evolutionary science

Chapter 44 Release

Chapter 44 Release
This is indeed the case. Lin Fan, the dream cat butler, is definitely one of the representatives of artificial intelligence, but he will never explicitly say that it is artificial intelligence.

He posted a video about Dream Cat Butler on the Internet. This video is the most widely circulated, and almost most people have seen this video.

Many people are very optimistic about this dream package housekeeper. After all, most people have seen Doraemon, and they are very envious of Doraemon in Doraemon. If this thing is like Doraemon If they have the ability, they don't mind buying one, even if it's for their own children, but often the actual publicity effect of certain products and the official release are very different.

However, this Halo company is different from other companies. Their battery technology alone shows that they are indeed a powerful company, so most people are still looking forward to it.

At this moment, the Halo company headquarters is also constantly studying how to hold a press conference, which media platforms to invite, and what to do after the press conference is held.

Soon they discussed a suitable method, and then invited basically all major platforms to attend their press conference. After all, this is their own press conference, and it must be treated with grandeur.

"Okay, you can arrange the next thing. The press conference will be held soon, and the time we gave is approaching soon."

They had previously confirmed the time for the press conference on the official website, and now they were just discussing countermeasures, and soon they drew up a whole set of methods.

Then they directly announced on the whole network that their press conference will be held soon. Many self-media and big media companies have received invitations from Halo Company. For these companies, they are very hot, and they are also A very difficult thing, unless it is a big brand.

Halo Company has not been established for a long time, so it is not considered a big brand, but Halo Company has a very good reputation in the entire industry, so under such circumstances, even if they are not invited, they will follow the popularity.

Time passed like this, and the day of the press conference had arrived. This morning, outside the press conference venue in Zhonghai City, there was almost a sea of ​​people. For them, this press conference was the first press release of Halo Company. meeting.

"I don't know what kind of surprise Halo will give us this time. I still remember the joint press conference of other mobile phone manufacturers before."

"Yes, that's true. You must know that the previous mobile phone conferences of several major manufacturers are really fresh in my memory. I didn't expect that this conference was promoted by this company that was not well-known before."

"Their company is different now. After owning this battery technology, I even heard that some relevant departments are looking for them to talk, hoping to reach a cooperation with them. After all, this battery technology is too shocking. "

The press conference was held as scheduled, and the venue was full of people. Then Sun Tianren stood directly on the stage. Next to Sun Tianren, Lin Fan was also here. Most of the people still knew Lin Fan.

Liu Binglan and Li Wanling are behind the scenes here. For them, they have their own work to do, and the four of them perform their own duties.

"Welcome everyone to the conference site of our Halo Company. This is the first press conference held by our Halo Company. It is our honor to be able to invite you..."

Sun Tianren showed his strong eloquence from the very beginning, but he was a bit stretched in terms of technique, so he gave a brief introduction and immediately passed the task to Lin Fan.

"Our Halo company has developed many products since its establishment, but the battery that you remember the most should be the previous battery. This is also a product we are very proud of, but the battery product is just a foreshadowing. A new product has been developed on the basis of electronic products, and you must have heard of it, that is our new generation product, Dream Cat Butler.”

So Lin Fan directly shone all the spotlights on this robot, he lifted the red cloth of this robot, and under the red cloth was a robot similar to Jingdong cat.

No matter from which angle you look at it, the workmanship of this robot is quite regular, but that’s all. For these media workers, they have seen many amazing press conferences. They were a little disappointed.

But Lin Fan didn't care about the gazes of these people, for him, he could do whatever he should.

"This is a new generation of intelligent robots. This intelligent robot can help you with anything. As long as you think about it, it can do everything for you..."

Soon Lin Fan started talking directly with this robot, and everyone listened intently, and soon they discovered that this robot was indeed somewhat beyond their expectations.

"In addition to having ordinary conversations with you, it can also conduct in-depth learning. He can answer all the knowledge you can retrieve on the Internet for you."

So Lin Fan directly asked this robot some more advanced questions, and even asked some things about advanced mathematics, and this robot was able to answer them fluently.

"In addition to being able to help you answer questions, it can also do anything, and its actions are quite rich, and it can complete any of your instructions."

After hearing this sentence, Lin Fan started to operate again. After a while, he found that this thing can complete many commands.

This robot is quite powerful, and it can handle Lin Fan's requirements under any command situation without dragging its feet at all.

The people below are also very restless. For them, does a robot really have such a function?Or is this person in charge of the Halo company specially designed it?

"The next step is to invite everyone to conduct a field test. I will randomly draw lots here, and those who are drawn will come up directly."

Then he started to draw lots randomly, and after a while, two people walked up. These two people are very well-known media workers, and they will never cheat. After coming to this stage, They were still very excited, they didn't expect to be drawn up.

(End of this chapter)

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