evolutionary science

Chapter 162 Trust

Chapter 162 Trust
Hearing Liu Binglan's words, Lucy nodded her head. For Lucy, it was true. If it wasn't for Lin Fan, she would never be where she is today, so she has to repay Lin Fan for what she said no matter what. , then she said to Lucy.

"Mr. Lin Fan, I will definitely repay him. When I go back and take over Bisheng Technology Company, Mr. Lin Fan will soon become a shareholder of our Bisheng Technology Company."

After hearing this, even Liu Binglan did not expect that Lucy would actually plan to take out the shares of Bisheng Technology Company. In this case, Lin Fan would be equivalent to having two companies. For Lin Fan, this is a good thing , Liu Binglan was very happy.

"Since you have this intention, I will tell Mr. Lin Fan on your behalf."

Then Liu Binglan bid farewell to Lucy, and soon came to Lin Fan. When she came to Lin Fan, Lin Fan was constantly reading. For Lin Fan, under normal circumstances, he was still used to reading. After all He feels that reading books is much more comfortable than directly reading some electronic books, but most of the time he still reads the electronic version. After all, the knowledge of the electronic version comes quickly, and he can look at ten lines at a glance without flipping through the book.

He put down the book in his hand, saw Liu Binglan, and asked Liu Binglan directly.

"Recently, the company's operations have been okay. It really made you suffer. I'm like a shopkeeper who throws his hands away."

After hearing Lin Fan's words, Liu Binglan didn't say much, and continued talking to Lin Fan.

"It's like this. Recently, everything in the company has been relatively good, but Lucy's sisters should have come to the door, and they were still in contact with me at the time, but I didn't agree with them. They wanted to bring Lucy to me. Get out, and promise me many favors."

After hearing this sentence, Lin Fan also nodded. In fact, he already knew through his cuttlefish robot. The cuttlefish robot can hide in secret, and then learn about this move, so what happened in the whole factory He knows it all.

Therefore, he also knew that Lucy's brothers and sisters had come here, and then found Liu Binglan, gave her a lot of benefits, and wanted her to give up Lucy, but Liu Binglan did not agree with their approach, so the two parties broke up unhappy .

"Lucy is a more important person to us. No matter whether it is public or private, we cannot let her be caught by those brothers and sisters. You understand this better than me, so there is no need to say more gone."

Liu Binglan nodded when she heard Lin Fan's words. For Liu Binglan, she also knew that it was absolutely impossible for Lucy to just hand it over. After all, Lucy was one of them and had lived with them for such a long time, so she said It is impossible to hand over Lucy just like this.

Even Lin Fan intends to take another look at the situation by himself. If possible, he will help Lucy himself. After all, Bisheng Technology Company is a key for him to open up new markets, so it is absolutely impossible to allow Lucy to just do it like this. Being attacked by his brothers and sisters does not exist in public or private.

"Okay, if that's the case, what is Lucy going to do? Are you going to do it now? Or will she do it after returning to Bisheng Technology Company for a while?"

"It's like this. Lucy didn't express her position, but she said that once she returns to Bisheng Technology Company, she may accept everything from her father. At that time, she is willing to give you part of the shares of Bisheng Technology Company. You What do you think?"

Lin Fan didn't expect that Lucy would think so. You must know that he didn't check the conversation between Lucy and Liu Binglan all the time before, so he didn't know what Lucy was thinking, but under the current situation, she was willing to give Just give it, if he doesn't accept it, it may arouse her suspicion or make her feel very disappointed, so he said to Liu Binglan.

"Well, no matter what she is willing to give, let her give these things. It is the same for me most of the time. I don't have any special ideas."

Then Liu Binglan nodded, and then left here. Soon he came to Lucy and told Lucy that no matter what Lucy did, they were very supportive, and Lucy was very happy. When going back, she still had to deal with her brothers and sisters first. If she couldn't deal with his brothers and sisters, it would be even more troublesome.

Some of her brothers and sisters may really attack her, because her brothers and sisters really have unscrupulous means to gain control of this company, and they have even temporarily united now, just because they threaten them , That's why they joined together, so Lucy felt very uncomfortable under such circumstances.

"Don't worry, they don't dare to attack you easily. After you stabilize, your father should take you back in person. Your brothers and sisters also understand that if your father trusts you, then you can only They can have a good relationship with you, otherwise, it is completely impossible to survive in that company, and they will be expelled by you at that time, they should understand this, so there is no need to say more."

Then Lucy nodded, since she had already said this, she could only believe it, and soon she left this place, and Liu Binglan didn't do anything else. For Liu Binglan, Recently, it is still necessary to prevent them from going slanted. If they go slanted, it will be quite troublesome.

At that time, if they attack Lucy secretly, then Lucy will not be able to bear it, so the best way for him is to let some people protect Lucy first. Of course, there will be no problem with these bodyguards protecting Lucy. After all, Lucy Xi is still inside her own factory. Besides, as long as Lucy doesn't walk around easily in the factory, there shouldn't be much problem.

In another location, that is to say, Lucy's brothers and sisters are gathering together at the moment, and they don't know what to do now. Lucy is tightly wrapped up by the Halo Company, and they The people who contacted the Halo Company wanted them to hand over Lucy, but they were unwilling to do so. It is conceivable what kind of status Lucy has in their hearts, so this is what makes them feel very uncomfortable a little bit.

"Now that Lucy seems to have won the trust of Halo Technology Corporation or Lin Fan, then we have lost the way we should have."

(End of this chapter)

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