evolutionary science

Chapter 41 Dream Cat Butler

Chapter 41 Dream Cat Butler

After all preparations were completed, Lin Fan went directly to his second production line. After arriving at his production line, he immediately had the materials brought over.

"What the hell are you producing? Is it really a robot?"

Sun Tianren is still a little skeptical here. For him, he has seen such a production line a lot, but if these things are combined, can such a robot be produced directly?Doesn't it need manual operation?
"Of course it's a robot."

"How can it be a fully automated workshop? You must know that if you can produce robots, you must have a very high-precision production workshop, and manual operations are also required."

Lin Fan explained this.

"It is true that manual operation is required, but at this stage, it is enough for me to operate alone. I don't need many people. After expanding production in the future, I will recruit some people here and let them operate.

After finishing speaking, Lin Fan went directly to this machine and made adjustments. This was the final adjustment. It took him less than an hour to complete the adjustments, and then he had someone directly put the raw materials into the feeding port.

So this production line started production directly. It is necessary to know that after the materials of these feed ports enter, a series of complicated and cumbersome processes such as processing and melting must be carried out.

During this period, Lin Fan was constantly wandering around, and it seemed to him that he knew this factory by heart, which shocked Sun Tianren very much.

Liu Binglan also came over at this time. Seeing Lin Fan constantly operating these huge machines, he felt very shocked. You must know that one person's strength is weak, and he can actually control such a large machine with one person's strength. In the production workshop, is he still human?

Lin Fan is considered a human being, but for him, his intelligence has been developed to a certain extent, so he is not too strong, but completing these tasks is a piece of cake.

It is not so easy to make a dream cat butler, many materials have to be re-made, but it is also very easy to have some equipment to help him complete it, including some smelting equipment and some Mold equipment.

In addition, some electronic circuit boards have to be re-made, and these electronic circuit boards must be re-etched, so he also bought some etching machines.

This production line cost him tens of millions, and it is a simple version. The Dream Cat Butler produced will definitely not be too delicate, and even somewhat shoddy in a sense. Of course, its internal parts are somewhat shoddy. As for the external structure, it still has to be done well and beautifully.

Although it is crudely manufactured, it also has very powerful capabilities under the blessing of artificial intelligence.

Therefore, as long as the appearance is passable, or even very good in appearance, he will not worry about selling it.

It took him about a day to produce a dream cat housekeeper, not because it is a production capacity that is too low, but because it is still a bit slow for him to operate alone, and it will be faster if he goes through the assembly line operation in the future The daily production capacity of this production line alone should be about 100 units.

Sun Tianren watched Lin Fan's operations like this, and he also felt a little distressed. For him, he also knew how precious these materials are. After using so many materials, only one robot was produced.

Seeing that Lin Fan was sweating profusely, he came to Lin Fan, and then saw this robot directly. After seeing this robot, he felt a little weird.

"Lin Fan, you are a robot. You look like one of those small robots that children play with, but you are probably more than one meter tall."

Lin Fan nodded. It was originally designed for children. Adults can also own one. It is even said that this is the family version. If you want to set up other things in the future, you only need to change its settings. The shape is enough, as for the core, it can be unchanged.

"Don't underestimate this robot, I will inject soul into it right away."

The plant soul that Lin Fan said is to let its artificial intelligence copy part of its own code and inject it into this robot, and then let it connect with its own artificial intelligence, which means that it can manage this dream cat housekeeper. .

It is even said that in the future, every Dream Cat Butler will be able to manage it through his own artificial intelligence, but he will not investigate other people's privacy or anything like that, which is meaningless.

"Is it so amazing?"

Although Sun Tianren trusted Lin Fan very much, after seeing this Dream Bao Guanjia, he also had a skeptical attitude.

"You can try it, no matter what you ask, it can answer fluently, and in addition, it can complete any command operation you have."

Although the dream cat butler has only two arms outside, there are 4 openings on the side of his waist. These 4 openings represent 4 hidden arms, which can be stretched out continuously.

This dream package housekeeper is almost exactly the same as the Doraemon, except that there are slight differences in appearance, but the core is completely different from the Doraemon.

Sun Tianren didn't quite believe it here, but after he tested it according to Lin Fan's request, he was immediately surprised, because he found that no matter what he asked, this robot could answer quickly, and the voice was very crisp and pleasant. .

"I don't believe it anymore, let me search for more difficult questions."

So he directly searched a lot of difficult questions, and found that this robot can also answer fluently. In addition, he also ordered this robot to complete a series of actions, and found that this robot can complete it smoothly.

After playing for half an hour, Sun Tianren said to Lin Fan in surprise.

"Is your thing really developed by us? Isn't this an artificial intelligence thing developed by IBM and other big companies?"

For Sun Tianren, he no longer knows how to express his inner thoughts. You must know that there are quite a few commands that the dream cat butler can understand. He can complete any command carefully, and it is not bad. help him do well.

Hearing Sun Tianren's words, Lin Fan nodded here.

"How about it? My robot is not bad. It can do most things instead of humans. That is to say, if you have this dream cat butler robot, you are equivalent to owning a Doraemon, except that you can't Apart from helping you conjure something, most of the other things can help."

(End of this chapter)

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