evolutionary science

Chapter 141 Bypass

Chapter 141 Bypass
Lin Fan said before that he met pirates on the island, which was quite a terrifying incident. For her, this incident really gave her some headaches, and then she found Lin Fan.

"Do you really want to leave this time? If you want to leave, it is best to get all the protection work done. If you don't do the protection work well, it will be really troublesome. If the time comes If we meet pirates again, it will be an unacceptable blow to us."

"Don't worry, I will bring enough people this time. After all, if I don't bring enough people, I won't leave so easily. Don't worry."

Liu Binglan didn't ask to go with him. For Liu Binglan, she knew that going with him was of no benefit, so she didn't mention this matter directly. Since Lin Fan was sure of going, let Lin Fan go alone. Just go.

Soon Lin Fan had already left this place, and then Sun Tianren also finished everything here, and after finishing everything, Sun Tianren said to Lin Fan.

"Going this time is dangerous, so we must keep it clear. We will try our best to help you when the time comes. If we can't contact you, it will be troublesome. If we go this time, if we really meet If it is troublesome, bypass it if you can, try not to do some meaningless things, such as those people before, if you want to protect them or save them, you can figure it out yourself."

Lin Fan nodded, and then told them not to send him off, and then proceeded to that beach with the original team. For those who went this time, they were also a little curious. If they dared to go to that place, even they would not dare to go there one after another. If they really met pirates again, even they would have a headache, so Lin Fan dared to go, which still made them feel very curious.

"Mr. Lin Fan is indeed one of the best capable people. If it weren't for such a powerful martial arts strategy, no one would be able to take the risk by himself, so Mr. Lin Fan really surprised me. .”

"Yes, Mr. Lin Fan said that we may encounter dangers this time, so let us be prepared, but he will rule out dangers as soon as possible. Mr. Lin Fan said that he has various abilities and can Those dangers were avoided."

"That's right, it was Mr. Lin Fan who avoided the danger before. Although he didn't say anything, I could still keenly guess that it was him. Otherwise, how could those pirates be wiped out so easily? But Lin Fan I don't know what kind of means Mr. Fan used, but since he belongs to a high-tech company, he may have extremely powerful technological means."

"We are all ordinary people who don't know any technological means, so we don't want to guess. We just need to know that there will be absolutely no problem following Mr. Lin Fan."

Lin Fan didn't pay attention to their words. It was basically impossible for Lin Fan to encounter any danger this time because he had already researched the new Shield Guard No. 2 and worked overtime before leaving. 10 were produced.

These 10 Shield Guards No. 2 can help him deal with everything. The reason why it is made into the shape of an octopus is because the shape of the octopus also has a very powerful ability to move on the seabed. In addition to the ability to move, Its offensive ability is also quite powerful.

If they meet pirates again, this time they really have to go forever. After all, not everyone is so patient. Lin Fan is not. Since he dared to do something to himself, he must bear the consequences.

They continued to move forward, and after walking for a short time, Lin Fan received a report from the artificial intelligence, which told him that there was a large storm ahead, which must be avoided, so Lin Fan came to the captain's room. place.

"There is a large area of ​​storm ahead. This area of ​​storm is gathering and will appear at that time, so we try to avoid that area as much as possible."

For the captain, he really did not expect that Lin Fan would come over and tell him such a thing. He would not believe it if the storm gathered. After all, the storm gathering would still be accompanied by some other problems. The storm gathered and was not reported by weather watches.

So he didn't know why Lin Fan knew there was a storm there, but in this situation, he could only follow Lin Fan's request. After all, Lin Fan had indeed saved them time and time again, so they went According to Lin Fan's request, he left from this place.

"Left full rudder, left full rudder, hurry up in this area, there will be a storm ahead, everyone leave quickly."

So they quickly bypassed this area, and Lin Fan also returned to his residence at this time. After a while, the captain was silent in his cab at this moment. It was really unexpected to him, Lin Fan What was said here actually came true.

There was indeed a storm not far away. This storm appeared without warning, and it was even a bit large. Under such circumstances, it would be quite dangerous for them to plunge into it. But now It seemed that such a situation did not occur, so he was still very curious, wondering why Lin Fan had such an ability.

"Mr. Lin Fan is really the most powerful person I have ever seen. You must know that no one knows that there will be a storm there, but Mr. Lin Fan knows it and let us avoid it. It really makes people feel a little emotional. "

"Yeah, I originally thought Mr. Lin Fan was just saying it casually, but I didn't expect that what Mr. Lin Fan said was actually true. This made me very curious. How could he know such a person? situation?"

"It doesn't matter, if the same situation happens again next time, then follow Mr. Lin Fan's request. After all, Mr. Lin Fan is indeed a mysterious person here."

This time they felt very shocked. For them, they did not expect that Lin Fan would be the first to know that there was a storm in that area, and he would be able to gain insight into the situation ahead without anyone warning. storm.

For Lin Fan, the artificial intelligence told him, otherwise he would not have known that there was a storm ahead, but the artificial intelligence could only tell him, so it can be regarded as his ability, because the artificial intelligence was originally developed by him.

(End of this chapter)

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