evolutionary science

Chapter 350 Rooted

Chapter 350 Rooted
These people don't know what happened, anyway, they feel that their ship is out of control, and then they headed to that place. It is really unbearable for such a situation, so under such a thing, their hearts All felt very scared.

"What happened? Why is this one of our ships out of control? Is there any irresistible reason? If this is the case, do you want to escape?"

If you want to abandon these ships and escape directly from this place, then there may be some troubles. Under such circumstances, their characters have not come over. If there is any threat, then it will be troublesome There are many.

"We can't escape now, we haven't received an order yet, so if we say escape now, what effect will it have? So since it has no effect, it is best not to escape, it will only become very complicated."

"It's true. Running away like this without any order would be a huge blow to us, so it's best not to do this. It really doesn't make any sense to do so."

So they discussed it, and then they didn't intend to run away, but the outcome is the same whether they run or not, Lin Fan naturally has his own ideas here, if these people run away, then he will be fine, as long as I will investigate the other party. Everyone's mobile phone has now become a source of information for myself, so it is also very important to know the content of their mobile phone under this situation.

Soon he has already investigated, and he knows which people are normal and did not do other things, and he also knows which people will be eliminated by himself, so in this case, there is already a choice, then It is a very normal thing. If there is no choice even in such a situation, it is a bit unreasonable.

Soon he used his artificial intelligence to control the media systems of these ships, and shouted at them through these media systems, letting them understand what the current situation is like.

"Listen, everyone is now concentrated on one boat. I know how many of you are there, so it is no problem to concentrate on one boat. The people whose names I named will be passed on to that one. There is no point. If you get the name, then you don’t need to go any further.”

After hearing this sentence, everyone felt a little unbelievable, because they didn't know who was controlling this media system. What's the point of such a situation?So he didn't quite understand it at all, but it's one thing not to understand it, and another thing in a situation like the present one, and this situation really surprised them, anyway, now that Such a thing has already happened, so it can only explain one situation, they are in a dangerous situation.

"Okay, now under such a situation, you must leave as the person I pointed out."

This is indeed the case. If they don't do this, then it is very likely that they will have some other doubts. It is impossible to tell them who will be eliminated directly and who will not be eliminated. If they do so If it happens, without exception, all of them will become very scary, so this situation is also very normal.

But seeing that they didn't just separate like this, Lin Fan was a little at a loss here. Although they didn't just separate like this, does it mean that they didn't operate according to their imagination at all, that is to say, they didn't think about it at all? What kind of thing will happen.

So when it comes to such a situation, they can only blame themselves, and they can't blame others at all. In any case, now that such a thing has happened, what needs to be done is to eliminate them all.

Since they wanted to die by themselves, they couldn't blame others. They gave them the warning they had already given, but they didn't do what they warned, so they chose death in a real sense.

So Lin Fan didn't have any other intentions, he directly eliminated these people to make an example, and only doing so would be considered better.

Seeing the sinking of some ships not far away is still visually shocking to Sun Tianren and the others. They don't know why such a situation happened, but it has indeed happened, so they are a little helpless.

"Lin Fan has no choice but to do this. If these people want to attack us, then there must be such a situation. Otherwise, there is no such situation. Wouldn't it be ridiculous."

"It's true, everyone, don't make jokes. On the contrary, it's for our sake. Those who want to attack us, if they don't eliminate them, they are likely to go out and betray us. No, so in the case of such a possibility, we have already made such a preparation, so we must have such a thought in our hearts."

The reason why Lin Fan trusted them was indeed such a situation. In any case, for them, what Lin Fan did was very normal. If this is the case, it means that some things are annoying. Here is their He is the backbone, so he believes in Lin Fan no matter what.

Trust is mutual. They trust Chen Feng, and Chen Feng also trusts them. They will not do any betrayal to each other. If they do, it is impossible anyway. So since You won't do such a betrayal, so just do what you have to do.

They soon realized what kind of power Lin Fan possessed. For them, they had never imagined that you would have such a powerful power when they came here. But so far, the strength Lin Fan has shown is no longer theirs. It is conceivable that Lin Fan's strength here is quite strong, so in the face of such a strong strength, everything is really exaggerated.

"Lin Fan, when are we going to go back? Or should we keep rooting here? If we keep rooting here, there is actually no need for this, so you should understand such a thing."

After hearing these words, Lin Fan nodded, and told them that there was really no need to root here.

(End of this chapter)

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