evolutionary science

Chapter 424 Practicing

Chapter 424 Practicing
It will take a long time to complete the task satisfactorily, so it must be done. If the task is not completed satisfactorily, it will be a very headache to say such a thing.

At least if Lin Fan believed in her so much, it would be unreasonable if she didn't complete the task, so no matter what, for a person like Lin Fan, it was impossible for him to have any other ideas, nor did he have any other ideas. , everything is Sun Tianren's own ideas here.

"Okay, if that's the case, then let's investigate the information completely now. I have some people in my hands. If I can investigate the information clearly, then maybe there will be a chance."

After arranging these people to go down, he immediately investigated all the problems clearly. If there is not even such a clear investigation, it would be unreasonable.

Lin Fan was also constantly researching at this time. He found that these things were actually buried deep in the soil. It would take a long time to investigate clearly. If these things could not be studied clearly, it might There will be some trouble.

But recently, no one has bothered him, so he has relaxed. If no one bothers him, then everything will be much easier to say. If there is no problem with such a thing, then what to do is how to do it.

"Time is definitely on my side, so under such a time situation, they should be on pins and needles. If I find out, I will definitely wipe them out if I inform Mr. Lin Fan. "

This is indeed the case, because Lin Fan has sent them over here to wipe out those people who controlled the island, so under such a situation, it is enough to explain some problems. A problem also needs to be investigated clearly. For him, such an opportunity is always rare.

Now those people are really impatient, they can't think of a way to break the situation, if there are some ways to break the situation, then they have already done so, so they basically have no way to break the situation so far.

"I don't know what to do. Anyway, if Lin Fan is discovered by him, then you will be unable to take your time here, so you have to understand such a complicated situation. If you really can't take it and go around, That would be even more of a headache.”

"Yeah, now we have to deal with all the opportunities. If we can't deal with all the opportunities, then we will be in a lot of trouble?"

"Don't worry, what I gave those people is all false news. Since it is false news, then in such a situation, you only need to understand it. There is no need to say more boring things, so that is the case , then you are well aware of such a thing.”

"False news can also be true. It's impossible to have no truth at all. As long as some of it is true and false, all this is very strange, so in any case, in such a situation, you You must understand."

"It is indeed the case. Some false news is always true. Therefore, I said such a true and false situation to confuse them, but I didn't expect them to be controlled in this way. Where is Lin Fan? Sure enough, the reputation is well-deserved, so our chances may be very small, so if the chances are very small now, then we will really have some troubles."

This is indeed the case. Their chances are very small so far. If they can escape Lin Fan's attack here, they would rather pay a part of the price, but sometimes you find that the attack here is not so easy It is possible to escape, so if this is the case, now the only thing to do is to take a slanted sword, and then directly cut off the source of everyone, so that they will be invincible, at least the other party will not find them so easily. It will take a while to discover them.

"Well, I will leave it to you to cut off the source. If you can't cut off the source, it will be really troublesome for us, so I hope you can understand such a thing."

They have been discussing here for a long time and plan to do this. If they don't do this, there is no chance at all, and it will become very complicated. Such a complicated situation is not acceptable to them, so In such a complicated situation now, just do what you want, you always have a chance, if you don't even have such a chance, how uncomfortable it will be.

Of course, they didn't know that Lin Fan didn't bother to do anything to them here. If he wanted to do something to them, he would have done it a long time ago, so he doesn't have this idea at all now. If that's the case, then he will let Sun Tianren directly This is also a training, to be able to hone all of his things, let him know what he should do.

During Sun Tianren's investigation, he had already discovered some situations. After discovering these situations, he relaxed. For Sun Tianren, he really did not expect that he had discovered some clues. For such a clue, he would If you can directly investigate what the other party wants to do, if you can directly investigate who the other party is or what power it is, then everything will be useful.

"Just grab this clue and go down to investigate immediately. I'm afraid that they will destroy all the evidence. If they destroy all the evidence, then such a thing will at least be detrimental to us. , so you should also understand that you have to deal with such an unfavorable thing."

After saying this to his own people, his people went out directly, and immediately dealt with all the things clearly, as long as these things were handled clearly, then everything would be useful .

When a person investigates, he must also do it according to his own requirements. If he can't investigate clearly, then it will be even more impossible to do according to his own requirements.

This time, we must investigate clearly, and then he will have the capital, at least he will be trusted by Sun Tianren, which is beneficial.

(End of this chapter)

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