evolutionary science

Chapter 86 Vision

Chapter 86 Vision
The three areas are in steady progress, which makes Lin Fan feel a little proud. Besides, he is also looking for a small island.

His strength is also improving. After dealing with the poisonous snake, he found that his strength has improved, and his speed and observation ability have also improved.

Although he has not reached the level of superman, he is still much better than ordinary people. Now he can even kill a tiger with his bare hands. This is the change at the genetic level, which is why Lin Fan is very interested in genetic science.

He doesn't know whether silicon-based life forms need genes, but carbon-based life forms do need genes to regulate the structure of proteins, so a change like his is mostly a change at the genetic level.

A few days later, Professor Chen Sheng came over with his laboratory. Professor Chen Sheng came here this time in a more solemn way. Along with him, there are many journalists. These journalists are some big media , Unlike the previous small media, Lin Fan felt that it was necessary to answer the interviews of these big media, otherwise problems might arise.

"Professor Chen Sheng, we meet again. Welcome to our Halo Technology Company. From now on, you will be a part of Halo Technology Company. We will never treat you badly."

Professor Chen Sheng nodded here, and then said to Lin Fan.

"Our researchers are here, and the reporters outside will rely on you to deal with them. As for some equipment, they will be delivered one after another. Where is our laboratory now?"

Lin Fan's place has already been prepared, and a lot of temporary buildings have been built in the newly purchased piece of land. Although these buildings are relatively simple, they can only live there temporarily, and then build a new research building. A section of the research building needs to be redesigned.

He even said that he planned to use the fourth piece of open space exclusively for the construction of a research building. To put it bluntly, it was a biological laboratory, an integrated laboratory for research and experiments.

In this way, it will be convenient for him to operate, and if Professor Chen Sheng stays, then he can get permission, so he said to Professor Chen Sheng.

"Professor Chen Sheng, it's like this. You are temporarily living in our Halo Industrial Park. After entering here, special staff will take you in. The buildings inside may be a bit crude, but we plan to build a biological experiment building. The building is a newly designed building."

After hearing this sentence, Professor Chen Sheng's eyes lit up here. He is also very optimistic about the experimental building. If it can be designed according to their requirements, then it will be much easier to talk about.

"Then thank you for your hard work, Mr. Lin Fan. I will give you some advice then. As for how to design it, I have a lot of experience here. I have long wanted to build a brand new building for us to conduct research and experiments. ."

Lin Fan nodded, and then patted him on the shoulder. Professor Chen Sheng went in directly. After entering, Lin Fan and Sun Tianren went outside. After seeing Lin Fan, these reporters also walked up.

"Mr. Lin Fan, is Professor Chen Sheng coming this time to discuss with you? But I see that their personnel have come here. Is it planning to hold a large meeting?"

"Mr. Lin Fan, I got a gossip that Professor Chen Sheng plans to join your Halo Technology Company, is that true? If you really plan to join your Halo Technology Company, are you planning to make a big move with this strong alliance? ?”

"Mr. Lin Fan, we belong to Mango TV. I heard that you know kung fu here. Is this true?"

Lin Fan glanced at the person from Mango TV, then shook his head, and then answered a series of questions from them.

"Next, I will announce that Professor Chen Sheng intends to cooperate with us. That is to say, now Professor Chen Sheng has moved the laboratory to our Halo Science and Technology Park. The area you are in is the Halo Science and Technology Park."

Then everyone took pictures of the Halo Technology Park. They didn't know it had become a park before, but after being connected together, it seemed to be very huge.

"In addition, we will design a new office building at this location, and this office building will be tendered in the form of bidding. Of course, developers with experience in the design of biological experiment buildings can come and cooperate with us. Let's discuss."

After hearing this sentence, all the reporters clicked to take pictures, and Lin Fan left directly after dealing with these reporters.

Soon Lin Fan returned to his company, and saw Professor Chen Sheng constantly arranging scenes in that area. Although their newly built one-story house was a bit crude, it was barely usable.

"Professor Chen Sheng, stay here temporarily for now. I have already notified that a developer will come to discuss with us about building a building in a short time. Regarding this experimental building, you will have to make suggestions from it."

"Don't worry, I am very confident in this experimental building. We have this experimental building here, coupled with very strong funds, it may attract many biologists to come here. These biologists Coming here is a big help for us.”

Although he knows that Lin Fan is very powerful here, and that one person has the ability to rival a top laboratory, he always believes that there is strength in numbers, and that Lin Fan may be lucky enough to develop something, but if he wants to study a series of things persistently, Mistakes may occur.

It is indeed as he imagined, if a series of things is really developed by one person, it is a very troublesome thing. In this century, it is mainly relying on the team.

But in the last century, there were indeed some very powerful people. Whether it was Einstein, Schrödinger, or Bohr, they all researched a series of results by themselves, and their results have influenced basic science to this day. , and even basic science has not been able to break through until now.

But now it still depends on the team, so Lin Fan agreed to his idea without saying much. He only needs to take out some materials when the top team comes over, and then the results can be named in his own name, so why not Why not?And he intends to cultivate these talents, and he also wants to cultivate more talents in Huaxia.

After making these decisions, he then went to study, after all, research is his main daily life.

(End of this chapter)

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