Datang started from being a salted fish

Chapter 520 1 Everything is moving in the right direction

Chapter 520 Everything is Moving in a Good Direction
God knows how long it's been since they've eaten real salt, let alone this kind of snow salt that they can't even imagine? !
So most of the people in Chang'an City enjoyed the pain of happiness that day: they put too much salt and almost died. . .

All of them rolled their eyes and could only pour cold water fiercely. While pouring cold water, they expressed their gratitude to Wang Yin in their hearts, and then ran to Wang Yin's Longevity Archway and quickly burned a few sticks of incense. . .

This kind of top-quality snow salt is so cheap, in the eyes of the common people, there is no need to think about it, it must be made by the fairy Wang Yin!
Although the restaurants and so on that the immortals created before seem to be places where the rich consume and have nothing to do with us poor people, but didn’t the immortals also take out Quyuanli potato spinning machines and other things that benefit us? !

This is the real living fairy!

Immortals can come to our Datang, and the people of our Datang are completely out of it! ! !
As the saying goes, some people are happy and some are sad. The common people are happy, but those who sell salt are depressed. . .

In fact, it can be said that the aristocratic families are depressed, after all most of the salt shops are theirs. . .

Previously, Wang Yin made a loom and almost all the cloth shops in the West Market were closed, not to mention this time the snow salt was tossed out, and his own salt shops were closed in just a few days. . .

Sin! ! !
Why is Wang Yin so lingering? !
I can't live through this day, can I? !
. . . . . .

As a result, they hadn't finished complaining yet, and something that made them even more desperate happened the next day: Li Shimin's policy on strictly prohibiting the sale of private salt and unifying the price of salt was promulgated. . .

This time, the salt of the aristocratic family was completely thrown into their hands: they originally planned to sell the green salt in their hands to other counties and counties while the snow salt was not popularized, but as soon as the policy came out, the plan was a failure. . .

In the end, they could only obediently sell the green salt in their hands to Li Shimin with tears in their eyes and gritted their teeth.

After all, the aristocratic families are not like before, so they dare not play tricks with Li Shimin.

As for the price? . .From the tears of the aristocratic family, it can be seen that it must be so low that it can almost be ignored. . .

But the aristocratic families can't do it if they don't sell it: if they don't sell it, they won't get a penny!As for keeping it for food?Who the hell still eats this kind of mixed-flavored green salt when there is ten yuan a catty of snow salt? !

After the new government decree spread throughout the Tang Dynasty, the common people were also collectively confused: What's the situation, the salt will cost ten cents a catty in the future?Are you kidding us?

But when they found out that the salt in the salt shop designated by the government was five cents a catty, they were even more stupid: why the price was reduced by half again. . .

These five cents a catty of salt are exactly the green salt that Li Shimin bought from the aristocratic family at the beginning, so the price can't be more expensive than snow salt.

Although a new salt lake has been discovered before and they have been working overtime to make salt from the sun, but the current snow salt production is still not enough to supply the consumption of the entire Tang Dynasty. We can't just cut off the salt of the people, right?

In that case, it is really trying to force the people to rebel. . .

Strictly speaking, Li Shimin is losing money by doing this, but he is happy to lose money.

Two months later
Snow salt has basically become popular in the prefectures and counties around Chang'an City. If it spreads to the entire Tang Dynasty, it will probably take some time. After all, this kind of thing does not happen overnight.

Even so, Li Shimin is already very happy!

This situation was unimaginable before!To achieve such an achievement, Li Shimin almost woke up laughing from his dream!

Although it is true that this table salt was created by Wang Yin, the promotion of this matter was entirely facilitated by his own emperor. Now the people are extremely grateful to him as the emperor, and his reputation among the people has really skyrocketed. Great cut!

What is the purpose of working so hard to be a wise king?Isn't that what these things are? !
Otherwise, who the hell is still suffering and being a wise king? !
Not only that, Li Shimin was also very satisfied with the news about the locust plague that came back from various places.

Thanks to the poison provided by Wang Yin, the locust extermination plan progressed very smoothly.

Not only that, even Wang Yin underestimated the power of this locust happy ointment: when the troops sent to other states and counties to exterminate the locusts, there was a small accident, which caused the whole barrel of ointment to be exposed to the air. All of a sudden it changed. . .

Countless dense locusts frantically surrounded the iron bucket on the ground, until finally the sky was completely covered, and the whole village was completely surrounded by locusts!

To be exact, the entire village was filled with locusts. . .

The courtyard of every common people's home is full of densely packed locusts, and they are piled so high that they exceed the height of the roof. If the government hadn't sent people to rescue them in time, I'm afraid that the common people would be buried alive by the locusts. . .

This scene lasted for three full days and three nights, and finally stopped slowly until the entire village was completely submerged by locusts.

After that it was a long time digging for bugs. . .

Um. . .Also includes eating locusts. . .

When Li Shimin sent people to deliver these locust happy ointments, he passed on the news that locusts could be eaten.

At the beginning, the common people definitely didn’t dare to eat it, but after seeing the people sent by Li Shimin get a bunch of locusts to roast and eat, they believed it a little bit, and finally saw that the county magistrate and the elders all ate them, and they completely believed it up.

Although these officials were not voluntary, Li Shimin's order was there. . .

The way to eat is very simple, just put it on a skewer and roast it on the fire.

Although in Wang Yin's opinion, such a thing is simply unbearable, but in the eyes of the common people, it is a delicious mistake!
You know, this is meat!
Although it is a little weaker, it can't hold its fragrance!
What kind of insects are these locusts in the eyes of the people now?It's just food!

"You eat the grain in our fields, then we will eat you as grain!" The thoughts of the people are so simple.

It stands to reason that these locusts would return to normal and fly away after being paralyzed for a certain period of time, but I don't know if these locusts were overdosed on drugs or something, and they just kicked their legs back to the west one by one. . .

This saves the time for the people to arrest.

Although this kind of accident did not happen in other places, the way to deal with it is the same: eating a potato and a locust directly, it couldn't be more pleasant.

As for those who couldn't accept the locusts, they gnawed on the potatoes silently.

That's right, after the busy months before, potatoes have basically spread throughout the Tang Dynasty, and there are still a lot of rich ones that are thrown away and planted in the ground for the common people to eat, plus the government opened warehouses to release grain As well as some food tossed from the aristocratic family, it is enough for the common people to persist until the potatoes mature in two months.

(End of this chapter)

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