Chapter 401 Brother Tian Waiting For Me

However, the ceremony of passing on the power has already been carried out to this point.

It would be somewhat inappropriate to stop now.

Master Duan Shui Liu gritted his teeth, and the two of them clasped each other tightly.


"It's about to be a critical moment." Master Duan Shui Liu reminded, and then he concentrated on using his internal power.

At this moment, Grandmaster Duan Shui Liu suddenly stagnated internally, and seemed to have lost the goal of imparting skills.

He couldn't hold back.

Slightly opened his eyes.

Look down.

Suddenly he took a deep breath.

I saw Hirota's hands reaching into his arms at some point and rubbing them up and down.

In an instant, Master Guashuiliu shuddered, and the hairs on his back stood upside down.


He got up quickly and was about to back up. Because he was too flustered when he stood up, he slipped on the sole of his foot and fell directly into Hong Tianbaili.

Hong Tian took advantage of the situation and hugged Master Duan Shui Liu, their postures were extremely ambiguous.

If I knew it, I thought it was a ceremony of imparting skills, but if I didn’t know it, I thought it was a filming scene.

The atmosphere at the scene was very embarrassing for a while, and the people around were dumbfounded.

Jue Jue Zi:?

All the brothers:?

This exercise transfer ceremony is a bit perverted.

The master is going all out, and he dares to let them watch the ceremony in this kind of scene.

According to the rules, it should not be mosaic. You must know that there are still many disciples who are not adults. Does this have a bad influence?

All the disciples carefully took out their mobile phones and began to secretly take pictures.

It would be a pity not to take a photo of such a classic scene.

Juejuezi was also dumbfounded, thinking it's no wonder his father said that this thing is passed on from male to female.

But no matter how you look at it, something feels wrong.

Especially the expression on Hongtian's face, there is an indescribable ferocity.

"Hongtian, what are you going to do?" Master Guashuiliu tried his best to break free, and he was terrified at this moment.

"Master, I can't control myself anymore. Ah!"

At that moment, he exhausted all his life's knowledge and clapped a palm.

This palm condensed his decades of skill, and he has never been so cruel to his own father and enemy.

A loud bang.

Hong Tian flew out directly.

It hit the wall of the gymnasium.


A mouthful of blood spurted out.

Everyone didn't realize that something was wrong until this time.

Juejuezi rushed up immediately, wanting to check on Hongtian's injuries.

However, he was stopped by Guashuiliu, whose face was like a black iron plate.

The two eyeballs stared like lanterns, and they were covered with bloodshot eyes.

"Father, why did you attack Hongtian?" Jue Juezi asked with disbelief.

"This kid's intentions are not right." Duan Shui Liu gritted his teeth and said.

Hong Tian didn't come here to learn martial arts, he clearly came here to discuss kendo.

He wanted to pass on the exercises to him with good intentions, but who knew that this kid would actually want to fencing with him.

Forget about fencing, in front of so many people, including his daughter.

It is said that people's hearts are separated from the belly, but they did not expect that this Hongtian was playing so perverted.

This almost ruined his evening festival in the hands of this kid.

"Insanity?" Jue Juezi looked bewildered. Duoshuiliu usually spoke highly of Hongtian, so why did he say that Hongtian had an insincere intention?

"This kid wanted to sneak attack me when he was teaching the exercises just now." Duan Shui Liu said angrily, but he didn't make his words so clear.

Immediately there was an uproar.

The brothers immediately remembered the time when they taught the exercises just now.

Hirota's weird movements.

At first I thought it was the process of imparting exercises, but from Duoshuiliu's words, it seemed that it was not that simple.

"Eldest brother is really not an ordinary person."

"That's right."

"I didn't expect him to hit the abacus on the master."

"Ruthless man!"

Juejuezi was stupid.

Seeing Hong Tian's eyes changed.

Is Hirota the one?
This is also hidden too deeply.

No wonder he is not interested in himself, he is looking at his father.

Subconsciously, Jue Juezi took two steps back.

"Throw this kid out for me, I won't have this apprentice after I cut off the water flow." With a big wave of his hand, the off water flow made a decision.

This son can't stay, he will suffer chaos if he should stop, staying in the gymnasium is a disaster, how can he hand over the gymnasium he worked so hard to build to this kind of person.

Several senior brothers started to lift Hongtian out and threw it beside the trash can outside the gymnasium.

It took several hours for Hong Tian to wake up. At this time, the effect of the medicine in his body had passed.

He leaned against the wall tremblingly and sat up, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Duan Shuiliu's palm was extremely heavy, and the true energy in his body was disturbed.

Even the realm that had just been stabilized showed signs of falling.

"How did this happen, what happened to me just now?" Hongtian's mind was in chaos.

Suddenly he realized something, feeling like he was drugged.

Because there is only one possibility, he will do such a gaffe.

But when was he drugged?

After thinking about it, Hongtian finally heard Song Youshu's bento.

"You Shu!"


"How could he do this to me?"

Hongtian didn't believe that Song Youshu would do such a thing.

Because Song Youshu did not do her any good.

But the facts are in front of him, and Hongtian can't help but not believe it.

"It must be the ghost of Youshu's family, only they don't want me to be with Youshu."

At this moment, Hongtian suddenly remembered a sentence Song Youshu said when he met Song Youshu before.

At that time, Hongtian asked Song Youshu that her bento this time seemed to be different from the previous ones.

Song Youshu told Hongtian that she used some special seasonings for this bento.

And the seasoning was given to her by a man named Song Chen.

Song Chen!

Hong Tian's eyes suddenly became bloody.

It must be Song Chen from the Song family who used Youshu to drug me.

You don't want me to get the inheritance of the Water-Banning Gym, and break up my marriage with Youshu.

"I didn't expect that there was such an insidious person in the Song family. Why have I never heard Youshu tell me that this person can plot against me in the island country in China." Hong Tian was shocked.

Even if he was beaten to death, he would never have imagined that the Song family had such a character.

This scheming is really too deep.

Using his trust in Youshu, he achieved the purpose of prescribing drugs.

If it was an ordinary person, Hongtian was confident that he would never be able to fall into this trick, but the person who gave the medicine was Song Youshu.

And this medicine is not poison, it is clear that the other party wants to use this method to warn him to stay away from Song Youshu.

"It seems that Lin Tian came from China. I heard that Lin Tian is the younger brother of the Song family in China. Could it be this person's younger brother?"

Thinking of this, Hong Tian couldn't help shivering.

Everything seems to make sense.

Lin Tian was sent by Song Chen to marry him.

In order to control the Song family of the island country in the hands of the Song family in Kyoto.

What a deep scheming, it turned out that Lin Tian was just a puppet, and the real boss Song Chen hid behind his back to control everything.


At this moment, Song Chen, who was far away in the port area, sneezed.

At this time Song Chen had been released from prison, but had not returned to the capital.

Instead, it was in a laboratory in the port area.

The laboratory is filled with various colorful test tubes and advanced instruments.

Song Chen rubbed his nose, wondering why he sneezed suddenly because he didn't have a cold.

Unable to figure out the reason, he immediately picked up the test tube and continued the experiment with full concentration.

During this time in prison, Song Chen also had adventures.

In prison he knew a tall man.

The expert had a good talk with him in detail.

Then he handed over the ability to make medicine to Song Chen.

I didn't expect Song Chen to be quite talented in this area. He has never graduated from junior high school, and he has a vivid memory of various medicinal formulas.

Of course, those medicines are not serious medicines, otherwise he wouldn't be so concerned.

In prison, he not only integrated the things taught by the experts, but even had the momentum of being better than blue.

After being released from prison, Song Chen immediately found a laboratory and began to carry out various practical operations.

At this time, Song Chen had obviously become a true medicine god.

"Brother Tian, ​​you wait for me. When I appear in front of your eyes again, you will definitely look at me with admiration." Song Chen said this with a smug smile on the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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