Chapter 587

Then the group of Mohists were petrified collectively. . . . . .

Such a big stone just disappeared in front of them. . .

just this. . .

Gone. . .

The people who didn't believe in evil quickly rubbed their eyes and then quickly turned their heads, but when they looked over again, the place where the stone was originally was was still empty. . .

They could see clearly just now!
Wang Yin didn't use any props and didn't have any extra fancy moves, just snapped his fingers!
Besides, even with the help of props, it is impossible to wipe out such a large stone in an instant!

This Wang Yin didn't even move the place!

Could it be. . .Really fairy? !
This telekinesis is not just a trick or a trick as I and others think, but is it real? !
Everyone was unwilling to believe it, but the facts before them couldn't help but not believe it. . .

When they realized that Wang Yin was very likely to be an immortal, Juzi and the elders suddenly felt chills all over: We were provoking an immortal just now, is there anything more deadly than this? !At this time, don't think about the rise and rebirth of the Mo family. If he is unhappy and snaps his fingers, the whole Mo family will be gone. . .

Thinking of this, when Juzi and a group of elders looked at Wang Yin again, they all felt extremely guilty. They opened their mouths a few times but they still couldn't say anything. . .

It's useless to say anything at this time!

I can only wait and see how the immortal plans to deal with himself and others. . .

Also in a daze were the Mohist disciples around them, all of them stood there dumbfounded and lost their ability to think. . .

"I said it's very simple," Wang Yin snapped his fingers again, and then the boulder returned to its original position again.

Seeing that the stone was suddenly transformed again, everyone couldn't help but jump in their hearts: Although the stone didn't make any sound when it reappeared, it was like a thunderbolt in their hearts. . .

Is this a demon demonstrating? . .

Are we going to be dealt with next? . .

. . . . . .

Seeing a group of people successfully scared by him, Wang Yindang even winked at Cheng Lingxue.

The prestige of these people who want to kill Wang Yin is true to gain the initiative in future cooperation, so why doesn't Wang Yin think so?

The difference is that the Mo family is planning to cooperate with Wang Yin, and Wang Yin is planning to use them to catch the strong men. . .

In Wang Yin's opinion, these dead house cats have been working on these inventions and creations all day in the corner of the mountain for so long, and they must be very high-spirited: after all, this is not to say that it is isolated from the world, and this kind of environment After staying for a long time, it is inevitable that some mentality such as "the boss is my second child" will easily arise. . .

They are all in this state of mind now, if Wang Yin directly uses them to arrest the strong men, it will definitely not work, and the gang of dead nerds will definitely resist by then.

That being the case, let them open their eyes and scare them, and then destroy them in their professional field!
I think this group of people will become much more honest when the time comes, and it will be much easier for them to do coolies. . .


"Okay, let's continue to look at other things." Wang Yindang even said to a group of frightened people, signaling them to continue to take him around.

Although it is necessary to scare them, it would be bad if they are really scared: how can they work for themselves when they are all scared? !

And if you don't continue to visit their inventions and creations, how can you destroy them in their professional field? !
"Oh...yes...yes..." Hearing what Wang Yin said, Juzi was the first to react, Dang even went to the front respectfully and led the way for Wang Yin: "Immortal, please."

It seems that the effect of Wang Yin's fright is pretty good. Now the little old man is obviously much more honest: although he was polite when talking to Wang Yin before, he was not respectful at all.

But now being so frightened by Wang Yin, the little old man immediately couldn't be more honest. . .

It's not okay to be dishonest!

Although Juzi was quite surprised that Wang Yin didn't pursue what he and others provoked just now, but this is already the best result, isn't it?

As for why Wang Yin didn't pursue this kind of matter, he didn't want to think about it anymore: as long as the immortal doesn't plan to clean up us, we will be thankful, no matter what he thinks!
The other remaining elders were also honest, and all of them stayed on the side obediently at this moment, not daring to say a word.

Although the others didn't say anything except that foolish elder Zhang, they were really laughing at Wang Yin just now. . . . .

As for the Mohist disciples around, they are still there as the background boards, and they haven't slowed down!
Even if a few of them recovered, they quickly lowered their heads and continued to work on the matter in hand, not daring to look at Wang Yin any more. . .

"Brother Yin, you are amazing!" Seeing that the group of people finally became honest, Cheng Lingxue happily praised while holding Wang Yin's hand.

And this girl played a trick at the moment: although her voice didn't seem loud, it was just enough for Juzi and the group of elders to hear her.

When everyone heard the words, they immediately felt pain in their hearts: As expected of Duke Lu's daughter, this is not a fuel-efficient lamp!You just slapped our old face hard again!
But no matter how bad Cheng Lingxue made them face them, they could only grit their teeth and bear it. Not only did they have to bear it, but they also had to smile apologetically. . .

Seeing that the group of elders were all sincere, Chen Qing curled his lips: I told you all just now, but you didn't believe it, especially Elder Zhang, you fucking jumped out to make trouble!The results of it?Scared now?Did the immortal scare you like this by performing a teleportation?Where is this?If you see him blinking, blocking the crossbow arrow and smashing the boulder with his fist behind him, I'm afraid it's you

Are we all scared to pee? !
Chen Qingna, the elder of this gang, has very strong opinions!
I had been telling them for a long time before, but none of them believed them. Although they said they knew it, they looked at me as if they were looking at an idiot!
The results of it?Who is the second idiot now?ah? !

Especially that Elder Zhang, I stopped him just now, and he was trying to die with all his might!
Are you honest now? !
It seems that this has nothing to do with Juzi, but Chen Qing also has a bit of resentment towards Juzi: He dared to bet with his head that it was definitely Juzi who ordered Elder Zhang to come out and do things just now!Most of the achievements were figured out by Xia Jiba after he left!
(End of this chapter)

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