evolutionary science

Chapter 144 Arrival

Chapter 144 Arrival
Lin Fan had already left the island at this moment, and nothing unusual happened after Lin Fan left. For Lin Fan or other people, nothing happened here.

They didn't encounter any special situation, just paused for a while before, and there was no pause after that, even Lin Fan didn't encounter any disaster, so everyone was very happy, unlike the last time when many crises appeared in front of them, This time it went smoothly, which was scary, of course, it was all due to Lin Fan, if Lin Fan hadn't told them several times to move their positions, they would have been in danger long ago.

At this moment, the captain and some people were leisurely drinking afternoon tea in the cab. At this moment, one of them got a piece of news and said to the captain.

"My God, Captain, it's actually in that sea area, that is, the sea area where we stopped before. Those pirates were wiped out, and they were wiped out at the same time. I don't know what happened. It's too much. It's scary."

After hearing what this person said, the captain looked at his mobile phone for a while, and suddenly felt profusely sweating. A guess emerged in his mind, so he explained to the others.

"Isn't this sea area the one we stayed in before? At that time, I wondered why Lin Fan wanted us to stay there, but now it seems that there are really other problems. Lin Fan seems to know that A piece of pirates will be wiped out, so we are allowed to stay there, what is going on? Why would Chen Fan know such a situation? This is simply too unbelievable."

"Yeah, I didn't expect such a situation to happen. Lin Fan seemed to be able to predict it in advance. Why could he predict such a situation in advance? So this is really confusing. not understand."

"No matter what we do, we must not reveal this matter. If we reveal this matter, it will cause huge troubles. Maybe even Mr. Lin Fan will encounter troubles here. We also know that we have lost Lin Fan. If it is not Fan, then we will also lose our backbone."

Hearing what the captain said, everyone nodded. To them, Lin Fan had indeed helped them escape many times, so it was absolutely impossible for them to have any problems entering the class. But then someone said to them .

"I think you are worrying too much here, because in my opinion, even if you report this kind of thing, it will not attract other people's attention. At most, they will think that there is indeed trouble, at most it is a little trouble, no It will attract too much attention. You have to know that after staying in that sea area for a while, can you be sure that Lin Fan did it? And does Lin Fan have such a case? Even if Lin Fan knows this news, so what? What about it? Can other people trouble him?"

Hearing what this sailor said, everyone relaxed. They knew that there was nothing wrong with what this man said. It was like saying these things without attracting other people's attention. It is really unreasonable to attract the attention of others after staying on that small island for a while.

"Well, we won't say much about anything else. Now everyone understands what to do. Mr. Lin Fan is definitely a very powerful character here, so don't worry about it. We just need to follow the original plan towards the It’s enough to move forward in the sea area.”

Then they headed towards the sea area of ​​​​the mountain as originally planned. Not long after, they had arrived at the small island. After arriving at the small island, Lin Fan breathed a sigh of relief. Generally speaking, if some problems really arise, he will most likely be investigated, but now it seems that there is no problem.

"Okay, let's all disperse now, or gather together. Let's build a log cabin, and then use this log cabin as a place of residence to temporarily stay on this small island for a month or so."

I told them before coming here, so they didn't feel any resistance. After all, Lin Fan promised them many things, so they didn't feel any resistance at all.

Then they went straight down and worked together to build a few cabins. The reason why they didn't rest on the boat was that some people were uncomfortable on the rickety boat.

Of course, some sailors are used to it, so they don't plan to live in a wooden house, because if they live in a wooden house, there may be some jackals, tigers, leopards or poisonous insects, which make them feel Very disgusting, so I didn't intend to do it.

At this moment, after Lin Fan dropped them, he was on the other side of the small island, and then he put his cuttlefish robot down. The cuttlefish robot investigated the surrounding area and sneaked in after finding no one. In the water, what they have to do is to first investigate whether there are other minerals around here.

Soon the cuttlefish robot dived directly, and the surrounding sea area was not very deep, so it didn't take long for the cuttlefish robot to dive into the bottom of the sea, and then it continued to explore the bottom of the sea. For the cuttlefish robot, there are a lot of sensors on its body , and can resist water pressure.

So the cuttlefish robot is basically invincible below the sea surface, but what Lin Fan didn't expect was that there are some other aggressive fishes around here, such as sharks, but these sharks are very harmful to the cuttlefish. The robot obviously didn't have any idea, but some small and big fish were aggressive towards the cuttlefish robot.

But they are destined to be in vain. After the cuttlefish robot finds that there is a fish attacking it, it will kill this fish at a fast speed, and then let it be eaten by other fish.

Soon the cuttlefish robot continued to investigate around here. It would take a few days for them to conduct a carpet search. Lin Fan stopped observing, and then came to these people, and then followed them to deal with the situation. These log cabins are spliced.

After about a while, they had built some cabins, and these cabins served as their temporary base, so the situation was relatively simple, but when their own high-rise buildings were built here in the future, then this would Become another tourist attraction.

(End of this chapter)

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