Chapter 544 Contracting
But it's okay if Li Shimin does something disgusting: for example, the officials from the DPRK and China went on strike collectively, or people from aristocratic families went to the enemy's country in packs.Before running away, make some turmoil or something, and continue to disgust people. . .

It's all possible!
Li Shimin's governance of the country is still inseparable from these aristocratic families for the time being. Besides, these aristocratic families have provided the people with many opportunities to work and support themselves, and many industries have also solved the daily needs of the people.

If the aristocratic family suddenly ran away collectively, then Datang must have messed up!
When the time comes when the aristocratic family is running away, they will create some turmoil by the way, which will make the chaos even more chaotic. . .

Although it can be suppressed in the end, but one more thing is worse than one less thing, isn't it?
After all, Li Shimin was holding back his energy and preparing to engage in Turks, and she didn't want to cause trouble.

Moreover, the impact of the family's collective escape on Datang's economic system and the like will not be able to recover in a short time.

Although Li Shimin may not know words like economic system, he still understands this truth!

After being frightened by Wang Yin last time, the reason why he chose to compromise instead of dismissing people in his own power or making things disgusting is mainly because he can't do Wang Yin!

If there is no Wang Yin and only Li Shimin, they can still play this game. At that time, Li Shimin will definitely be forced to agree to their own conditions; but now that they have Wang Yin, a pervert, they dare not do this. How will Li Shimin figure out a way so that these officials without their own power can still manage Datang well.

Although they were not sure that Wang Yin must have such a method, they couldn't afford to gamble: It's okay if they win by luck, but what if they lose?At that time, what I will lose will not only be the right to speak in the court. . .

Besides, without Wang Yin, they would not have fallen to this level. . .

Moreover, after Wang Yin messed with them, he didn't do anything harmful to their interests, at least these were within their acceptable range.

So the family did not make any extreme moves.

As for things like Wang Yin blackmailing them, painting a turtle on the face of the patriarch of the aristocratic family, and flying in the latrine. . .

At best it's a trifle. . .

Anyway, in their view, the current situation is still within the acceptable range. Since there is no injury, there is still hope of rising again!
Once this person has hope, naturally he won't mess around.

But if Wang Yin really forced the aristocratic family to pay for road repairs, then it would be back to what he said before: this is killing the aristocratic family!Naturally, it is impossible to agree.

"No, no, it's not what you think." Wang Yindang even shook his index finger: "Of course I can't just let them take the money for nothing. will do it."

"Then what do you mean...?" Li Shimin looked at Wang Yin curiously when he heard the words, subconsciously ignoring even his painful metaphor just now.

"That's simple. I'm going to contract out these road sections." Wang Yin knocked on the table: "For example, the road from Chang'an to Luozhou will be repaired by the Wang family. Traders need to pay a road user fee."

"Of course, it's just an analogy," Wang Yin added later: "As for which company will contract the contract at that time, it's all voluntary, and I won't interfere."

In fact, Wang Yin's idea is very simple, that is, it is similar to the meaning of the high-speed toll before crossing.

As for whether people will pay for it at that time, Wang Yin expressed that he is not worried at all!
"So it's like this..." Li Shimin frowned upon hearing the words: "But it's still inappropriate to say this? I'm afraid the common people will complain...and those businessmen won't agree, right?"

Li Shimin's worry is not unreasonable: Although the previous road was a bit broken, hasn't it been over for so many years?It's a bit inappropriate for you to suddenly charge money before, isn't it?Then we simply choose to continue on the previous path!

After all, in Li Shimin's opinion, Wang Yin's current state is a bit of a strong buy and sell. . .

"Naturally, the common people don't need to spend money to travel normally." Wang Yin smiled and explained: "After all, how much money can the common people bring? As for those merchants... this is not a problem either! Think about it , if this road is repaired, the time for them to go back and forth to do business can be greatly shortened, and the safety of the goods can also be guaranteed to a certain extent."

"That's it..." Li Shimin wasn't stupid in the first place, otherwise he wouldn't be able to be the emperor.

I didn't understand it before, but I didn't think about it for a while, but now after Wang Yin pointed it out, I figured it out quickly.

Just like what Wang Yin said, for example, if it takes a month to go back and forth from Chang'an to Luozhou now, then this time can be greatly shortened after changing to the cement road!

You must know that even the best official roads are just some dirt roads. If some road sections are in disrepair for a long time, it is really not ordinary bumps, and the speed of the road is naturally not much faster.

If the time to travel is greatly shortened after switching to cement roads, wouldn't the time saved be able to do more things?

What's more, if the transport is some fragile items such as glass or porcelain, it will be even more fatal. If it is really accidentally broken, the loss will be huge!
But if it is replaced by a cement road, this problem will not exist!

As far as the smoothness of the concrete road is concerned, as long as it is not a deadly mess, there is no possibility of damaging the porcelain or glass.

From this point of view, paying a road usage fee can greatly reduce this risk, so it is still a profit!
The premise is that the fee should not be too high, otherwise it will still cause public resentment.

"This seems to be feasible..." After thinking it over, Li Shimin nodded.

"However, at this stage, I plan to build the official road first. As for the other small roads, I will talk about it later." Wang Yin shook his head: "After all, road construction is a long-term job, and it is impossible to finish it all in one go."

At present, Wang Yin can only plan in this way. If the repair is done in one go, the manpower, material and financial resources will be exhausted, which is simply unrealistic!

Not to mention that there are not so many cement reserves at all, even if there are, there are not so many people to build roads!

Unless it's possible to get all the people in the Tang Dynasty to build roads, it's just that it's obviously impractical.

(End of this chapter)

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