i'm really broke

Chapter 39 Old Gao, You Finally Became a Second Person

Chapter 39 Old Gao, You Finally Became a Second Person
"Dean Gao."

"Boss Han."

"Come and sit down."

In the teahouse next to Jiangning University, Gao Jianguo and Han Feng were sipping tea. They saw Liu Yu coming and waving. No wonder Lao Gao knew so quickly that Dong Cheng, a [-]-year-old boy, had sold himself.

"Dong Cheng just said that you are going to use the app, which is a good thing." Gao Jianguo poured a cup of tea and handed it to Liu Yu, who hurriedly followed him. Drinking this kind of tea is a bit of a torture for Liu Yu, but the tea is good.

"Just to ask."

Dong Cheng, you fake Zhu Shimao, treacherous little tsundere, what did you say about getting on the app, you are planning to cheat yourself.

"When you are young, you should have a rush to start a career. If you think about the future, you will miss the opportunity." Han Feng said with a smile. "Besides, I will ask Dong Cheng to give you a lower price for the family."

Liu Yu bowed his head to drink tea, you are a family, I am an honest person, don't try to cheat me, Dong Cheng offered at least 50 yuan.

"I will help you fight for some support policies from the academy."

Gao Jianguo put down his tea cup and said. "However, in terms of funding, the college can subsidize up to [-] yuan in entrepreneurial funds. If it is too much, Dean Zhang and I will not be able to apply for too much entrepreneurial support before we have good results."


Lao Gao, my dear Lao Gao, you have finally done a personnel matter, 5 yuan, not a lot. The 50 yuan is directly discounted.

"Dean Gao, when will I get the subsidy? Money is a little tight recently."

Pfft, now it's Han Feng's turn to squirt. You kid is a liar. I heard about buying the Phaeton. I didn't want to buy it for 140 million. I chose to add more than 5. You told me that you had no money. Look. The subsidy is [-] yuan.

Gao Jianguo looked at Liu Yu with a dumbfounded expression. This guy's character always made people helpless. "At least when the app goes online, I can still be in charge of the college. I can give it to you on the same day. As long as the app isn't too bad."


Liu Yu gritted his teeth and decided to do it for the 5 yuan subsidy.

"Just wait, the App will be launched tomorrow."

"Don't be kidding."

Gao Jianguo regretted it a bit, this kid is too foolish.

Gao Jianguo and Han Feng had just talked. Dong Cheng called and said that Liu Yu Consulting was a complete-architecture app similar to Are You Hungry, Baidu Takeout, and Meituan? It would take at least one to two months to make such an app.

Liu Yu said that it will be online tomorrow, this is not a joke.

The expressions of the two, Liu Yu found that something was wrong, no way, he really planned to team up to trick himself into buying the app designed by Dong Cheng, no, it's better to start first. "I haven't told you about this. Before I opened the milk tea shop, I had the idea of ​​making an app. I didn't ask my friends in the capital to help me make one."

Fortunately, Liu Yu had a few high school classmates who went to school in the capital. There was actually a bastard who was studying computers. He still owed him 500 yuan. After the college entrance examination, he followed other people's pursuit of girlfriends during the summer vacation. When he didn't have enough money, he borrowed money from his brothers. At that time, we agreed to pay back double the amount.

Just because the girl didn't catch up, this guy left the capital early. Liu Yu has been remembering this for several years.

"Really done?"

Gao Jianguo was surprised, but Han Feng was a little sullen. After all, Dong Cheng was his future son-in-law. Liu Yu was just teasing himself. Of course, Han Feng didn't show it.

"Can it really go online tomorrow?"

"It's not a big problem to get the money in place."

To be honest with the system, as long as you charge money to do things, there was never a time when it was not done properly. It just made Liu Yu depressed, and he felt more and more that this is a future Tencent-based rich system, or it is not just about recharging.

"Well, I'll be free tomorrow and I'll bring Dong Cheng over to help."

Han Feng smiled, but his words were neither serious nor serious.

"Okay, Lao Gao, my company still has something to do. Let's go now. Let's have tea next time."

After speaking, Han Feng left. No matter how unresponsive Gao Jianguo was, he still noticed something was wrong. Besides, Gao Jianguo could be the executive vice president of Jiangning University's top college, so he must be a fool. "You, you shouldn't have said this in front of Lao Han."

Liu Yuxin said, it's not the 5 yuan subsidy you mentioned. Although I may offend the owner by being an old Korean noodle, the real benefits of 5 yuan can't be lost.It's not good for you to tell nonsense in front of your old classmates. Besides, I'm afraid that you will cheat me together.

I am a pure student, how can you be so cunning and cunning.

"The app is really perfect, don't have too many loopholes."

"Don't worry about this, I, as a classmate, still have a few brushes."

Liu Yu boasted with a smile, the system and that bastard classmate swear in name, if the app is not good, these two guys will die badly.

"That's good, or you won't be able to pass Lao Han."

Gao Jianguo stood up with a smile and patted Liu Yu on the shoulder. "Do it well."

"Dean Gao, there is one more thing."

Liu Yu told Gao Jianguo about the joint run on the milk tea shop. "You didn't join the Jiangning University Entrepreneurship Alliance?"

"What's the matter?"

Gao Jianguo couldn't laugh or cry. "On the opening day of the milk tea shop, many flower baskets were sent by the Jiangning College Entrepreneurship Alliance."

"No, you mean those student union presidents and cadres?"

When Liu Yu thought about it, he was still confused at the time. He didn't know these people at all. He thought they were doing it to save Zhang Wenhong and Gao Jianguo's face. Who knew there was such a thing? "I don't know about this."

"This matter is up to you to resolve."

Gao Jianguo said with a smile. "Young man, save face."

Good face, Liu Yu murmured that he didn't take it seriously at that time. Could it be that he was misunderstood? Damn, this is really an unreasonable disaster. Lao Gao, don't tell me.So are these idiots. The flower basket is here. You arrogant Mao Xing will die if you come here.

I still have to visit the door by myself, how did I know these devious ways, these rich children are really complicated, Liu Yu shook his head helplessly, knowing what's going on, so let's find a way to solve it.

"By the way, regarding the Jiangning Forum, please be prepared. There are many Internet startup stars and entrepreneurs this time. You should learn more about this area. Dean Zhang will introduce you to it, which will be good for expanding your network."

No, what the hell is this Jiangning forum, and besides, I am not a bag-carrying person, but I also introduced myself, what are you doing.

Lao Gao, don't go, make it clear, Liu Yu saw Han Feng leave, Lao Gao left, and Xiao Dian all left. "Waiter, have you checked out here?"

"Boss Han paid the bill."

"Han Feng is in debt?"

Liu Yuxin said that she hadn’t had lunch yet when she came here. "Is there lunch here?"

"Sorry sir, we only have afternoon tea snacks here."

"Okay, here are two sets of snacks to take away, and I will pay Mr. Han's account."

Liu Yu happily carried two snacks and Han Feng kept half of the tea. Liu Yu packed half of it. The tea tasted really good.

"Brother Liu."

"Baby, take some snacks to eat."

Keep one portion for yourself and give another portion to Ma Baobao for everyone to try. Not to mention that the snacks taste really good. As expected, rich people will enjoy them.

"Clean up your wallet first."

After the snacks were finished, Liu Yu turned on the system, intending to sort out his current bills and how much money would be left when he withdraws the signing bonus tomorrow.

Host: Liu Yu (Level level authority)

Luxury goods: Audemars Piguet Royal Oak is worth 23, a shop is worth 500 million, and a Phaeton is worth 150.

System rules: 0-11

Host wealth: 160 in arrears, 160 in card balance ([-] in luxury reserves, [-] in deposit, [-] in personal balance of the host)
Thirty-two thousand in cash, these are basically from the milk tea shop, of which Guo Heng gave [-] red envelopes for tearing down the car to his mother. After all the calculations, he still has [-] money that he can use now, a total of [-].

Tomorrow, I will withdraw [-] cash to fill in the [-] money for buying an old house. In this case, there will be [-] left, plus [-], the total [-].

This is all property belonging to Liu Yu, [-] of which cannot be moved, and the milk tea shop needs to purchase goods and pay wages, and only [-] can be moved. In this way, Liu Yu, a good guy, will become a poor man after buying the app.

This is not counting the 17 mortgage. What a tragedy. This is on the verge of bankruptcy.

In order to have a meal, Liu Yu plans to meet with the members of the Jiangning University Entrepreneurship Alliance. Don't make trouble, or the deposit will run out, and Liu Yu will really be penniless, and it will affect the business of the milk tea shop.

"give a feast?"

With milk tea, Liu Yu approached Wang Changlong, the omnipotent class guide, to contact the entrepreneurial alliance. Wang Changlong told him that he had to set up wine to make amends. Just kidding, it doesn’t cost money to set up wine. "Is milk tea okay?"


Wang Changlong sprayed out a mouthful of milk tea, Liu Yu quickly moved aside, and the western economics teacher wearing glasses was sprayed with milk, Wang Changlong hurriedly got up Nima, this is a single female teacher who returned from studying in the Soviet Union.

Wang Changlong didn't dare to move, and hurriedly apologized. Finally, the single female teacher who returned from studying in the Soviet Union left the office bitterly, holding her Chihuahua. "Teacher, are you okay?"

"What do you think? When the dean comes to see me, you have to help me."

"I can't."

"No, I don't think it's strange that she went to the principal directly. It's not bad that she molested her without suing me."

Liu Yu decided to drink milk tea with Wang Changlong next time, and slipped away.

"The third one?"

"Second child."

"Call my second brother."

Liu Yu didn't expect his old roommate to call him.

"In Jiangning, come out and get together. The old Datiao Xianling District Street Office, come out and get together and celebrate."

"That's great."

"Tell me, I'll go right away."

“Pedestrian Street, Italian Kebab.”

"Okay, wait for me for 10 minutes."

Liu Yu rode a two-eighth bar and rushed towards the pedestrian street. The boss Yuan Jinsong is a local, but he is only from the suburbs. The university goal is very clear. Industry, stay in Jiangning and prepare to struggle and then eat some old Anjia.

The fourth child and the sixth child have returned to their hometowns. Not everyone can take root in Jiangning. The sixth child, Qin Bo, has a pretty good job in a foreign company, but I don’t know if he has any contact with them.

The Italian kebab restaurant, Yuan Jinsong, Qin Bo, Zhou Chengzhe and Yuan Jinsong's girlfriend Liu Ping are all there!

"Second brother will be there in a while, let's order skewers first, sister-in-law, can you eat spicy food?"

"I can do it."

"Boss, I really envy you. You have a sister-in-law who supports you." Qin Bo is really envious. His girlfriend hardly cares about his career let alone sacrifices!

"Where, it's the same wherever I am!"

"This is different. You are already a gold medal salesperson in the Southern District." Yuan Jinsong said that he took Liu Ping's hand. Liu Ping sacrificed a lot for him!

"The university town is also very good. The An family has always been the leader here, and I have confidence."

(End of this chapter)

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