Chapter 575
"What's wrong with you?" Wang Yin saw himself talking to him with a kind face, but the man completely ignored his intentions and immediately felt pain in his ass.

It's not that Wang Yin thinks that this person is putting on airs with him or something, because Wang Yin finds that there seems to be something wrong with this buddy's situation at the moment?

Is he afraid?
I'll go, isn't this guy sick?
At this moment, Wang Yin's thinking began to move closer to Cheng Lingxue: Why don't you turn around and let Uncle Sun show him?I don't know if Uncle Sun understands neurology. . .

"I'm fine...?" Seeing that Wang Yin really didn't intend to mess with himself, the man murmured in disbelief: "I don't have to die...?"

"Listen to me..." Seeing this, Wang Yin confirmed the speculation in his heart: "Brother, you are sick and need to be cured!"

"Great! I really don't have to die!" Seeing that his life was really not in danger, the man almost cried out of excitement.

"Why don't you persuade him to give up the treatment?" Wang Yin immediately looked at Cheng Lingxue with a painful expression on his face: "This is obviously a cancer stage..."

"It seems to be a bit abnormal..." Cheng Lingxue nodded seriously after hearing the words: "This person is quite pitiful... his brain is broken at a young age..."

"Immortal, I lost my composure!" After regaining his senses, the man hurriedly cupped his hands at Wang Yin and said excitedly, "Is it true what the Immortal said just now that he intends to improve the status of craftsmen?!"

Although this buddy was distracted just now, it's hard for him to remember what Wang Yin said. Looking at it like this, it might be a sign of a split. . .

"That's right!" Don't care if this buddy's brain is really wattless, since he asked Wang Yindang like this now, he nodded: "To be precise, as long as craftsmen can show the ability to change society, their status will come naturally at that time." will get taller."

"The ability to change society?..." Hearing what Wang Yin said, the expression on the man's face immediately became a little depressed again.

The current state of the Mohism is a problem for self-preservation. It is uncertain when the inheritance will be terminated, and what is the talk of changing society. . .

"Don't be so busy getting frustrated, just think about it..." Seeing that this buddy's expression was wrong, Wang Yin quickly said, "If this potato was brought out by your Mo family, then the common people will definitely be very grateful to you, right? Speaking of the common people, even Lao Li... His Majesty will thank you immediately, right? By then, the social status will be improved? Of course, I am only using soil now

Let me give you an example, but the essence is the same.In fact, you didn't find the right breakthrough point, you know?Now what you have to consider is not how to promote your own theories and the like, but actually come up with something that can benefit people.Otherwise, if you have nothing to say, it's useless to say more! "

"Huh?" Hearing what Wang Yin said, the man's eyes lit up suddenly.

At this moment, he felt that he seemed to have grasped some important points from Wang Yin's words, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed a little vague.

So he continued to look at Wang Yin expectantly, hoping that he would say something next.

Cheng Lingxue sighed immediately after seeing it: Yep, another one who was fooled into fainting. . .

"Right, that's the right way to think about it!" Looking at the man's expression, Wang Yin knew that the conversation had been smoothly integrated into his familiar rhythm, and Dang even continued to flicker: "If you don't do anything, people won't even bother to listen to you Why not? Only when you really come up with something that can actually benefit people, then what you say will have weight! For example, when you look back

Come up with a car that can run without a horse, and when the time comes when your Mohists say, "a cart can run without a horse", people will think it is right.Right?Because that's what it is!Wouldn't it be much easier to promote your own learning at that time?Wouldn't it be a matter of minutes to overthrow Confucianism? . . . . . . "

In this way, Wang Yin continued talking about Xia Jiba for more than ten minutes, and in the end, this buddy couldn't tell the difference between east, west, and north. . .

At this moment, there are only four words in his mind, "dry over Confucianism", in an infinite loop. . .

If Confucianism is overthrown, wouldn't Mohism become the number one school in the Tang Dynasty? !

What an honor!

But now it is difficult for the Mohists to protect themselves and even face the problem of inheritance and dynasties at any time. Is it possible to overthrow Confucianism and become the first school of the Tang Dynasty? !
It feels like a fool's dream. . .

Um. . .wait a minute. . .

The methods that Immortals said before to make things first and then promote the theory sound quite feasible, maybe it will really be ok by then?

Taking a step back, even if the great achievement of overthrowing Confucianism and becoming the first school in the Tang Dynasty cannot be accomplished, it would be great to be able to change the current situation of Mohism!

Isn’t that the purpose of my visit this time? !
Yes!As long as the current situation of Mohism can be changed and Mohism reappears in the eyes of the world, then it can develop slowly in the future!

Moreover, the Immortal also said before that he wanted to improve the status of craftsmen. It seems that the Immortal must attach great importance to craftsmen, otherwise he would not have been so aggressive in recruiting craftsmen to train them!

In this way, the immortal must have some effective and feasible method!
"I hope the immortal will give me some advice!" Thinking of this, the man became even more excited: "If the Mo family wants to grow and develop, I don't know how to implement it?"

"Before that, you have to answer my question first." Seeing that Yu'er took the bait, Wang Yin smiled even happier: "Can you represent the Mohist family? Or can your words represent the Mohisth?"

Hey!I am not afraid that you are curious, but I am afraid that you will ignore it!

Now that you've got the bait now, just wait and obediently do the work for me!
"This..." The man hesitated for a moment: "I came here this time to inquire with the immortals on behalf of the Mohist family. If you want to represent the Mohist family, you are naturally a giant..."

Wang Yin's meaning was also very obvious, he was asking himself if he was the boss of the Mo family.

I'm just a messenger, the boss is a ghost. . .

"Then what are you waiting for?" Wang Yindang immediately stood up: "Take me to meet your boss."

Outside Chang'an
"Immortal," the man cupped his hands at Wang Yin: "It's a long way to go, why don't the immortals go with us in a carriage..."

When he just left Wang Yin's house just now, he invited Wang Yin to get on the carriage once, but Wang Yin refused.

Since the immortal Wang Yin chose to walk, he naturally couldn't get into the carriage.

But now that it's all out of the city, if you continue to walk all the way, your legs will go weak. . .

"No need," Wang Yin waved his hand: "The carriage is too anti-human, you can still take my carriage for a while."

(End of this chapter)

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