Chapter 581
"I said, you Mohists don't intend to rebel, do you?" Thinking of this, Wang Yin immediately looked at the man suspiciously: "There are so many traps, there are mountain gates, secret passages, and labyrinths, is it necessary to toss so hard? "

"The fairy's words are serious!" The man's head suddenly became dizzy when he heard it: "We are only here to protect ourselves..."

At this moment, the man wanted to scold his mother in his heart: Master!Why do you dare to say anything? !Fortunately, there is no one else in the Mo family's territory, otherwise I would have been killed by you. . .You must have some virtue in your mouth. . .

Naturally, Wang Yin knew that the Mohists could not rebel or something. The so-called rebellion was just Wang Yin's complaints: it was really the Mohism's momentum. Even more indestructible!
Now Wang Yin seriously suspects that these Mohist people are really full and have nothing to do all day long. . .

"Immortal, madam, please follow me, otherwise you will easily lose your way in this enchantment array." The man warned the two and continued to lead the way.

"Isn't it just a maze, made so tall by you..." Wang Yin curled his lips in disdain.

"..." The man almost wanted to scold his mother. . .

This Wang Yin's mouth is simply too short. . .

"What the Immortal said is wrong." Maybe the man felt safe after leaving that dangerous passage, or maybe he was a master who cared about food and not fights, so he was a little distracted now: "This ecstasy formation was created by the descendants of the Mohist family in all dynasties. It took hundreds of years of hard work to complete, and its structure is far more complex than anyone can imagine."

The man said it more tactfully, but his pride and enthusiasm could not be concealed.

He couldn't help but stop doing this: just like what he said, the labyrinth was completed after more than 100 years of painstaking efforts of countless Mohists!Not to mention outsiders, even if you don't look at the unique marks of the Mohism hidden on the stone, you can't get out of it.

Speaking of which, these marks are indeed quite concealed: for example, a piece of withered grass on a stone or a few scattered pieces of gravel on the ground is the Mohist way of making marks, and these marks are often mixed with other withered grass and gravel. If they were not from the Mo family, they would be completely indistinguishable.

If an outsider really comes in, I am afraid that he will not be able to get out of this enchanted formation until he dies of hunger or thirst. In the end, he can only face his upcoming death in despair. . .

"Isn't this a bit overdone?" Wang Yin curled his lips again when he heard this: "Although this thing seems complicated, if you want to go out, there is still a way."

Hearing this, the man smiled at Wang Yin and said nothing more.

Although he didn't say anything, the embarrassment revealed by the mysterious confidence on his face couldn't be more obvious. . .

"Oh, I'll go!" Seeing that he was underestimated, Wang Yin immediately became upset: "Don't believe me, I can walk out of this mere maze in just a few minutes! Come on, come on, you Go and stay behind, I will lead the way!"

After Wang Yin finished speaking, he walked over in two steps and pulled the man aside, and then pulled Cheng Lingxue to lead the way.

"Small man, can't heal you anymore?" Wang Yin muttered while looking around: "I'm not bragging to you, I have played with these maze-like things before, and a mere maze can be given to you in minutes." You are broken!"

"Girl, I'm not bragging to you. To me, this thing is as simple as eating and drinking." Wang Yin did not forget to show off to Cheng Lingxue: "Brother will take you out right away."

"En!" Hearing what Wang Yin said, Cheng Lingxue quickly nodded in agreement: "Brother Yin is the most powerful!"

Since Wang Yin said it could be done, then in Cheng Lingxue's opinion, it must be so!

After all, Wang Yin is synonymous with omnipotence in her heart. . .

When the man saw Wang Yin's posture, he couldn't say anything more and could only follow behind silently: Forget it, since he wants to go around by himself, let's go around with him. . .

That's right, from the man's point of view, Wang Yin can only go around in the end. . .

5 minutes later
"Listen because of Chusi..." Wang Yin looked around and muttered: "It seems that this maze seems to be a bit difficult... This is just right, if it is too simple, it will seem boring. Brother likes to challenge difficult ones, That's what makes you feel accomplished!"

The man didn't speak when he saw this, but the corners of his mouth had already begun to curl up.

10 minutes later
"Hmm... It seems that the difficulty is not small?" Wang Yin frowned, feeling that the maze seemed a bit difficult: "It's time to show your true strength!"

"Brother Yin, you are the best!" Seeing this, Cheng Lingxue echoed again: "You will definitely be able to, I believe in you!"

The man still didn't say anything when he heard the words, but the smile on the corner of his mouth became stronger and stronger. . .

10 minutes later

"My lord, it seems I was careless!" Wang Yin frowned even more tightly: "There seems to be some tricks in this maze..."

In fact, Wang Yin knew that he was completely defeated this time. . .

He is now very convinced that he is really lost, and the complexity of this maze is completely beyond his imagination. . .

But just now I was full of boasting about being awesome, wouldn't it be embarrassing if I admit that I can't do it now?
Do you still want this old face?
Especially when his wife is still beside him!I can't even admit it!
Although strictly speaking Wang Yin is no longer a human being, there is no difference between Wang Yin and other men in terms of his desire to save face in front of his woman.

"Brother Yin..." Cheng Lingxue gently pulled Wang Yin's arm: "We seem to have been to this place before..."

Hearing Cheng Lingxue say this, Wang Yin's feeling of pain and depression became even stronger: Girl, of course I know. . .The problem is that I can't figure it out now. . .

"Immortal, why don't you let me come down and lead the way." At this moment, the man was sure that Wang Yin had rushed to the street, so he cupped his hands and asked for instructions.

Although it was quite refreshing to see Wang Yin, an immortal, deflated, but after all, there was something important to do, so he couldn't stay here forever, right? !

But this man ignored one thing, or he said it at the wrong time: Wang Yin is riding a tiger and is in trouble. How can he answer the question when he comes out and asks Wang Yin like this?If you really let him lead the way, wouldn't it be equivalent to admitting that you have failed? !joke!In front of his wife, can he admit that he has thrown himself into the street? !

This shows that this guy is probably single. . .

(End of this chapter)

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