Datang started from being a salted fish

Chapter 552 Whoever digs the hole will fill it

Chapter 552 Whoever digs the hole will fill it

Speaking of which, after the previous experiences, there are indeed some women's family members who think that their daughter has humiliated themselves, and they simply don't recognize her as a person, but such ones are only a minority after all.

Most of the parents still ran to Shangshui Village to see their daughters after hearing the news, planning to take them home.

This news was also released by Wang Yin, it would be the best if they could really let them go back to their home.

However, these women think that their experience has shamed their families and went back. They are resolutely unwilling to go home with their parents. The scene was once very sensational, hugging and crying, but in the end, only a very small number of women followed their parents. Back home, most of them stayed.

These parents have no choice but to come to see and relieve the pain of lovesickness when they finally miss their children. Besides, now that Wang Yin is covering their daughters, there will be no danger anymore, so there is no need to force them in the past. up.

Now they can only hope that their daughter can figure it out earlier and follow them home.

As for those parents who saw their daughters getting together with the bachelors in the village, they secretly breathed a sigh of relief: their daughters have experienced such things and want to find a good family again, and now they can get along with these bachelors It's not a bad thing if you see each other right, at least you can start a family, right?
And now the villagers of Shangshui Village live better than the people of Chang'an City, and their own daughter will not face the problem of suffering after marrying.

But in any case, these are at best small episodes, and it is an indisputable fact that these women still live in the cave, so Wang Yincai came up with the idea of ​​building a textile factory for them.

After all, with a textile factory, there must be a dormitory. At last, there will be a decent house to live in, right?
Moreover, based on the standard of Wang Yingai's dormitory, it is basically the same as the school's, which is much better than ordinary houses!

Of course, it's not just because of them that Wang Yin got this textile factory. Sooner or later, the textile factory will be produced, and they are now incidental.

The textile factory is much easier to say than the school, after all, the main part is basically a large factory building.The people from the Ministry of Industry had experience in building more complicated buildings such as schools and racetracks before, so it is naturally easy to build a textile factory now.

Even if Wang Yindang took out the design drawings for them to study, these professionals who have previous experience are much more proficient in looking at drawings and so on.

After seeing that they had no problems, Wang Yinze went to the Valley of the Evil to fetch a large amount of bricks and cement, enough for them to complete the project.

Speaking of which, after working overtime for the past few months, a lot of cement has indeed been produced. Even now that Chang'an City is vigorously building roads, there is still a large amount of reserves, even if Wang Yin took away the rest In fact, there are still many.

As for the red bricks, there are more!

Anyway, after the racecourse was completed, there was basically no place to use bricks. So many bricks could only be piled in the surrounding mountains and forests. When Wang Yin saw this, he simply took them all away.

After dealing with these matters, Wang Yin took Cheng Lingxue, the soy sauce girl, and left. The remaining wires and so on can be fixed after the construction is completed.

General House

"Brother Yin, you are so kind." Cheng Lingxue leaned into Wang Yin's arms, "Those girls have lived in the cave for so long, I thought you forgot about them, so you still remember it."

"They are stubborn and refuse to go home, and I can't help it." Thinking of this, Wang Yin has a headache: "I can only deal with them in this way first, and let the rest take a step to see... They are all victims. But you have to be discriminated against by the people around you..."

Thinking of this, Wang Yin is also at a loss. In some places before the time travel, they would be discriminated against by some people, let alone in ancient times?
Although the current Tang Dynasty is relatively open compared to some perverted dynasties, this kind of thing is still much more serious than before time travel.

"They are all a group of miserable people..." Cheng Lingxue said with emotion: "It's lucky that you rescued them, Brother Yin, otherwise..."

"Okay, don't be emotional." Wang Yin patted her on the shoulder: "There are too many miserable people in this world, and we can't handle it. Besides, this kind of work is Lao Li's job." , let's just be salted fish with peace of mind."

"Speaking of it, it seems that nothing will happen in a short time," Wang Yin touched his chin: "Let's continue to eat."

It's a pity that Wang Yin's idea of ​​continuing to salt fish only lasted for one night, and his idea was shattered with the arrival of Wang Gonggong the next day.

"Yo, old Wang, long time no see!" Seeing the warm greeting from the prince, Wang Yin, Cheng Lingxue obediently made a cup of tea and placed it on the table in front of the prince.

"Thanks to General Wang." The prince was flattered and hurriedly cupped his hands at the two: "Speaking of which, our family will be here to congratulate you two."

Although Wang Gonggong is the celebrity in front of Li Shimin, he is still not suitable for such an occasion as an engagement banquet, and he is usually busy serving Li Shimin and has no time to go out of the palace, so he has no time to congratulate the two of them until now. some.

"TOEFL TOEFL." Seeing that Wang Gonggong congratulated the two of them on their marriage, Wang Yin happily returned a salute, and then got to the point: "Old Wang, you are here this time, Lao Li, do you need me for anything? "

But in Wang Yin's opinion, it shouldn't be an important matter, otherwise Li Shimin would come running over by himself.

"Our family came here by holy order," the prince said, cupping his hands in the direction of the palace: "Last time, His Majesty assigned the land of Zheng's family to General Wang, but General Wang has not moved for a long time. ,so..."

Speaking of this matter, Li Shimin's blood hurts: After the Zheng family compound was assigned to Wang Yin, the kid didn't move for a long time, which led to the fact that it is still in ruins and a big pit. . .

Li Shimin saw that going on like this was not an option, this stuff really affected the appearance of Chang'an City too much!

So the prince was sent here today, and Li Shimin's meaning was obvious: You can deal with the mess you made, and you can fill in the holes you dug. . .

Speaking of which, in the past few months, the big pit at the Zheng family ruins can be regarded as a "beautiful landscape" in Chang'an City. Now that it's okay, there are still people running to watch. As for the dark psychology behind it, only they know up. . .

And if it weren't for the fact that the pit is too deep, I am afraid that many children would use it as a paradise!

(End of this chapter)

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