Datang started from being a salted fish

Chapter 487 Maybe It's Just Eating Too Much Salt

Chapter 487 Maybe It's Just Eating Too Much Salt
How are you feeling at this moment?
Do you have the desire to kill someone?

Li Shimin's mood at the moment is similar to this. . .

Almost in the mood to kill Wang Yin. . .

Made!If I can't handle you, I will definitely. . .must. . . . ! ! !
never mind!I will endure! ! !
"Okay, I'm so angry at such a young age, I'm not afraid of premature menopause." Looking at his expression, Wang Yin knew that he must not be in a very beautiful mood now, but Wang Yin has no time to care whether his mood is beautiful or not.

Wang Yin reckoned that Cheng Lingxue should have recovered a bit by now, and was going to have a look.

After all, in Wang Yin's view, the "children's affair" is more important than the trivial matter of "state affairs": anyway, the salt production is not too bad, isn't it?Go back and eat the locusts and do your research slowly.

Seeing Wang Yin turn around and walk out of the kitchen, Li Shimin also followed: Li Shimin has made up his mind, he won't leave if he can't ask today!

After all, there are too many previous convictions that Wang Yin forgets easily!
Let's not talk about the far away, isn't what happened today still vivid in my memory?The ghost knows if this kid will turn around and forget about it if he leaves!

Wang Yin's guess was right, at this moment Cheng Lingxue had indeed recovered, and she was sitting on the sofa in the hall having fun. . .

Although the BGM effect of the system blessing has passed, but this does not prevent Cheng Lingxue from continuing to be happy there.

After the BGM blessing function of the previous system, now Cheng Lingxue has a thorough understanding of the meaning of this song, and naturally understands the meaning of confession.

Thinking of Wang Yin confessing to himself in front of so many people today, Cheng Lingxue was so happy that he almost fainted. . .

Although Wang Yin also upgraded himself to a girlfriend before and the two of them usually get along very well, but that's all.

If you expect Wang Yin to say a love story or something, then don't think too much about it. . .

At most, he would slip in a sentence or a half when he was taking advantage of his lips, but it seemed that he had never been so serious and formal except the time when he sang "Fairy Tale" to himself before.

Today, Cheng Lingxue finally got his wish once.

Although Cheng Lingxue also knew that Wang Yin must have his own in his heart, but she definitely didn't mind listening to such sweet words.

The only thing that depressed her was that she clearly remembered that she was outside before, so why did she come home in a flash?

What happened after Brother Yin finished singing?

"Brother Yin?" Seeing Wang Yin coming out, Cheng Lingxue hurriedly greeted her. Just as she was about to ask Wang Yin in detail, her eyes happened to see Li Shimin who came out with a dark face behind her.

"See Your Majesty..." Seeing this, Cheng Lingxue quickly stood up and saluted Li Shimin respectfully.

As for the matter of asking Wang Yin, let's put it aside for now. Haven't you seen how His Majesty's face is turning black now?

Obviously now is not the right time.

As for why His Majesty's face became like this, then there is no need to think too much about it, it must be Brother Yin who did it. . .

Cheng Lingxue said that Li Shimin's face blackened by Wang Yin's anger has long been used to it, and it's not surprising. . .

Originally, Wang Yin saw that he had nothing to do now and was ready to get bored with Cheng Lingxue for a while, but Li Shimin couldn't let Cheng Lingxue let go here, and finally saw that Cheng Lingxue was so uncooperative with Wang Yin and had to let it go.

As for the question of driving Li Shimin away. . .

It's not that Wang Yin didn't dare or anything like that, it's just that when he saw his resentful little eyes, Wang Yin could only give up: Nima, why does this feel so much like the eyes of my husky and the food he wanted to eat before time travel? Woolen cloth. . .

In the end, Wang Yin saw that it was okay to be idle now anyway, so he decided to talk to Li Shimin about the specific method.

It's just that before Wang Yin could speak, Yuan Tiangang and Li Tai, a pair of high school bullies, suddenly came to visit.

As the saying goes, there is no book without a coincidence. It turns out that the two of them happened to read some knowledge about the purification of coarse salt and sun-dried salt in the book today.

You must know that these two are out-and-out Tang natives, and their understanding of the importance of salt is much deeper than that of Wang Yin!
When they first saw the method in the book, they almost fainted with excitement: Datang is really short of salt, and the quality of this salt is really bad!
Only through reading books did they know that those poor-quality coarse salt contains a lot of harmful chemicals, and people who eat this thing for a long time will have problems!

Even those better green salts also have this problem, but the situation is slightly better.

Um. . .And only slightly better. . .

Thinking that they were eating these poisonous things every day, both of them felt bad. . .

In fact, it is reasonable to say that Wang Yin gave him those books before, and he should have discovered these books long ago.

However, it was precisely because Wang Yin gave too many books that the two of them didn't see them at the beginning. In addition, they had to prepare and lecture later, so they focused on those primary school textbooks, which led to the fact that they didn't give them until now. Found.

Immediately, the excited two got a lot of salt together and tried the method of cooking and filtering mentioned in the book. In the end, they really tossed out some white and white purified salt. After tasting it, they found that it was really not It is as bitter as before, but the taste is obviously much purer.

As for the chemical purification method, they also tried it. After all, Yuan Tiangang took away a lot of chemical equipment from Wang Yin, as well as sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, and other chemicals.

After a few experiments, they actually worked out whiter salt for them, but neither of them dared to eat it: after all, the chemicals used for purification are poisonous!

Although it was said in the book that chemical reactions could be used to neutralize those harmful substances, the two of them always felt that the things made with a lot of poison-like chemicals were a bit unpalatable. . .

In the end, the two decided to find an animal to do an experiment: Li Tai got someone to capture a wild dog, opened its mouth, and poured it down with two big bowls of salt water!
Um. . .It is more appropriate to say that it is salt porridge than salt water. . .

After pouring it, I saw that the dog was really struggling, rolling and crying on the ground for a long time. They were so scared that they breathed a sigh of relief: Fortunately, I didn't taste it so recklessly, otherwise I would be the one rolling on the ground now. . .

It's just that after a while, the two realized something was wrong: the dog looked like it was poisoned, but it's been almost half an hour, why hasn't there been any sign of poisoning?
In the end, the confused two discussed it and came up with a result: maybe the amount is not enough?

Seeing that the two of them were going to pour down the dog on the ground with that kind of porridge-like salt water, the two guards who were in charge of catching the dog just now couldn't bear to watch it any longer: "His Royal Highness Wei Wang, this dog may have eaten too much salt. Damn..."

(End of this chapter)

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