evolutionary science

Chapter 125 Doubt

Chapter 125 Doubt
Shield Guard No. 1 is already very powerful and can completely wipe them out without any effort. Shield Guard No. 1 is now distributed around this car, and it is also on the five cars. The same is distributed with Shield Guard No. 5.

Through artificial intelligence, Lin Fan can connect with these Shield Guard No. 1. Lin Fan has already made a Bluetooth headset, and it is quite small. It can communicate with artificial intelligence in real time, as long as it can communicate with artificial intelligence If so, then what they are doing is in vain.

Seeing that Lin Fan had stopped doing anything, these people breathed a sigh of relief. They were afraid that Lin Fan would say something inexplicable here, which would arouse their hostility. This is the most troublesome thing, so it is quite of headaches.

But since Lin Fan shut up wisely, they wouldn't say much, and everyone underestimated Lin Fan. After all, Lin Fan didn't dare to say a word now, so it wasn't because he was incompetent. What is this?
Even if they were beaten, they would still say it, but they didn't expect Lin Fan to shut up. It seems that Lin Fan is not as powerful as imagined.

In another location, that is to say, after Sun Tianren and the others found out that Lin Fan had been taken away, they felt a little uncomfortable, because for him, he did not expect Lin Fan to be taken away like this.

"No, we have to save Lin Fan, because if we don't save Lin Fan, then we will be in trouble here, so the best way is to save Lin Fan, where is Lin Fan? Got an idea?"

They didn't have any clues. If they knew where Lin Fan was, they would have reported it long ago. But now that Lin Fan has been taken away, they don't have any location information on Lin Fan, so they want to know where Lin Fan is. Information is basically like an idiot's dream.

"There is no other way now, Lin Fan has been taken away, and we have no information about Lin Fan, so we can only be slaughtered by others. Now we can only hope that Lin Fan can be reborn or cause a miracle."

Lin Fan was following those people constantly moving forward. Not long after, it was already night. One could imagine how long they had been driving in this car, and recently they were trekking in remote places.

Because they know that if they take the main road, they are likely to be intercepted, and once they are intercepted, it will be more troublesome, so they all travel long distances in these places, and the purpose is very simple, just hoping to avoid these people examine.

Soon they found that they had reached this no-man's land, that is to say, there were basically no other people here, so they were relieved, but Lin Fan was the happiest when he saw this area .

Because for Lin Fan, this means that he basically doesn't have to worry too much. Here, he can eliminate these people through a series of things. As long as these people are eliminated, he can go on foot. Get out of this area.

After all, he still has a strong power. In the face of such a powerful force, it is feasible to go out by himself. The big deal is to stay on the mountain for a while. If you are thirsty, you can drink a little mountain spring. Grab some wild rabbits, he won't be wiped out for water and food anyway, so now's the time to do it.

His artificial intelligence immediately began to control these things to a certain extent, and quickly controlled this Shield Guard No. 1. After these Shield Guard No. 1 were controlled, they immediately The action started.

First of all, the 4 cars behind them swayed left and right in an instant, because he wiped out all the people in this car, and then the 4 cars collided together, and then the people in this car felt I was very surprised, because they didn't expect to go well, and now it is no man's land, and something happened to these 4 cars all at once.

"What happened? Why do these vehicles seem to have an accident? Could it be that they were so tired that they didn't drive? But this should not exist. We are all very nervous in this situation and can fall asleep. I don't believe it, is it your fault?"

So they immediately looked at Lin Fan. For them, such a thing was probably done by Lin Fan. If it was really done by Lin Fan, it would be quite troublesome. They really did such a thing without anyone noticing it, and it is very likely that they will be set up by Lin Fan.

"Lin Fan, is it you? If you dare to lie, then don't blame us."

Lin Fan shook his head here, expressing that he didn't know clearly, because he had been in this car all the time, hadn't gone out, and hadn't made any calls.

"Since I can't communicate with the outside world, it can't be me. You should understand this, so I don't need to say more."

Everyone looked at Lin Fan, and it was indeed as Lin Fan said, this time it was probably not him, if it was him, it would not be like this, so it should not be Lin Fan, since If it wasn't Lin Fan, then who was it?
Is it really because of some fatigue that caused their car accident?Then they stopped the car immediately. After all, if they don't stop now, the people in the 4 cars will not be saved.

After stopping quickly, Lin Fan understood that the time had come. For Lin Fan, he could not forgive the other party just like this. What he had to do was to eliminate the other party directly. Will not be soft-hearted.

So he immediately let some of his own shield guards No. 1 attack them. After these people went down, they couldn't come up again immediately. After being eliminated, Lin Fan breathed a sigh of relief.

Now the people in this car are irrelevant to him, and he will not have any burden if they are eliminated. After eliminating these people, he is thinking whether he can drive this car out, if he can drive this car If you go out with a car, it's much easier to say, if you don't drive this car, you can only go on foot.

But if you go out with this car, it is very likely to cause other troubles, and it will be difficult to explain at that time, so he planned to go out on foot. He immediately took his phone and headed towards the deep mountain not far away. go inside.

It's still far away from the city, but it doesn't matter at all, as long as he passes through this forest, he can reach a place with people. As long as there are people, there will be a road, and then there will be vehicles to take him out. It's not a big deal Giving a little money is nothing to do, and soon he came to this dense jungle.

(End of this chapter)

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