Master of the rivers and lakes

Chapter 664 My knife skills are not that bad...

Chapter 664 My knife skills are not that bad...

Yang Xu retracted the short sword and used a basic body-protecting sword technique. The cold light of the sword made Meng Shuanger have to change his move halfway.

Although Meng Shuang'er changed her tactics, she was already on the offensive and Yang Xu was on the defensive.

I saw that Meng Shuang'er's two hands formed palms, and the left and right palms came out frequently. The left palm used the basic palm technique, and the right palm used Gu Zhen's initial stunt, the Bibo palm technique.

I saw Meng Shuang'er making waves of palms, facing the gap between Yang Xu's moves, and greeted him.

This time, Meng Shuang'er used all her strength.

She danced her hands faster and faster, and Yang Xu, who was in it, felt Meng Shuang'er's palms slapping with both hands.

Facing Meng Shuang'er's hands dancing faster and faster, Yang Xu's defensive position at this time was really hard to be comprehensive.

In less than a few rounds, Yang Xu gradually fell into a disadvantage and gradually felt overwhelmed.

After being at a disadvantage, facing Meng Shuang'er's hands that are as fast as the wind, it is easy to have flaws.

Sure enough, as soon as Yang Xu opened his eyes, he saw Meng Shuang'er's figure change, and a figure slanted upwards.

Following the flash of her figure, Meng Shuang'er swung two palms incomparably swiftly.

The first palm stopped Yang Xu from swiping the knife, but the second palm hit Yang Xu's chest.

Yang Xu couldn't avoid this palm.

The wind from the palm came towards me, blowing Yang Xu's hair and making his clothes flutter.

But Meng Shuang'er's showy hand just stopped within half a finger's distance in front of Yang Xu's chest.

With Meng Shuang'er's stop, the competition came to an end.

Yang Xu looked down at Meng Shuang'er's delicate hands like catkins, and said with some regret, "Sure enough, I still lost."

Meng Shuang'er frowned, retracted her palm, and while rubbing her own beauty, said with a smile: "Shuang'er, thank you for your advice, brother."

At this time, Sun Keren also announced at the right time: "In the second round of Arena No. [-], No. [-] Meng Shuang'er wins."

With the results coming out, it means that the top four of Linshan Sect's first outer sect competition have been announced.

And such a result naturally caused discussions among many disciples.

"Sure enough, as I expected, Senior Sister Meng, Senior Brother Liang, and Senior Sister Jiang will definitely be the top three."

"That's what everyone thinks. Maybe there will be a little less support for Senior Sister Jiang at the beginning, but these few games have completely convinced me."

"Yes, Senior Sister Jiang's strength is too terrifying."

"I didn't expect Senior Brother Guo to be in the top four. Originally, I thought it would be good for Senior Brother Guo to be in the top eight."

"Senior Brother Guo actually performed exceptionally well."

"I reckon that Senior Brother Guo will be fourth at most. No matter who is drawn next, it will be great if he can win one of the three competitions."

"However, based on Senior Brother Guo's performance this time, the master should let Senior Brother Guo pass the assessment, right?"

"Very likely, you say, who else will pass the assessment?"

"Senior Brother Yang, I think it's very possible."

"Yes, the most likely ones are Senior Brother Yang and Senior Brother Guo. Senior Brother Guo has good grades, and Senior Brother Yang has strong strength."

"What about Senior Brother Ye?"

"Senior Brother Ye... Well, Senior Brother Ye should stay with us at the outer door."

"Hahaha, if you say that, you are not afraid of Senior Brother Ye teaching you a lesson."

"No way, what's the relationship between me and Senior Brother Ye? Can Senior Brother Ye beat me?
But to be honest, I think it's a bit difficult for Senior Brother Ye to pass the assessment of the head. "

"Do you think Senior Brother Ye's mistake some time ago will drag him down?"

"very likely to be."

"Isn't Senior Brother Guo the same?"

"But Senior Brother Guo's grades are good, the top four."

"Although apart from the top three, the bottom five will all have the chance to pass the assessment.

But according to the requirements of our head, I think it would be great if there is one person who meets the requirements. "

"Probably not. According to gossip, the sect master seems to intend to increase the number of inner sect disciples."

"Isn't there the daughter of the He family and the son of the Li family this time?
Adding the top three, that's five. Adding five at once is already a lot, and it is estimated that at most one more charge will be charged. "

"What you said is also reasonable, but in the second outer sect competition, except for the top three among the top eight, the chances of others will be even greater."

"It just so happens that we haven't started for a long time. I hope that we can enter the top eight in the next outer door competition."

"Then we have to work hard. You see, Senior Sister Jiang is practicing martial arts almost all the time, which is why she is as strong as she is now. We are still too lazy."

"However, I think it will be difficult for us to be lazy in the future."

"Oh, what do you say?"

"Haven't you heard? The head is planning to become a sword-washing pavilion?"

"Wow, you're so well informed?"

"Senior brother Zhang accidentally slipped his tongue once, and I heard that Xijiange is in charge of managing our outer sect.

Once the Xijian Pavilion is established, Senior Brother Zhang will no longer be the only one teaching us martial arts and disciplining us like now. "

"Does that mean that the people who entered the inner sect will also enter the Xijian Pavilion this time?"

"It's not clear yet, let's wait until Xijian Pavilion is actually established.

Besides, why do we care so much? Isn’t it that we came to Laishan Sect to learn martial arts? Just do your own thing. "

"Not bad, not bad. It's best if you can enter the inner gate. If you can't get in, I have the idea of ​​going to Wentieyuan."

"That's not bad, isn't your father a blacksmith? If you really can't get into the inner door, this is also a good choice."


While the outside disciples were chatting with each other below the arena, Meng Shuang'er and Yang Xu were listening to Gu Zhen's 'teaching' above the arena.

I just heard Gu Zhen say to Yang Xu: "Through this battle, you must be aware of your shortcomings in body skills."

Yang Xu said: "Disciple is ashamed."

Gu Zhen said: "It doesn't matter if you say you are ashamed, it is true if you feel ashamed in your heart. I hope you will work more on your body skills in the future.

In terms of swordsmanship, it is not advisable to have brute strength. You should ask Qiye for advice on this point. "

Yang Xu said: "The disciple is taught."

Then Gu Zhen turned to look at Meng Shuang'er and said, "Shuang'er, I've said your question many times, and sometimes your moves are too childish.

I know it's your personality, but it's likely to hinder your growth in the future. "

Meng Shuang'er said: "Master, this disciple knows it's wrong. This disciple has already tried to adjust it, but unconsciously..."

Gu Zhen said with a smile: "This is not something that happens overnight, as long as you have the heart."

Meng Shuang'er smiled and said, "Yes, I understand."

After Meng Shuang'er finished speaking, Gu Zhen pointed at the two of them again and said, "Finally, what did you hit with a knife and a palm just now?
On weekdays, I said that I specialize in one method, but the other methods cannot be completely discarded, and then you two showed me this thing? "

Gu Zhen suddenly changed his face, and Yang Xu directly admitted his mistake: "What the master taught me is that the disciple knows his mistake."

And Meng Shuang'er stuck out her tongue, and said softly: "My sword skills are not that bad..."

(End of this chapter)

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