evolutionary science

Chapter 14 It's Easy To Say

Chapter 14 It's Easy To Say
For Lin Fan, he didn't come here just to frighten Professor Liu, he wanted to cooperate with Professor Liu, and he learned from the Internet that Professor Liu was researching graphene.

This is an emerging material. Graphene has extremely good properties, whether it is electrical conductivity, toughness, or strength, it can completely replace steel.

And the production method is relatively simple. You only need to stick it with adhesive tape to get off a layer of graphene. Of course, this is a laboratory method, and a large-scale production needs to find another way.

The reason why he is so keen on graphene is that graphene is a very good superconductor. If the angle of graphene is rotated to a certain extent, and then given room temperature, it will become a superconductor. This is a new research discovery.

Although it is said to be normal temperature, the meaning of this normal temperature is completely different from that of ordinary normal temperature. It is just normal temperature compared to absolute low temperature, and the temperature is also below zero.

But this means that it has a wide range of commercial uses and values, so now almost all research teams around the world are more enthusiastic about graphene materials.

Professor Liu's team is top-notch in the research of graphene materials, but it has fallen into a bottleneck. After discovering this, Lin Fan found Professor Liu.

"Professor Liu, I'll get straight to the point. I can make this thing. You can try it out for the specific effect."

Seeing Lin Fan's determined look, Professor Liu was very happy. For him, this thing is really a timely help. With this semiconductor super battery, he will be able to continuously supply power to his equipment. By then , no matter what kind of environment it is in, it can continue to conduct experiments.

Maybe it is easy to rotate the angle of graphene, and it can also be easily folded. They already have that technology, but they don't have those equipments. This is what has annoyed him recently. one point.

"Okay, if you can make it and have the battery life shown in your blueprint, no matter what kind of requirements you have, I will satisfy you here."

For him, he knew that Lin Fan had certain requirements here, otherwise he would not have come over to give him this information. He must want to get something from him.

"To be honest, I need your equipment support here, that is to say, if you want to make such a semiconductor super battery, you need very high-precision machine tools. I can get some of these machine tools, but some of them can only be obtained by you. In addition to this, the most critical point is the issue of materials, you must know that making this semiconductor super battery requires some special materials, and your laboratory can apply for these materials."

After hearing this sentence, Professor Liu frowned. For him, he can provide sophisticated instruments and equipment, but he wants to apply for some materials, but it is very strict. He needs to spend a certain amount of money here. time cost.

So he is thinking about whether he really wants to do this, but there seems to be no way out now. Under the circumstances that are clearly prohibited, if it is found that Professor Liu used these things to other people or other laboratories, then There will be many problems.

So he was struggling in his heart, and Lin Fan didn't say anything to persuade him at this time. For him, the decision is still in Professor Liu's own hands. If he dares to take the risk, he can research this kind of semiconductor super battery. , once the research is done, then you can apply upwards at that time, and you may be able to get strong support.

After all, Huaxia has always strongly supported this kind of technology industry. It will be very easy to apply for such experimental materials at that time, and it can even be purchased in large quantities, and then exclusively used for the production of this battery.

So what is missing now is a stepping stone, and if this super battery is researched, then this is the stepping stone, it depends on whether Professor Liu grasps this opportunity.

Just when Professor Liu was thinking about it, he was a little hesitant, and then he heard a knock on the door.

This is Professor Liu's private office. For him, no one usually comes in, and he has specially ordered not to disturb him on weekdays, but now someone knocks on the door, which makes him a little irritable.

"What are you doing? Didn't I tell you not to disturb me?"

But when he opened the door, he saw a woman in white clothes standing outside the door. Professor Liu's expression softened immediately after seeing this girl.

Lin Fan also saw this girl. To him, he really did not expect such a coincidence. This girl was the woman in white that he had rescued before.

The woman in white is named Liu Binglan, she is Professor Liu's granddaughter, she was very unlucky today, she almost got into a car accident on the way, if it wasn't for a handsome man who rescued her, she would be in trouble.

It's not that Liu Binglan doesn't obey the traffic lights, but because her grandfather has been feeling dizzy recently. She knows that her grandfather is busy all day, and has heart disease and high blood pressure, so she is very worried .

Some time before the almost accident, she received a call from the laboratory staff, saying that Professor Liu had started to feel dizzy again, so Liu Binglan rushed towards the laboratory, but almost encountered a car accident.

This made Liu Binglan want to cry for a while, but she held back her tears, and then continued to walk towards the laboratory. When she learned that her grandfather was not in the laboratory, she came to his grandfather's office, but pushed open the door Then, Liu Binglan saw a man not far from her grandfather, but a man, who happened to be the one who saved her before.

"Ah, why are you here?"

Liu Binglan immediately felt a little flustered here, as if she had done something wrong, when she saw Lin Fan, she felt a little ashamed.

Professor Liu also felt something strange about his granddaughter at this time.

"What? Do you know each other?"

Lin Fan nodded, then shook his head, and then said to Professor Liu.

"Ask her about the specifics."

Seeing Professor Liu's questioning gaze, Liu Binglan was a little ashamed. She walked in and closed the door, and then told her grandfather what happened.

"My goodness, so you saved my granddaughter, boy!"

"With a little effort, anyone will save it if it is changed."

Although Lin Fan said it lightly, Professor Liu here deeply understands that in such a situation, if someone is willing to take action, it is definitely because his brain is not bright. You must know that the speed of the car at that time was very fast. As a person, it is very likely that you will be hit by this car, and you will be killed or disabled if you hit it.

(End of this chapter)

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