Datang started from being a salted fish

Chapter 542 The Entire Tang Dynasty

Chapter 542 The Entire Tang Dynasty
Although Li Shimin was fed so much by Wang Yin that time, and finally he was helped into the carriage before going back, but Wang Yin was willing to let him use those new types of steel to make Li Shimin feel that the drink was worth it!
After returning home, Li Shimin immediately found Changsun Wuji and began to discuss the matter of making armor and weapons. Changsun Wuji naturally had no objections, so the matter was settled.

A large amount of steel was transported to the Military Weapons Department, and then slowly transformed into sheets of armor and bright battlefield weapons.

It's just that because current production relies entirely on finishing work, the efficiency is relatively slow.

Then it was busy with the popularization of looms and cotton.

That's right, later Wang Yin went to Li Shimin and asked him to promote things like cotton.

Although most of the land in ancient times was not in the hands of the common people, there were only a few lands owned by the common people, but this minority was only compared to before Wang Yin crossed.

After all, the population of Datang is too small!

And since the Quyuan plow was invented, Li Shimin encouraged the people to reclaim wasteland. As long as it is reclaimed by yourself, it is yours, and the state does not care!
This caused the people to rush outside to open new land when they had nothing to do, so that the Tang Dynasty had several percent more new farmland.

The current situation in Datang is basically the kind of lazy people who have more than ten acres of land at home. . .

And the output of potatoes is huge!
The yield per mu of these mutant varieties calculated by the system is seven to eight thousand catties!Even if the soil strength of the newly opened land is poor, it is like playing with him at least one acre of land!
What's more, now that the per capita land is more than ten mu, basically one crop is enough to eat for a long time. . .

Although eating potatoes will definitely make you tired, but at least there will be no such thing as starvation or starvation, right?

So this could not be happier for the people of Datang!
Now that the problem of eating has been solved, the next step is naturally the problem of dressing.

In Wang Yin's opinion, the feel of this linen was really bad, and it wasn't warm enough.Anyway, a potato crop only lasts for two months. The rest of the time is for them to grow cotton for fun.

Although no one from Li Shimin down to the common people knows the use of this thing to be planted, but with the precedent of potatoes, they have unconditional trust in what Wang Yin has come up with: we can just plant it if the immortal tells us to do it. , it must be a good thing anyway!Isn’t this potato a living example? !

As for the places where the potatoes have not been harvested and no results have been seen, it is even simpler: by the time the cotton seeds are popularized, the potatoes have already been harvested, and it is just time to strike while the iron is hot to popularize cotton.

After the three brothers learned that there was another escort mission, Dang even ran over excitedly and offered to recommend themselves, so they successfully won the escort mission again.

Although they were still only in charge of one state and county, this time the three brothers deliberately chose a place farther away.

I don't know if they were unlucky and the bandits didn't come out to work when they passed by, or the place they passed was so peaceful that they didn't meet a bandit once after more than ten days of departure.

The brothers who got involved were very depressed, and the task of escorting was also very boring: this kind of wind and sleeper is not comfortable staying in the school!
It's a pity that they have already taken this job, so they have to endure it even if it is boring.

If he ran back directly, the hat would be too big. . .

Generally speaking, everyone except Wang Yin is relatively busy this month.

Seeing Wang Yin suddenly come to him, Li Shimin started to think about Xiao Jiujiu again: This guy basically brings out some good things every time he comes, although there are occasionally one or two bad times, but there is no harm in it.I don't know what kind of surprise this time will bring me. . .

"Tell me, what's the matter with your kid coming here this time?" Li Shimin motioned Wang Yin to sit down and waited for his answer.

"Old Li, what do you think of the cement road in Shangshui Village?" Wang Yin asked leisurely as he sat opposite Li Shimin.

"Of course it's excellent!" Li Shimin nodded upon hearing this.

Ever since he saw the concrete road in Shangshui Village when he visited the school last time, Li Shimin's heart has been completely moved: the roads in this small village are better than Chang'an City, what's the matter? !You must know that it is Chang'an City!The core of Datang!

But at that time, the cement production was obviously not enough. If we hadn't worked overtime and opened many new kilns to speed up the firing, there might not even be enough to pave roads in Lantian County.

Later, Wang Yin kept asking to increase cement production, and the new kilns were opened one after another, and they have not stopped until now!

Of course, when the cement kiln was opened, the brick kiln was also opened, which led to the fact that the cement kiln and the brick kiln have now been opened to prefectures and counties outside Chang'an City. . .

Now the output is indeed enough. It stands to reason that it would be no problem to pave the roads of Chang'an City once.

But it's still the same sentence: Wang Yin didn't speak, and Li Shimin didn't dare to do anything on his own. . .

Although this kind of thing has happened not once or twice, but every time Li Shimin thinks of this situation, he feels a deep pain and helplessness: How can I say that I am the emperor!This emperor is too aggrieved. . .

But thinking of Wang Yin's abnormal strength, Li Shimin could only endure it no matter how aggrieved he was. . .

"Are you ready to continue building roads, kid?" Now that we've reached this point today, Li Shimin might as well test it out: "Speaking of which, the roads in Chang'an City really need to be repaired..."

"It's not just Chang'an City..." Wang Yin shook his head when he heard the words: "I'm going to start laying concrete roads around Chang'an City, and the goal is the entire Tang Dynasty!"

"The entire Tang Dynasty?" Wang Yin's words shocked Li Shimin.

Li Shimin originally thought that Wang Yin was planning to build roads for Chang'an City, but he didn't expect this kid to be so big-hearted!
However, after thinking about the benefits of road construction that Wang Yin had mentioned to him more than once before, such as 'If you want to get rich, you must first build roads', Li Shimin felt relieved.

"I thought you had forgotten all this because you were too lazy to stay at home every day." Li Shimin immediately made a joke: "I didn't expect you to still remember it?"

"Of course I remember." Wang Yin curled his lips when he heard the words: "It's just that I was busy building roads for Lantian County before, and the cement storage was not enough before."

"Since you can just fix it if you want, there's no need to come to me specifically to discuss it, right?" Hearing what Wang Yin said, Li Shimin said unhappily: "Anyway, my people are almost turning into workers for you. "

(End of this chapter)

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