fruit shop.

There are also Song Yang, the director of the public relations department who opened a convenience store, Guo Mingyu, the director of the operations department of the barber shop, and Shi Hai, the organization director who opened a milk tea shop, and they are called the four guardians of the Entrepreneurship Alliance.

This time the incident was initiated by Ying Heng, Shi Hai, and Duan Minghao. Rong Jun acquiesced that a total of five milk tea shops jointly took action against Xiaoxiao milk tea shop, and Liu Yu should give it a try.

The apology was brought up by Ying Heng, who wanted to save Liu Yu's face. He was so arrogant when he first started his business, but he will pay off later. Who knew that Liu Yu would be even more ruthless, directly [-]% off, and tough.

Ying Heng felt that this was a slap in the face, and started shouting as soon as the meeting started.

Qiu Ran, Liu Kexin, and the other two girls looked at each other and shook their heads slightly. They did not intend to participate in this matter. Liu Kexin opened a flower shop and a milk tea shop, which had nothing to do with each other. Besides, Liu Yu was also his classmate. Don't go too far.

Qiu Ranna had a quiet temperament and opened a bookstore. The other two were either pet shops or green plant shops and rarely expressed their opinions.

"If you want me to say, just straight up, I still don't believe it. The four of us can't beat his family."

Shi Hai said. "Chairman, you have to stand up this time, these newcomers don't understand any rules."

"Teach them the rules."

Duan Minghao said lightly. "Chairman, what do you think?"

Han Yumo frowned slightly, and glanced at Rong Jun who was silent. It seemed that this matter was going to be a big deal. "The college attaches great importance to college students' entrepreneurship."

"Within the rules, don't do anything else."

Rong Jun spoke directly, it’s okay to fight a price war, don’t engage in petty tricks, Rong Jun is also very annoyed by Liu Yu’s behavior, this is not to give face to the Entrepreneurial Alliance, it is not to give Rong Jun face, it is a pity that he does not know that Liu Yu is completely I don't know who he is.

"thanks everyone."

The milk tea made by Liu Yu himself was delivered cup by cup to Yu Sitong, Liu Yueyue, Zhang Xiaoxiao, Ma Baobao and others.

"Senior, we promise to complete the task."

"Brother Liu, don't worry."

"Liu Yu, I have sacrificed so much, a cup of milk tea is not enough." Yu Sitong glanced at Liu Yu charmingly.

"Add a glass of shaved ice."

"Come on, everybody."

The swearing-in ceremony at Xiaoxiao Milk Tea Shop ended, and more than 20 students went to the battlefield. The discount on milk tea was only superficial. Liu Yu wanted to see the installed capacity of the App, reservations for ordering, and delivery. This was Liu Yu's true confidence.

Cheating is okay, it’s a must-have App, but it’s worth millions, and the monthly maintenance fee is [-] plus. If you buy it at a [-]% discount, although Liu Yu feels sorry for the money, you have to say that the App is very awesome. Such an awesome App is available. , it would be useless if you don’t use it.

All out, Liu Yu handed over the publicity draft to Teacher Wan early in the morning, and then contacted a few classmates to help write Zhou Zihua's confession post and hang it on the computer school forum. I think someone has seen it by now.

"A milk tea shop app actually made Professor Zhou give in and admit that he was incapable of testing?"

"real or fake?"

Sure enough, there are already more than a dozen comments below, with doubts, anger, and watching the excitement, Liu Yu laughed, but fortunately, he was smart enough to send Liu Yueyue, Zhang Xiaoxiao, these little juniors, pure, lovely, innocent and lively.

Wouldn't this easily irritate the passionate good men of the School of Computer Science? Liu Yu took charge of the milk tea shop. Suddenly, there were more cuties handing out flyers at the intersection of Jiangning University's Xianling Campus.

Yu Sitong's side is the most lively. A group of young boys just had dinner. Seeing Yu Sitong and the beauties, they were embarrassed at first. A circle of people.

Liu Yu saw that the installed capacity quickly reached 300, then [-], and reached more than [-] in more than an hour. This installed capacity is too fast. "I thought it would be good to reach [-] at noon, but with this posture, [-] is still possible."

"It's not early, everyone come back first, or go back to rest"

Until 560:[-], everyone responded to the message and rushed back. Liu Yu gave [-] red envelopes to each other. One and a half hours counted as two hours of part-time work. The installed capacity of [-] was more than Liu Yu expected, and he was happy to give five yuan more.

"Brother Liu, are you not going back to the dormitory?"

"I'll stay at the milk tea shop for a while, and then I'll go straight to the classroom. Please bring my textbooks for me."

"no problem."

Ma Baobao thinks that brother Liu is getting more and more powerful, and now he has started playing apps, Niu Cha, the more he feels that the car that was comfortable to sit in that day is not a Passat, go back and check.

"Thank you, baby."

Liu Yuxin couldn't explain the baby with knives, what a good baby.

"Then Brother Liu, I'll go back first."


What a good boy, Liu Yu thought so. "Let's have a rest first." After waiting to leave, Liu Yu tidied up, lay down on the table for a while, and fell asleep.

"system hint."

Liu Yu suddenly woke up, startling Lu Xue who was packing the shaved ice cups beside him. He looked at the time and saw that it was not yet [-]:[-]. The boss just told him to wake him up at [-]:[-]. Could it be that he had just packed things too much? Some woke up the boss.

"Boss, did I wake you up?" Lu Xue was a little nervous. Others thought Liu Yu was just the store manager, but she and Li Ya knew that Liu Yu was not only the store manager but also the boss!

"It's none of your business, you should be busy." Liu Yu waved his hand with a wry smile, Nima baby, I still think you are a good baby, good baby, turn around and you will come back again. "Baby Ma discovered the true value of the Phaeton, the surprise value reached the standard, and the pretense was successful."

"Get luxury gold 700."

It’s okay, it’s okay, luxury gold 700 can buy a good T-shirt at most, this thing is good, some people will be surprised if it’s a few hundred yuan, just kidding, if you’re unlucky, it’s only [-] if you draw ten times, and you can’t buy it for [-] Decent luxury. "It's not bad to think about the baby, or else I really didn't expect this one."

"If the luxury gold is less than [-], the system will make up [-], and you can draw a lottery."

Just two seconds after he was happy, Liu Yu's face changed again, and the extravagant gold suddenly became [-], plus one to ten times the lottery, at least [-], and at most a million.

"Baby, you are a twenty-five boy."

Liu Yu looked helplessly at the multiplier of the lottery, five times, 50, Nima, he was cheated again, baby, you are made of black heart cotton.

What a good kid, why does he like to study the stunt of stabbing in the back, my little life, Liu Yu didn't know that the depression had just begun, and then it was not depression but anger.

"Succeeded in drawing luxury goods, please recharge your meal card with 50 yuan."

Pfft, Liu Yu stood up straight away, joking, when did a meal in the cafeteria become a luxury, and the meal card, 50, Liu Yu felt that he was going crazy, the system was planning to retire in the cafeteria, 50 according to Liu Yu's current day Fifteen or so meal expenses, 90 years can not finish.

"Appeal, System Charter."

This is definitely a matter of core intelligence, and number one is coming out soon.

"The system has detected that this operation is a system vulnerability. To compensate the host, [-]% of the meal card consumption will be refunded."

What do you mean, admit the loophole, don't talk about recharging, in order to compensate your injured heart, the system will refund 5%, Liu Yu accepted it after cursing a few words, after all, [-] yuan is not good.

"Please recharge as soon as possible, 24 hours overdue will affect the refund amount."

Liu Yu reluctantly told Lu Xue and went straight to the Sixth Canteen and came to the recharge port. Fortunately, he was already at work. Look at the time, 02:30.

"Tell Lao Wang first, please leave."

Wang Changlong was already used to it, so Liu Yu asked for advice. "Then finish your work as soon as possible and come here."

"No problem, if all goes well, 10 minutes."

Liu Yu said it was going well, and when he came to the window, there was no one there this time.

"Teacher, charge some money."

"How many?"

"A little too much."

"Is it okay to pay by credit card?"

"Swiping a card, it's really not good, only cash."

"There's a lot of cash, it's hard to take."

Liu Yu said in a low voice, and the two teachers in charge of recharging were happy. "Hahaha, we always use cash to recharge, so there's nothing wrong with it."

Recharge the meal card, more than [-], usually [-], [-] at most.

The two were amused by Liu Yu's dazed look, cash is hard to get, boy, don't be kidding, Liu Yu was speechless, he went to try other cafeterias when he was done, and Liu Yu was speechless after running all the way down.

You said that all cash was required in 2014, and now the recharge in the cafeteria is so backward.

What to do, you can't really take 50 cash to recharge, then it won't explode.

"24-hour recharge is successful before it will be refunded."

Liu Yu felt that he should withdraw money early to recharge. You must know that the general cafeteria will be crowded by 04:30, and there will be people at any time in the morning. "Done."

Going straight to the bank, Liu Yu carried the lock on the [-]th, came to the bank, and took a number. Fortunately, there were few people at this meeting, and Liu Yu was in line after a while.

"Hello, what business do you want to handle?"

"Withdraw money, withdraw 50."

"50, sir, do you have an appointment?"


"Yes, we need to make an appointment to withdraw more than 20 yuan from our bank."


Liu Yu had never withdrawn so much money before. When swiping the card, the bank called several times to confirm, so he didn't think much about it at the time. "There is no other way."

"Excuse me sir."

"Then when can I make an appointment to withdraw money now?"


"OK then."

When Liu Yu reported the information, the female employee on the opposite side was taken aback. "Sorry, Mr. Liu, I didn't know that you are a VIP in our bank, do you still need to withdraw money now?"

"No appointment required?"

"You have a million privileges, and no appointment is required for less than 100 million."


Liu Yu muttered, since his level was so high, he didn't know that the system's core intelligence helped him save a lot of money.

"Thank you."

The female employee watched Liu Yu casually stuffing 50 yuan into the milk tea bag, thinking that rich people are capricious.

"Go to the cafeteria to top up the money."

(End of this chapter)

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