Chapter 480
After all, it is impossible for Wang Yin to eat all of these locusts by himself!
It's okay to try something new, but it's a bit too much to eat as a meal.

It happened that the batch he received just now was enough for him to eat for a long time, anyway, even if it was poisonous, Wang Yin would not be afraid.

By the way, it’s time to get some of those weird-looking fish caught from Big Head Mother and Son.

After returning from Changbai Mountain, I was so busy emitting the sour smell that I forgot about it. . .

"Anyway, if you're idle, you're also idle..." Wang Yin began to pick up things while talking: "Just take it out to get some air."

After a while, Wang Yin finished tinkering: a beach umbrella, a piano, a microphone, and the Gilfar sonic locust extermination instrument connected behind.

"Brother Wang, are you planning to let us play the piano here?" Feng Zhidai and Shen Jingbing looked at Wang Yin suspiciously upon seeing this.

"Why, shouldn't it be more inspirational to be close to nature like this?" Wang Yin laughed: "Or are you shy in front of others?"

"Brother Wang is serious, of course not." Feng Zhidai shook his head with a smile: "It's just a little accident."

"That's right, it's not something shameful." Shen Jingbing echoed in a daze: "There's nothing to be shy about."

"Look at this sheet music." Wang Yin stretched out his hand and handed the two a sheet of sheet music: "Just fix whichever one is pleasing to your eye."

Feng Zhidai and Feng Zhidai looked through the music score after hearing the words.

"Brother Yin, this thing is also used to exterminate locusts?" Cheng Lingxue pointed to the Gilfar sonic locust extermination instrument on the ground and blinked curiously.

"You are such a clever little ghost." Wang Yin chuckled, and then reached out and pinched her little nose: "This thing can make a sound that people can't hear, but the locust will be paralyzed immediately after hearing it."

"It's amazing!" Cheng Lingxue sighed upon hearing the words.

But that's all.

This thing sounds extremely complicated, and she doesn't bother to study why.

To be honest, the impact of the Gilfa Locust Killer on her was not even as strong as the previous washing machine: after all, the Gilfa Locust Killer sounded great, but it did not bring her any direct convenience.The washing machine is different. After all, she usually has to wash clothes. Seeing something that can wash clothes without using water is like killing locusts.

The worm thing is much more shocking!

Wang Yin and the others were not far from the gate of Chang'an City, only about 300 meters away.

That's why Wang Yin and the others were discovered when they were inspecting the locust happy ointment. As a result, a group of melon-eating people saw that they made a big bucket and the locusts all over the sky fell to the ground like rain, All of them are Spartans. . .

This motherfucker is really alive!
This whole big bucket of locusts will stop eating?
Is this really a fairy method?

etc. . .

Fairy way?

Oh, go ahead!If you say that, isn't it the Immortal Wang who is standing there?

yes yes yes!No one in Chang'an City can do this except him!
After figuring it out, people suddenly became stronger and ran over to watch as if they had discovered a new continent.

Although it is true that Wang Yin wandered around Chang'an City a few times before, and except for the time of offering sacrifices to heaven, he was a little careless the rest of the time. . .

But after all, people are immortals, aren't they?

This is something that I usually want to see but I can't see it!
We don't expect to be given a few words by the immortals to set foot on the road of seeking immortality and other dreamy ideas. Even if we simply watch the immortals use immortal methods to eliminate locusts, it is also very good!

You must know that these people have no good feelings for locusts!
Yes, they believe that locusts are messengers sent from heaven, but the messengers are good and bad, right?
Obviously, these locust messengers who are wreaking havoc everywhere and leaving no grass growing in their path are absolutely not good in their eyes. Now that they have the opportunity to see the immortals destroying these hateful locusts, they can be regarded as letting out a bad breath!

Some people are even thinking: This locust is a messenger sent from heaven, and this immortal is also a god in the sky, but obviously the status of this god should be much higher than this messenger!Now that the immortal is going to destroy the messenger, does it mean that God has changed his mind?
Or is it that God's punishment is over, so the immortal made a move?

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but think of the rumors that Li Shimin was punished by the locust disaster because of the change of Xuanwu Gate: It really is bullshit!If His Majesty was really punished for that incident, how could it be over so soon?
Thinking about it, His Majesty has never done anything to exploit our people since he came to the throne. Even taxes have been reduced a lot compared to before.

And I heard that His Majesty's life was quite difficult. There were even rumors that when she was at her poorest, the Empress had to bring the concubines in the harem to work as concubines to support the expenses of the palace!
Although the actual situation may not be so exaggerated, as the saying goes, there are no waves without wind!
Even if it's not that bad, it's probably about the same. . .

This is not a good emperor, so what is a good emperor?
. . . . . .

This is often the case with people. When he thinks something is like this, he will try his best to find a bunch of reasons and reasons to prove to himself that things are indeed what he imagined. . .

So a group of people formed a large circle about ten meters away from Wang Yin and the others, watching Wang Yin take out the beach umbrella and piano curiously, wondering if this is the magical weapon of the immortal?

Although the appearance of these instruments looks a bit. . .Chic. . .

"Hello everyone, hello everyone!" Shen Jingbing looked at the music score and found that there were so many people around him, so he simply waved his hands at the melons around him in a coquettish manner.

The common people were immediately happy to see him like this, and even a few daring little girls shot their eyes at Shen Jingbing directly.

After all, although Shen Jingbing is older, he is still quite handsome.

In Wang Yin's words: yes. . .Almost half as handsome as me!
Of course, more little ladies were still looking at Wang Yin affectionately, or looking at Cheng Lingxue beside him with hatred. . .

"Brother Yin, let's start then." Feng Zhidai seemed confident in knowing the score and nodded towards Wang Yin.

"Please start your performance." Wang Yin gestured to the piano next to him.

The two nodded at Wang Yin upon hearing this, and then sat in front of the piano and put the music score on the piano.

Wang Yin moved the microphone stand to the side of the piano for the convenience of collecting sound, and then glanced maliciously at the surrounding people who were watching the excitement: Hehe, sometimes there is a price to pay for watching the excitement. . .

"So this thing is not a magic weapon, but a musical instrument?" Everyone looked astonished when they heard an unfamiliar melody coming from the piano.

(End of this chapter)

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