Datang started from being a salted fish

Chapter 491 The Warrior Yuan Tiangang

Chapter 491 The Warrior Yuan Tiangang

As for why their young master would eat this kind of food that would make people sick, it was not a question for them to consider: anyway, the young master is a fairy, so there must be a way for people to eat it.

Simply having nothing to do now, Li Tai simply told Wang Yin some questions or thoughts that he didn't understand usually: firstly, to help him clear up his confusion, and secondly, to divert his attention.

Otherwise, if he kept thinking about those locusts, Li Tai was afraid that he would faint from nausea. . .

If Wang Yin knew about some common-sense questions, he would help Li Tai solve them. If he didn't know, he would pretend to think and quickly open the search function to find the answer.

After finding the answer, Wang Yin explained it to Li Tai in a flickering manner, and finally succeeded in making Li Tai foolishly unable to find Bei, forgetting what he wanted to ask in the first place. . .

After all, Wang Yin found sadly that he didn't know how to answer most of Li Tai's questions, but in front of so many people, especially in front of Cheng Lingxue, how could he admit that he didn't know? !

Just kidding, do you want to save face?
And Wang Yin's method of fooling Li Tai is also very simple and rude: those who can find the answer can fool with the answer, those who read the answer and still don't understand it just say "let's think about it from another angle", and then directly Another question was thrown out for Li Tai to think about.

If one problem doesn't work, fix two, if two don't work, fix three!
Anyway, it will be considered a success when Li Tai has forgotten what question he was going to ask in the first place!
As for whether there is any connection between these problems, or what Li Tai thinks of himself after discovering that these problems are fundamentally wrong, Wang Yin said that it is not important anymore, anyway, he can still live here in a few years. Kid's. . .

"Qingque, you are already a mature child..." Wang Yin looked at Li Tai and said seriously: "It's time to learn to think independently, after all, I can't help you forever."

Hearing Wang Yin say this, Li Tai always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't remember the specific reason why he fell to the ground.

But soon he didn't have the time to think about it, because he saw Wang Yin's servants walking over with trays of locusts.

Seeing those locusts on the plate that are attractive in color and exuding bursts of fragrance, Li Tai felt his stomach tumbling for no reason, especially when he saw those short legs and clear barbs on his thighs, Li Tai felt the pain in front of his eyes. A little darkened. . .

"Come here, eat it while it's hot, it won't taste good after a while." Wang Yin took out a few pairs of chopsticks and distributed them to everyone, then he picked one up and threw it into his own mouth and started eating: "Crackpick Chicken flavor, this is Feel!"


Seeing Wang Yin eating those disgusting insects with relish, Li Tai finally couldn't help but fainted. . .

"Eh?" Wang Yin was immediately confused when he saw Li Tai throwing himself on the street: "Why did you faint?"

Li Shimin also became anxious when he saw this, Dang even prepared to step forward to check the situation.

My son's inexplicable fainting is not a good sign. Could it be something wrong that I don't know about?

"Don't panic, Your Majesty." Seeing this, Yuan Tiangang stretched out his hand to signal Li Shimin, and then put his hand on Li Tai's wrist.

Taoist priests these days are not just as simple as practicing Taoism: among other things, medical skills are more or less familiar. Although it is not a compulsory course, it is almost the same.

Furthermore, Yuan Tiangang and Sun Simiao were good friends. Although he was more enthusiastic about alchemy and medicine than Sun Simiao, who played medicine, it was trivial to simply take a pulse to see what was going on.

"Yuan Daochang, who is Qingque?" Li Shimin asked eagerly when he saw Yuan Tiangang retracting his hand after calling out the pulse.

"Your Majesty..." Yuan Tiangang looked at Li Shimin constipatedly: "His Royal Highness King Wei is fine, it may be that he hasn't had a good rest recently, Your Majesty can rest assured."

In fact, Yuan Tiangang lied.

Li Tai wasn't tired at all, but was actually scared. . .

Um. . .It's okay to say it's disgusting, but the meaning is pretty much the same. . .

Maybe because he often got involved in studying together, Yuan Tiangang subconsciously lied to save some face for Li Tai.

After all, it is not very honorable for the dignified prince to faint from disgust, even if he is surrounded by his own people. . .

"That's good, that's good..." Li Shimin finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, but then he frowned and told Yuan Tiangang: "I would like to ask Daoist Yuan to take care of Qingque, don't be exhausted body."

"The old man understands." Yuan Tiangang nodded at Li Shimin.

"Don't be dazed, hurry up and eat." Seeing that Li Tai was just fainted from exhaustion, Wang Yin was no longer worried, and then pointed to the locusts all over the table to signal to others.

"It looks pretty good." Seeing this, Yuan Tiangang stretched out his chopsticks and picked one up: "Then let the old man taste the taste of this locust today."

Although he knew that this stuff could be used as medicine, but it was usually dried and ground into powder and then added into it. This was the first time Yuan Tiangang had seen this way of eating, so he immediately became interested.

As for whether you dare to eat such a thing. . .

You must know that Yuan Tiangang is a professional alchemist, and he dares to 'stew' a lot of heavy metal ores that he doesn't know what will happen if he eats them, not to mention this little locust. . .

In fact, ever since he came into contact with chemistry, Yuan Tiangang was also afraid for a while when he thought that he used to eat those things that were comparable to poison every day. . .

Seeing Yuan Daochang eating these disgusting things, Li Shimin immediately felt bad, and the not-so-beautiful memories from before were brought back again.

"It's really delicious!" Yuan Tiangang's eyes lit up immediately after eating one: "I didn't expect this locust to be so delicious!"

"Since it's delicious, Uncle Yuan, you can eat more," Wang Yin was delighted when he saw this, "Anyway, there's still a lot, don't worry!"

"The old man is not polite." Yuan Tiangang smiled at Wang Yin, and then continued to eat.

"Is it really so delicious?" Li Shimin suddenly became confused when he saw Yuan Tiangang eating enthusiastically.

Li Shimin didn't find it strange that Wang Yin would mention eating locusts before. After all, in his opinion, whether Wang Yin was a fairy or a monster, he couldn't be regarded as a normal person.

So when Wang Yin said that locusts were delicious, Li Shimin was skeptical: You kid is not a human anyway, so you so-called delicious ghost knows what it tastes like. . .

(End of this chapter)

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