Chapter 164
So they discussed it and planned to catch Lucy when the time is right. As long as Lucy is caught, they will have a bargaining chip to negotiate with their father, so this is what they want to do One thing, so they discussed and planned to do it with Lin Fan.

You must know that the security work in Lin Fan's factory is not particularly strict, so there are still traces in their eyes, so they can easily investigate such a place where the security is relatively lax. .

At that time, they will be able to go in directly, so they are all discussing that they plan to wait a week later to investigate this place. Of course, Lin Fan doesn't know what they said they want to do. I'm working overtime to keep producing more of my mining robot.

That is, the cuttlefish robot. Once the cuttlefish robot is produced more, it can easily dig out all the minerals below the sea surface. Of course, it is impossible for him to get a cuttlefish robot to a place with more people. If you go to that location, it is very likely that you will be discovered, so that small island is the best and most suitable location.

Lucy has been very happy recently. For Lucy, besides chatting with Sun Tianren here, she is shopping with Liu Binglan. There is no danger in their shopping, and no one comes to her blindly.

Of course, it all depends on the positioning system that Lin Fan gave them. Lin Fan customized a positioning system for them. This positioning system is controlled by artificial intelligence, and then the cuttlefish robot is used to detect the surroundings.

Once danger is found, let them leave quickly from another route. They all wandered strictly according to Lin Fan's positioning system, and did not find any suspicious people, and no one attacked them, so In this case, they are also happy.

"Mr. Lin Fan, was he like this before? Now it seems that the desire to control is relatively strong. Even our standardized route requires us to follow his route. This is really unexpected to me. .”

Lucy really didn't expect that Lin Fan would actually make a positioning system for them, saying that it was for their benefit. In fact, he didn't know whether such a situation would really avoid some dangers. If he really had such an ability If so, wouldn't Mr. Lin Fan's place be too scary?

After hearing what Lucy said, Liu Binglan explained to her.

"Actually, I don't know why Lin Fan did this, but since he did this, he definitely has his own ideas. He was not a person with a strong desire to control before, so don't misunderstand him."

Lucy nodded after hearing Liu Binglan's words. Actually, Lucy had no other thoughts. Whether Lin Fan's control was strong or not, it had nothing to do with him. He even said that he liked such a feeling very much.

"Is there really danger now? Some of my brothers and sisters have been looking for trouble for me recently. We didn't meet them when we came out. It may be that this evasion system has worked."

Hearing what he said, Liu Binglan nodded and thought about it carefully, and found that it was indeed the case. Those people found themselves before and said that they wanted to hand over Lucy, so they might do something to Lucy .

Originally, he was unwilling to let Lucy go shopping in this place, but Lin Fan told them that it was okay, and then gave them a positioning system. According to the route avoided by this positioning system, they could not only finish shopping in Zhong Hai, but also They were able to avoid some other dangers and returned to their own factory smoothly, so they still felt very skeptical about whether Lin Fan could predict the future.

"Okay, anyway, since Mr. Lin Fan has already said that there is no problem, let's not say any more. According to what Mr. Lin Fan said, what we have to do is to take a rest first, and then we will send you Send it to Bisheng Technology Company, if you go to Bisheng Technology Company to take over everything in Bisheng Technology Company, it will be very useful to us."

"Don't worry, once I arrive at Bisheng Technology Company and take over everything in Bisheng Technology Company, then I will be able to feed back to you Halo Technology Company through Bisheng Technology Company. At that time, your Halo Technology Company will be very It’s amazing, so our mutual cooperation is also very useful to us. Mr. Lin Fan also understands this, so he came to help me. Of course, he is also a very kind person. I believe that if there is no In such a situation, he will also help me, after all, Mr. Lin Fan, you should also be clear about it."

As for what kind of person Lin Fan is, Liu Binglan actually knows very well. Before that, Lin Fan completely ignored the danger to save herself, so he also agrees with Lin Fan's quality, which is why he likes it very much. Lin Fan.

Lucy was also in danger here, and then she saved Lucy. Lin Fan also did it easily, so it should have nothing to do with it. Liu Binglan was very clear about this, and then she said to Lucy.

"To be honest, I was almost hit by a car before, and it was Lin Fan who saved me. If it wasn't for Lin Fan, then I would have been in great trouble, so Lin Fan is also my savior here, and he is yours too. The savior."

Lucy nodded. He didn't have any doubts about such a situation. According to Mr. Lin Fan's personality, it was really possible to do this, completely disregarding his own safety, and then come to save himself. Of course, Liu Binglan must have been relatively Weak and weak, so this is the true meaning. As for whether he has other ideas to help himself, he would rather believe that there is no.

Soon they returned to the factory. After returning to the factory, they did not find that there were some people watching them around. These people were all sent by Lucy's brothers and sisters. They were strictly observing Lucy. Every move.

Recently, they found that Lucy is indeed relatively easy to bypass their sight, and they don't know what's going on. They are very afraid that Lucy will return to Bisheng Technology Company like this. If Lucy returns to What Bisheng Technology said was a blow to them.

Seeing that he was back now, Lucy's brothers and sisters were ready to do it. They originally planned to wait a week before doing it, but now it seemed that it was too late.

(End of this chapter)

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