Chapter 87
Wang Yin took out a set of kitchen utensils and ordered several people to wash vegetables.

Taking advantage of the juncture of everyone's life, Wang Yin quietly used up the skill book.

Feeling the extra culinary knowledge in his mind, Wang Yin stretched out his hand to hold the kitchen knife, as if the kitchen knife was a part of his body, a sense of self-confidence arose spontaneously.

A strong self-confidence after reaching the pinnacle of one's own professional field.

"Yin Chui Si Ting~" Wang Yin reached out and touched the blade, feeling extremely friendly.

After several people washed the dishes, Wang Yin threw off his sleeves and started to work.

Intensive tuk-tuk sounds sounded in the kitchen, and the kitchen knife flew up and down to separate the fat meat from the lean meat and cut it into thin slices.

The five people stared at Wang Yin's action of chopping vegetables and froze there: the young master's knife skills are so good, and the speed is so fast that they can't keep up with their eyes. . .

After cutting the meat, Wang Yin poured the oil into the pot, and when the oil was hot, he put the fat meat into the pot and started frying.

"Now this cooking method is called stir-frying. First put the oil in the pot and wait until the oil is hot..." Wang Yin explained while frying the fatty meat.

With the flipping of the spatula, a strange fragrance penetrated into the noses of several people, and suddenly there was a sound of swallowing saliva in the room.

fragrant!It smells so good!Simply delicious!

Everyone twitched their noses fiercely, greedily inhaling the fragrance of vegetables in the air. . .

Seeing everyone like this, Wang Yin suddenly wanted to give Ya a shovel each, Taijir was embarrassed. . .

"Be serious!" Wang Yin tapped the iron pot with a shovel: "If anyone doesn't learn it in the end, then just wait for me!"

After the scaring was over, the effect was much better, and everyone suppressed the glutton in their stomachs and concentrated on learning.

After the color of the fat meat in the pot turns slightly yellow, put the lean meat into the pot, stir-fry until the meat slices turn white, then pour in the chopped green onion and spices.

As a result, Wang Yin made such a mess, the smell in the room became more intense, and several people felt that their saliva was about to flow down.

Too much to suffer. . .What the young master did was too tortured. . .

Especially cauliflower, oh no, it should be called green bamboo now, and I feel like my mouth is watering.

Um?Why are the corners of your mouth so cold?
Cui Zhu quietly wiped it with his sleeve, and found that the saliva really flowed out. . .

Finally, Wang Yin poured in the vegetables and stir-fried them over high heat. After the vegetables collapsed, sprinkle some salt and stir-fry evenly, and the dish was finished.

"Come on, let's all have a taste." Wang Yin pushed the chopsticks in front of everyone.

Hearing Wang Yin's words, the five impatiently picked up their chopsticks and picked them up. When the stir-fried dishes were eaten, their eyes widened instantly.

"Master, it's delicious!"

"It's so delicious!"

"I have never eaten such delicious food in my life!"

. . . . . .

"It seems that the God of Cookery skill book is really awesome!" Wang Yin admired the expressions of everyone with satisfaction, and took a bite with his chopsticks.

The taste is indeed much better than what the system sells, but the meat has a faint smell. . .

Wang Yin took another bite, and after tasting it, he found that it was still the same.

"Do you think this meat has a foul smell?" Wang Yin asked casually.

"Master, don't all pork taste like this?" Everyone looked at Wang Yin suspiciously.

"What's the situation?" Wang Yin looked confused, he remembered that the pork obviously didn't taste like this.

"System, what's the situation?" Wang Yin communicated with the system in his mind.

"Because the pigs in Datang are now black pigs, not the white pigs of later generations, and secondly, these pigs have not been castrated, so there is a smell." The system replied truthfully.

It turned out to be the case.

"Okay, you guys eat this dish." Seeing the five people staring at the dish and drooling, Wang Yin asked them to share.

After getting Wang Yin's approval, the five people immediately picked up chopsticks and started fighting.

That's right, the scene of several people grabbing food and fighting is almost the same now. . .

What surprised Wang Yin was that Cuizhu, the youngest girl, beat all the others and ate the most dishes. . .

Wang Yin couldn't help giving a thumbs up in his heart, and sighed sincerely: Sister, you are such a man!
"Okay, now you can try frying it yourself according to what I just taught you." After Wang Yin finished speaking, he took out a few sets of kitchen utensils and distributed them to them.

It was the first time for everyone to try it, and they were naturally not proficient in knife skills and cooking, so the first dish fell on the street without any accident.

Especially this salt, I just paid attention to the smell and didn't pay much attention to it, but now I realized what it was in my hand, and I was completely shocked.

Have you ever seen something as white as snow and salt?This is simply unheard of!
Especially Wang Jiu, this guy desperately put salt in the dishes, tears came out and he was still happy. . .

Fortunately, Wang Yin asked Jarvis to buy a lot of ingredients, so he could afford them to rush.After tossing and tossing for four or five times, Wang Yin tasted it and finally managed to swallow it.

But not for nothing.

The girl Cuizhu didn't expect to have some talent, and the dishes and taste were obviously higher than the other four.

"Today, your task before going to bed is to practice hard for me. These are your dinners." Wang Yin left after explaining.

"Yo, old Cheng, why are you here?" Seeing Cheng Yaojin walking in from the door, Wang Yin greeted him.

"Brother Yin."

"Brother Yin."

"Brother Yin."

"Your Majesty."

The Cheng family siblings came out and greeted Wang Yin.

"Didn't you tell your majesty the precautions for planting potatoes before, but you haven't given them until now. Didn't your majesty send me to ask you for it?" Cheng Yaojin said his intention.

"I'll write you a copy of this matter later." Wang Yin was busy with the restaurant these two days and forgot about it.

"What are you playing?" Cheng Yaojin was puzzled when he saw the servants practicing in the yard.

"Training waiters." Wang Yin replied casually.

"Waiter?...Huh? It smells so good!" Cheng Yaojin suddenly twitched his nose: "It smells so strong!"

Before Wang Yin could speak, Cheng Yaojin followed the smell and walked inside.

Wang Yin: Let me wipe, are you a dog nose?
When Cheng Yaojin entered the room where liquor was distilled, he almost went crazy with joy.

"There are so many immortal wines!" The guy walked around the room, even shamelessly put his face in front of the wine tank and sucked a few mouthfuls.

"Be careful if I fall and drown you." Wang Yin said venomously.

"Brother Yin, are you brewing immortal wine?" Cheng's siblings asked, wandering around the still.

"Huaiyu, is this the way to make this immortal wine?"

"Brother Huaiyu, what is the black needle inside this round thing for?"

"Brother Huaiyu, what is that thing you twisted for?"

. . . . . .

Cheng Lingxue didn't come close, but she moved two steps to a wine vat, dipped her hand in it while everyone was not paying attention, and then quickly stuck out her tongue to lick it.

Wow, what a delicious wine!It tastes similar to brother Yin's fairy wine.

"Chu Liang, Chu Bi, don't mess around!" Qin Huaiyu saw that the two men were about to operate, almost frightened out of their wits, and quickly stopped them.

Thinking again of the death method Wang Yin mentioned before, Qin Huaiyu suddenly had the urge to kill the two of them. . .

"Hiss~ good wine!" Cheng Yaojin directly picked up the water ladle and took a sip.

The three brothers of the Cheng family swallowed subconsciously when they saw their father enjoying himself.

"Wang Yin, you have so much wine, I think you won't mind if I take a few sips." Cheng Yaojin licked his face and took another sip.

"Old Cheng, do mosquitoes never bite your face?" Wang Yin said viciously.

"What do you mean?" Cheng Yaojin was stunned by Wang Yin's question: Why did you suddenly mention mosquitoes?
"Because the skin is too thick, it's useless." Wang Yin gave him a white look.

"Hahaha..." The three brothers laughed heartlessly when they heard Wang Yin's explanation.

Qin Huaiyu and Cheng Lingxue were quite reserved and did not laugh out loud, but their shoulders shook slightly.

"Then you agree." Hob Dao Cheng naturally didn't care about this kind of thing, and climbed up the pole.

"Okay, let's go." Wang Yin waved away a jar of distilled liquor, and took the lead to walk outside: "Huaiyu, you come too."

With the relationship between him and Cheng Yaojin, Wang Yin naturally didn't mind a mere meal of wine, and the few people in the kitchen practiced a lot of works, it would be a pity to waste it.

Cheng Yaojin and the others were completely unaware of being treated as guinea pigs, and followed them in a hurry.

As for the mission assigned by His Majesty?
Anyway, it is not a matter of a day or two for potatoes to grow out, it is not bad for a while, not bad for a while. . .

(End of this chapter)

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