evolutionary science

Chapter 148 Fearless

Chapter 148 Fearless
Such a situation can only show that he has nothing to do. If he really continues to move forward, he will probably contact Lin Fan and the others. From Xi's mouth, he already understood that the other party went out without a weapon, so he planned to control them when he had a large number of people and strength.

But before taking control, they still need to relax their vigilance, otherwise, they can't let them take it down without bloodshed, so he came directly to the bow on the boat, and then said to the people in front.

"But Mr. Lin Fan?"

"That's right, it's me, who are you?"

"I'm Arrizo, Lucy's older brother. I'm entrusted by Lucy this time, and I want to give you a few things. These things may be of great help to you."

"Oh, Lucy, is she here in person?"

"Lucy didn't come. She has some things to deal with recently, so she asked me to come."

"How did you know I came to this island?"

"It's simple, Lucy told me, and she said you told her."


Lin Fan just got together and chatted with him one after another, and then he realized that this Arrizo was not simple, and he had already covered the lie quietly.

But only Lin Fan knows that this Arrizo is a wolf-hearted thing, and even his own sister will be betrayed, so he can't trust him at all, so Lin Fan planned to let them come up first, and then put their ship on the boat. Get it under control.

The sailors on Lin Fan's side nodded when they heard Arrizer's words. Since Arrizer had no other ideas, they felt more relieved. What they were most afraid of was that Arrizer had other ideas. If Arrizer had other ideas, If Ruize has other ideas, then he really doesn’t know what to do?
Soon a group of them came up directly, which surprised the sailors all of a sudden, because they found that their number seemed to be more than their own, and they even took some things down.

These things have surveying and mapping instruments. Lin Fan was a little surprised to see the surveying and mapping instruments they brought down. He didn't expect them to be so well prepared. It seems that they have thought of some excuses, but how could they know that the weapons would suddenly disappear? Use, did they not intend to use weapons at first?

Anyway, after they came down, I would talk to Lucy in detail, and then he followed Arrizo directly and left this place.

The captain also came to Lin Fan at this moment, and then said to Lin Fan.

"Mr. Lin Fan, should we take out our weapons? The other party doesn't seem to be malicious, so we'd better hide our weapons so as not to frighten them."

But after Lin Fan heard his words, he said to them.

"There is no need to do this now. Holding weapons in your hands first is also a deterrent to them. Who knows if they will have other ideas. With so many people in their hands, they may attack us. There will be no weapons at that time." If we do, we will be quite passive and let all the sailors hold their weapons in their hands, so as to prevent them from attacking us."

Hearing these words, he nodded his head. The captain did not expect Lin Fan to be so thoughtful, so he sent a summons, telling everyone to take out the weapons in their hands, and then negotiate with them. .

Arrizo also saw a group of people approaching with weapons at this time, and his eyelids twitched. He didn't expect that Lin Fan and the others still had weapons, and after seeing their goodwill, they didn't intend to accept the weapons. In other words, the other party was still on guard, so Arrizo said to Lin Fan.

"Mr. Lin Fan, what does this mean?"

"Mr. Arrizo, don't be too surprised. The reason why we hold weapons in our hands is because it is more dangerous for us. There are some wild beasts here. If we don't have weapons, then we can't kill them." The beast was wiped out, so you can rest assured that we will not do anything to you."

After hearing these words, Arrizo wanted to say something else, but he couldn't, because he knew that if he asked Lin Fan to put these weapons away, he might immediately become suspicious, so there was no need to do so, even if it was If they were unsuccessful this time, there will be a next time. If Lin Fan really finds out their intentions clearly, there will be no next time.

"Mr. Lin Fan is indeed a powerful character. No wonder Lucy is so full of praise for you. She didn't expect you to be so fully prepared when you came here."

If he hadn't fully prepared, he wouldn't have let Arrizo go ashore at all, and would have wiped him out in the sea. The reason he let Arrizo go ashore was because he wasn't a threat.

"Okay, let's stop talking nonsense, take out the things Lucy asked you to bring, and let me see what good things he has for me."

After hearing this, Erize felt very difficult, because he had nothing else to give Lin Fan. The reason why he said this was because he wanted to shorten the relationship between the two parties. Now that Fan had said it, it was impossible for him not to do so, so he asked people to go to the boat to get things.

At this time, Lin Fan had already let his cuttlefish robot guard there. This person was wiped out immediately after entering, and he didn't come out for a long time after being wiped out, so Arrizo became suspicious.

"Go up and see what happened, why hasn't that guy come down for so long?"

So another person went up, but the same person did not come down after going up.

Lin Fan was a little impatient at this moment, and then said to him.

"Mr. Arrizo, what's going on? Is your person so incompetent?"

Arrizo's eyelids twitched. If anyone dared to say what he said elsewhere, he would destroy it no matter what.

But now they are on the weak side. If they say this, it is likely to cause some unnecessary troubles, so he will not do this. What he wants now is to see what happened above. So.

"I'll go up to see what's going on in person. If my people are lazy on the top, then I will never forgive you. So, Mr. Lin Fan, you should wait here for a while."

So soon he went up, and immediately felt very ugly after he went up, because he found that Lucy had been untied at some point, and then stood in front of him, looking at Lucy, Arrizo I thought it might be troublesome this time.

(End of this chapter)

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