Datang started from being a salted fish

Chapter 95 This technology is really a fortress

Chapter 95 This technology is really a fortress
After leaving Chang'an City, Eunuch Zhang heaved a sigh of relief, and walked quickly to Wang Yin's side.

When he was in the city just now, he was able to stay away from a certain distance, pretending to eat up the crowd and hang far behind.

After all, if he and Wang Yin led a group of pigs across Chang'an City side by side, his Eunuch Zhang didn't have the courage. . .

When he reached a place where there were few pedestrians, Wang Yin took out the jeep with a wave, opened the door and signaled the prince to sit on it.

"This..." Eunuch Zhang was startled immediately, and subconsciously took a few steps back: "Uncle... are you... a fairy..."

People in ancient times were usually quite superstitious, especially people of his age, now seeing Wang Yin's legs shaking non-stop. . .

It's over, it's over, I was still wondering if the fairy's brain is broken, and the fairy can usually pinch and forget, so he won't find out, right?
Don't turn around and give me that once you get angry, it's unbearable. . .

"Okay, old Zhang, come up quickly." Wang Yin sighed helplessly, and said to Eunuch Zhang.

If it was someone else, Wang Yin would have been stuck in a traffic jam long ago. Just looking at Eunuch Zhang's age and stature, Wang Yin might be gone if he didn't catch his breath. . .

After complaining again in his heart that Li Shimin was unkind and made himself a living father, Wang Yin had to wait patiently for Eunuch Zhang.

After taking a few breaths, Eunuch Zhang found that there seemed to be no danger, so he got into the car tremblingly and sat on the back seat.

"Uncle, who is this?" Seeing Wang Yin tied himself up with something like a belt, Eunuch Zhang asked suspiciously.

Could it be that the immortal really knew what I was thinking just now?Now tie me up first and then torture me slowly?
Thinking of this, Eunuch Zhang's legs began to swing. . .

"You just know this is for protecting you." Wang Yin didn't bother to say so much, and sat in the cab and turned on the ignition.

The sudden roar of the engine startled the pigs, and they all stared at Wang Yin: "What's the situation, is this big guy going to eat us?"

"You go to the front and stand in line, just follow my orders and leave. If anyone disobeys after a while, let this thing eat him." Wang Yin simply took advantage of the situation and threatened.

After hearing the words, the pigs stood in line obediently and walked towards the front, while Wang Yin hung leisurely behind in his jeep.

Of course, it was not only the pigs who were frightened by the engine, but also Eunuch Zhang in the car.

"Uncle... Uncle... What kind of monster is this... Are we in his stomach now... Is this going to eat us..." Eunuch Zhang felt his teeth start to chatter.

Yes, yes, the immortal wants this monster to eat me up!I must have known what I thought before!

It's over!This old fate is explained here. . .

"Ah, ah, ah. This is not a monster. Well, you can understand it as a kind of carriage. Of course, this thing does not need a horse to pull it." Wang Yin looked at the pigs in front of him and said.

After hearing the words, Eunuch Zhang finally felt relieved. After all, if you think about it carefully, this uncle can't put himself in the monster alone, right?

Now that Wang Yin said that it was a horse-drawn carriage, he began to size it up curiously: he touched the seat, patted the door, and rubbed the glass on the window with his hand.

From the rearview mirror, Wang Yin saw Eunuch Zhang rubbing his face against the car window with a contented expression, and couldn't help shivering. . .

Let me wipe, this guy doesn't have any special hobbies, does he?

Thinking about it, this eunuch is an incomplete man after all, and after doing this for a long time, it is inevitable that he will be mentally twisted and develop some perverted hobbies. . .

Forget it, finish the work quickly and send him away, it's so creepy. . .

"Tsk tsk, this car is so comfortable to sit on, and the glass on the windows is so good! And it really doesn't need a horse to pull it! It's a pity that the speed is too slow, almost like walking..."

Wang Yinxin said: Nonsense, if you drive too fast, the pig will run away. . .

I met a few pedestrians on the road, and I was surprised to see so many pigs walking honestly. I was about to go up to see the excitement, but when I heard the roar ahead and saw the jeep, I immediately gave up the idea. Quickly turned around and ran away.

Good guy, is this a monster that wants to eat pigs?Fortunately, this monster runs slowly, and these pigs are not afraid.

And the monster just now seems to have eaten two people in its stomach?
"Turn left ahead."

"Turn right ahead."

"Turn right ahead."

. . . . . .

In this way, while directing the direction of the pigs, Wang Yin drove slowly behind, silently enduring Eunuch Zhang's nagging all the way.

Eunuch Zhang continued to show his curiosity towards the jeep, touching it and looking at it from time to time, or lying down by the window and looking at the scenery outside.

Sheung Shui Village

Seeing Wang Yin and Wang Yin who drove more than 100 pigs over, the villagers of Shangshui Village were all stunned: My dear, did we read that right, Uncle actually drove so many pigs here in person?And these pigs look very obedient?
"Okay, here we are." Wang Yin said to the pigs: "Go back with them obediently in a while, do you hear? You know what happens when you don't obey."

Seeing this scene, the villagers were completely Spartan: Uncle actually talked to a group of pigs?Oh my God, these pigs are nodding their heads!Really worthy of being a god, today is considered a long experience. . .

Wang Yin directed the villagers to select a pig each, and then looked at the additives in the mall.

F-20 Meat Pig Additive: Enhance the physique and disease resistance of meat pigs, greatly improve the taste of pork, and have no toxic or side effects to the human body. (After adding it to pig food, it can emit a scent that is fatal to pigs, so as to prevent picky eaters!)

"This amazing black technology product? I haven't heard of it before time travelling. The effect is so awesome..." Wang Yin couldn't help complaining secretly in his heart: "It's also a deadly fragrance? Co-authored with Nong Tuo Xiang and added it to Zhudu Like to eat? Uh... Well, it seems that pigs are meant to be eaten..."

After complaining, Wang Yin waved his hand and threw several large bags of additives on the ground: "We will divide these equally according to the number of pigs in a while, and add a little when feeding the pigs every day. These are exactly one month's worth."

After all, it was not the first time we met, and the villagers were not afraid of Wang Yin's teleportation, so they distributed the additives under Wang Erniu's command, and led the pigs home.

"Old Zhang, let's start." Wang Yin said something to Eunuch Zhang, and then took the lead and walked towards the first house.

Hearing this, Eunuch Zhang tightened his tool bag and followed him.

"Uncle." Seeing Wang Yin approaching, the family hurriedly saluted.

Wang Yin scanned the yard, and soon found his target.

I saw a new fence in the yard, surrounded by wooden stakes as thick as a child's arm, so there was no need to worry about the pigs running away.And the pig was lying lazily in a corner of the fence at the moment, moving its ears occasionally to prove that it was still alive. . .

"Uncle, this is also the first time our family has castrated this animal. I don't know if it is very different from a human. I am afraid that if the pig is in pain, it will rush in and hurt people. It is best to castrate it first. Hold it down." Eunuch Zhang said as he took off the tool bag and searched for tools.

"It makes sense." Wang Yin opened the gate of the fence and walked in, stretched his legs and kicked the pig under his feet.

"Why?" Pig asked aggrievedly.

"I'll take something from your body for you later, it might hurt a little bit, just bear with me, or you know what the consequences will be." Wang Yin said with a smile.

"Go get something? Am I going to be relieved so soon?" Pig blinked and looked at Wang Yin.

"I'm not going to kill you, but I'm going to cut the thing you have sex with the little sow." Wang Yin said to the pig: "Don't worry, I'm looking for an old hand, it shouldn't hurt."

"What?!" Zhu stood up when he heard that, and looked at Wang Yin angrily: "Pigs can be killed, but not humiliated! If you can't have sex with a sow in the future, I'd rather you beat me to death now!"

"Are you sure?" Wang Yin narrowed his eyes, stretched out his hands and clenched his fists.

"That... really doesn't hurt?" After weighing it over and over again, Zhu finally chose Congxin: "You didn't lie to me, did you?"

"Okay then, try to be gentle." After the pig finished speaking, he lay down on the ground, looking at Wang Yin with aggrieved eyes.

The couple couldn't help sighing at this scene: Uncle really deserves to be a god, you look at the piggy and obey. . . . . .

Wang Yin walked over and squatted on the ground and gently put his hand on the pig to prevent him from hurting others: "Old Zhang, you can work now."

Eunuch Zhang, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately came over with the processed tools, and stretched out his hand to touch under the pig's body a few times.

After finding the correct position, he put the knife on it and gestured, then squinted his eyes, raised the knife and dropped it.

Wang Yin looked at this posture: Oh, I really didn't see it, I knew I was a veteran just by looking at this precise and proficient movement, it seems that we misunderstood Lao Li~
"Uncle, it's done." Eunuch Zhang put away his knife and said to Wang Yin.

"Is this all right?" Wang Yin stretched his head to look, and couldn't help giving a thumbs up in his heart.

This technology is really a fortress!

(End of this chapter)

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