evolutionary science

Chapter 376 Maintenance

Chapter 376 Maintenance
He only knew that Lin Fan owned a robot, so if he owned a robot, he would have very powerful strength. He didn't know if Lin Fan had sent a robot this time. If he had sent a robot, then these Basically, people won't have any problems. If they come here before taking pictures, they will have more problems. But so far, it's not easy for him to ask questions. Could it be that he directly asked Lin Fan if he brought a robot with him?Doing so will only draw attention to yourself.

So if it attracts the attention of others now, it will be a very complicated situation, so it is absolutely impossible to attract the attention of others. Time has passed quickly, and those people inside do not know that the danger is coming. .

"After this time, we will leave this area. No one knows whether the enemy will find us. If they find us, they will no longer be able to conduct remote command, and they will not be able to send people out. This time We will leave Huaxia directly afterwards, there will be no problem."

"Yeah, after this time, we will leave Huaxia directly. There are problems with this, so it is a bit unreasonable, so everyone cheers up now, this may be our last supper.

He was indeed right in what he said at the last supper. Soon they were surrounded. After being surrounded, they were shocked. They didn't expect to be discovered so quickly. Could it be that someone betrayed them?However, this situation was quickly denied, because no one could find them at all, and they did not report their location to anyone.

So if it wasn't reported to anyone, how would they be found?It is unbelievable to say such a thing, anyway, there is no chance now, so all they can do is to fight hard and soon, I heard Sun Tianren say to them.

"What's the use of resisting now? You just need to listen to me now and go back with us. I promise I won't do anything to you. If I want to do something to you, it will be impossible. You have to believe me."

Hearing what they said was also hearing what Sun Tianren said, so he didn't believe it. After all, in such a situation, how could he not do something to himself?Now that I have come here, there is nothing to say, so I plan to fight to the death.

"It is absolutely impossible to do this. If we surrender, then they will deal with us soon. You should also understand that if we are allowed to attack us like this, then the ending will definitely be terrible. Miserable, so we must know about this matter."

"Yeah, there is absolutely no way to have the idea of ​​surrendering. Since we are surrounded, if we surrender, we will really seek our own death, so you must understand now."

After hearing this sentence, they also nodded here, and found that if they really surrendered now, they would still be looking for a dead end, so they took out their weapons, but his weapons had been disposed of by the cuttlefish robot before. It is basically useless to do so now, and soon they have discovered that these weapons have lost their effect, and they suddenly feel panicked.

"What's going on? Why has our weapon completely lost its function? Has someone tampered with our weapon? But this is impossible, and there is a problem with your maintenance."

However, under such circumstances, it is basically fatal. Lin Fan and his people quickly took out their weapons in the past, and then controlled them all. These people did not dare to resist at all. The words are easily wiped out. They don't know why such a situation happened, and Sun Tianren is also at a loss. For the people around him, they thought this time was a fierce battle, but they didn't expect that it would be so easy. Things have been dealt with, and they were basically wiped out by themselves without any resistance. This is simply an unbelievable thing.

"I don't know why you were wiped out by us without resistance, but you really wanted to do something to us before. Could it be that there is a problem with the weapon? Let's take a look at what happened to your weapon what is the problem."

Soon Sun Tianren took their weapons into his hands, and found that their weapons had been dealt with by others. Since they had been dealt with, they were really at a loss, but that's all That's all, I have such a strength, I can control them, but there will be a lot of casualties.

If this is the case now, it means safety, so they left this area soon, and then directly took them away. After taking them away, Lin Fan told Sun Tianren here.

"Thanks to you this time, without you, I would have faced them alone, but this time with you and me dealing with them together, we would have no problem, so don't underestimate yourself, you have a very powerful ability to me like this Without your support, I would not be able to do many things."

Although hearing Lin Fan's words, he knew that he was speaking politely, but for Shun Tian, ​​he felt very comfortable, because anyway, since Lin Fan had already said what he said, it really meant that Lin Fan trusted him very much , So in the current situation, since he trusts himself very much, he can't do other things.

"Don't worry, you can come to me directly if you have anything to do in the future, no matter where I am or what I'm doing, as long as you need it, you must come to me, if I can help you, I can't help you, I will try my best to help, so you should understand now."

"Don't worry, I also understand that if there is anything in the future, I will try my best to ask you for help, so don't worry, you can do what you want, and I won't have any other ideas of favoritism."

Soon he left this place, and those people were taken away in such a tragic way, they never knew how their weapons were disposed of, it was Lin Fan who disposed of their weapons here, and It had been dealt with several days ago. Even if they had maintained the weapon, they had also dealt with it in the same way. Therefore, it is not a human factor, and it is completely impossible to predict. It is not their fault.

(End of this chapter)

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