Chapter 24 System Mall
"System, what do you think of this poem?" Suning immediately called out the system and asked him to judge.

"Four points."

"Why? This poem has been passed down through the ages, how could it only have this score?"

"This poem is just an ordinary poem about things. It doesn't have any profound connotation and philosophy. It can be scored four points because of its prestige in the previous life. Otherwise, it will be two points."

"You are ruthless, King Luo Bin is about to cry because of you."

"Xiao Ningzi, what are you writing?" Yang Wenhao raised his head curiously and asked.


"Is this a poem? I can write a lot of this kind of thing casually." Yang Wenhao said arrogantly, stretching out his hand, "Here, I will take care of you with pen and ink."

Yang Zi threw a ballpoint pen at Yang Wenhao's face, "Just you, although this poem has no artistic conception, it is a very good poem about things. Let me give you some advice.

"Goose! Goose! Goose!" describes the beauty of the goose's sound, and also writes it through the comparison of "quxiang" and "to the sky", "white hair" and "green water", "anthurium" and "clear waves" The beauty of lines and colors of goose.

At the same time, the words "song", "floating" and "dial" also describe the dynamic beauty of the goose. The perfect combination of hearing and vision, static and dynamic, sound and color brings out the shape and spirit of the goose. "

"Hmph, you should watch it carefully." Yang Wenhao thought for a moment and then wrote,

"Ode to the Cat"

Meow, meow, meow, stretch your body.

The white one is like a fairy, and the orange one is full of fat. "

"Hey, how are you? Take it."

The two gave him a blank look, and Su Ning was also speechless, "It's a pity that you don't make a joke."

"What are you doing?" Wang Ya came over and asked.

"Teacher." The three of them greeted each other, and Yang Zi asked, "Teacher, why haven't you left yet?"

"It's my turn to ask you this. I saw that the classroom door was not locked, so I came over to take a look." Wang Ya looked at the table with a smile, "Who wrote this poem? It's not bad."

"Mr. Wang, which one are you talking about?" Yang Wenhao asked excitedly. Teacher Wang must be talking about my poems. Hmph, let you mock me because the teacher has eyesight.

"This Yong Goose is quite good, where did you find it? Why haven't I heard of it?"

Yang Wenhao was immediately shocked, "Teacher, this Yongmao is pretty good."

"'s quite funny."


Yang Zi and Suning burst out laughing, Wang Ya asked curiously, "What are you laughing at?"

Yang Zi explained: "Teacher, Brother Ning made up this song about the cat himself. As for the song about the goose, it was written by Brother Ning himself."

"Well, that's good. Keep up your hard work, but don't stay too late at school and go back early."

After Wang Ya finished speaking, she walked away quickly. As a teacher, she complained about the poems written by her students, which was too embarrassing.

Students need encouragement, um, pay more attention next time.

"How is it? Do you agree?" Yang Zi smiled triumphantly, as if she wrote Yong'e herself.

"Hmph, I don't agree. Maybe it's just that Teacher Wang doesn't like cats. The eyes of the masses are sharp. If we have the ability, we can post it on Weibo to compare."

"Just post it, and you will cry when the time comes."

Suning was excited by the two men, and out of nowhere he sent these two poems to Yang Wenhao to compete.

However, it's a pity that neither of them has many fans on Weibo, and no one reads it when they post it.

Suning shook his head, "Ying Goose didn't meet the standard, it seems that the requirements of the system are a bit high, let me see which poem I still remember."


Two orioles crowed in the green willows, and a group of egrets rose to the sky.

The window contains the snow for thousands of years in Xiling, and the gate is anchored by a boat thousands of miles away in Dongwu. "

"System, this is enough, right? This is Du Fu's poem. Isn't it enough for you?"

"6 points, open the system mall."

Suning was secretly happy, but what are the judging rules of this system?Why can't I understand it.

Suning did not open the system mall immediately because Yang Zi kept shaking Suning.

"Don't shake it, you're dizzy." Su Ning said speechlessly.

"Brother Ning, you are so powerful." Yang Zi shouted while hugging Suning's arm.

"It's okay, it's okay." Suning smiled, although he didn't reject this kind of plagiarism, after all, there were no such ancient poems that have been passed down through the ages in this world, and he carried them over by himself, continued to shine, and passed on through the ages. It's a good thing.But now Suning is still a bit thin-skinned.

Suning conveniently posted this quatrain on Weibo. Of course, the author was Suning.

In this world, this is what writes itself.


After returning home, after eating, Suning washed the dishes and walked straight back to the room.

At home, Yang Zi did all the housework at first, but after a day or two, Suning felt embarrassed and took the initiative to undertake part of the housework, such as washing dishes and cleaning together.

Yang Zi didn't bother Suning at this time, but was quietly doing her homework.

Since Suning likes to study, Yang Zi will accompany him to study. When he finishes studying, it is time for him to play.

Back in the room, Suning opened the system mall. The interface of the mall is very simple, divided into three categories: entertainment works, skills, and consumables.

Among them, there is a lock on the skill, and Suning asked curiously: "What's the matter with this lock?"

"Because the host has not drawn the skill training book, the skill bar in the mall has not been opened yet."

"Do you still want to draw a lottery?" Suning touched his chin. Regarding the system's lottery, Suning has also seen it. Suning has a lottery opportunity every month, and he can save it. Suning has already saved 24 draws, and then he can just do the tasks. Obtained, but in terms of tasks... there is no hope for the time being.

"The lottery will be drawn later, and the entertainment works will be opened first." Suning said.

""Fights Break Sphere" 10 RMB."

""Harry Potter Series" 100 million yuan."

""Three Hundred Tang Poems" 50 yuan."

"Three parts of "Selling Abductees", 20 RMB."

"The chronicle of "World of Warcraft" is 500 million RMB."

""World of Warcraft" fan material, 200 million yuan."


"Expensive, really expensive." Su Ning sighed, the sum of his private money is only 100 million, which is only enough to buy a copy of "Three Hundred Tang Poems". You must know that Suning has saved these private money for six full years.

Originally, he thought he was living a well-off life, but he didn't expect that this little money was not enough at all.

Then Suning decisively bought "Three Hundred Poems of the Tang Dynasty", which was not enough, and then spent 30 yuan to buy "Compendium of Song Ci", leaving only 20 yuan as an emergency.

He didn't use the card given by his uncle. After all, the money had consumption information. If he spent too much at one time, his uncle would definitely ask questions. However, it was hard to explain what he bought, so Suning decided that he needed to make some extra money. .

 Thanks to the blue hole real person for rewarding 100 starting coins.

(End of this chapter)

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