Datang started from being a salted fish

Chapter 43 The Banquet Begins

Chapter 43 The Banquet Begins

"I have seen Your Majesty, I have seen the Empress." Seeing Li Shimin take his seat, the ministers hurriedly saluted.

"My lords took time out of their busy schedules to attend the queen's birthday. I am very relieved." Li Shimin opened his mouth with a standard opening speech.

Wang Yin entered the mode of watching a movie while eating.

After the opening, it is the gift giving session.

"Mother, this is a jade coral that I found from overseas through my entrustment. I wish my mother good health, all wishes come true, and she always smiles." Naturally, Li Chengqian took the lead.

"My son has a heart." Empress Changsun waved her hands with a smile, and someone immediately said the gift and moved aside.

"Mother, this is a pair of purple phoenix beads that my son found. I wish my mother good health and eternal youth." Not to be outdone, Li Tai also presented his own gift.

The other princes and princesses followed closely behind, and they were basically treasures. Wang Yin noticed that Li Lizhi's gift was a copy of the "Book of Filial Piety" copied by himself.

Wang Yin couldn't help sighing: Little sister, you really know how to live~
After the princes and princesses finished delivering, the ministers followed closely behind, and a little eunuch next to him held the gift list, and sang a chorus with each gift.

"Duke Zhao presented a pair of Ruyi jade carvings, wishing the empress..."

"The Duke of Hejian presented a piece of Bingyun Xuancui, wishing the empress..."

"Duke Qiao presents a Qiongzhu from the Eastern Pavilion, wishing the Empress..."

. . . . . .

"Your Majesty's family is interested." After the officials finished giving gifts, Li Shimin said with a smile, and Queen Changsun also nodded to express her gratitude.

"Your Majesty" a minister stood up and saluted Li Shimin, then turned to look at Wang Yin: "I don't know what gift General Wang has prepared, so that I can open my eyes."

When Li Shimin heard this, he also looked at Wang Yin with great interest, and was also full of expectations for Wang Yin's gift.

Wang Yinze swallowed the pastry in his mouth, wiped his mouth with his hand, and walked to the center of the hall.

"Everyone, look carefully." Wang Yin became playful and took out a piece of black cloth to show it to people, then pretended to hold it in his hand: "The following is the moment to witness the miracle."

After saying this, Wang Yin slammed the black cloth, and a large full-length mirror appeared firmly on the ground.

"Hiss." There was a gasp from the crowd.

The base of the full-length mirror was completely white, with dragon and phoenix carvings on the left and right, fixing a mirror in the center. Its clarity far surpassed that of a bronze mirror and its gorgeous appearance immediately shocked the people in the room.

Li Shimin and his wife stood up directly from their seats, walked to the mirror and looked carefully.

"This is me?" For the first time in Li Shimin's life, he saw his face so clearly.

Empress Changsun didn't speak, but her eyes were full of joy when she looked in the mirror.

"May the Empress always smile and be beautiful every day." Wang Yin said with a smile: "Empress, are you satisfied with this gift?"

"Thank you General Wang, I am very satisfied." Empress Changsun blessed her with a salute.

Li Shimin cast an 'interesting' look.

Immediately, a few young eunuchs came over and lifted the mirror down carefully, but their legs were visibly shaking when walking. . .

"In our hometown, we have birthday cakes." Wang Yin said something to the two of them, and then slapped three times.

Everyone was puzzled. When they were wondering, they saw a girl pushing a strange thing in from outside the temple, singing happy birthday as she walked.

"Happy birthday to you..."

"Happy birthday to you..."

"Happy birthday to you..."

"Happy birthday to you..."

At this moment, Cheng Lingxue's face was red to the root of her neck.I feel so ashamed. . .

But in order to learn martial arts from Wang Yin, this girl also risked her life. . .

After pushing the cake cart in front of the two of them, Cheng Lingxue opened the lid of the cake, turned around and walked out.

Everyone saw a huge pastry-like thing lying quietly on that strange car.

There were no candles on it, mainly because Wang Yin didn't know how old Empress Changsun was, so he didn't bother to do it. . .

"General Wang, is this a custom in your hometown?" Li Shimin looked at the cake and asked, "Is this the cake you just mentioned?"

"That's right." Wang Yin said as he took out an extended cake knife.

This move instantly frightened the people in the room, and the warriors on both sides rushed up with the guy in hand.

Li Shimin waved his hand to stop them, staring at Wang Yin and waiting for his explanation.

Li Shimin naturally knew that Wang Yin didn't mean this, but he didn't understand why he would bring out something like a dagger.

Wang Yin held the back of the knife and handed the handle over: "This is for cutting cakes. You and the Queen will hold the handle of the knife and cut it like this."

Seeing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief: it turned out that they had misunderstood.

Li Shimin and his wife got the cake knife according to their words, and the two of them held the handle of the knife and cut it down together.

"Cut again like this, and then like this. Put the cut ones on that paper plate." Wang Yin was directing on the spot.

Seeing Li Shimin put the cut cake on a paper plate, Wang Yin handed Queen Changsun a small fork: "Queen, come and taste it."

Empress Changsun took the fork to hold the cake, took a small bite and chewed a few times, and then her eyes lit up: "It's soft and delicious, sweet and delicious."

"Your Majesty, please try it too." Wang Yin handed over another fork.

"It's really delicious." Li Shimin affirmed after taking a bite.

Wang Yinchong pouted beside him, and Li Shimin realized that the princes, princesses and ministers were looking at him curiously, and immediately recruited a few young eunuchs to let them cut the cake and share it with everyone.

The ministers nodded after tasting the cake, and sighed that it was really delicious.

The older princes and princesses were fine, but the younger ones immediately stuffed them into their mouths after taking a sip.

Li Shimin and his wife returned to their seats, and the banquet officially began.

Teams of maids came in one by one with delicacies, and carefully placed them on the dining table in front of people.

The music sounded, and the actors on both sides played the instruments in their hands attentively. The maikos danced in the center of the hall to the music, and their graceful and charming figures attracted coveted eyes from time to time.

"These ladies are not bad. Although they are not so beautiful, they are original, tsk tsk." Wang Yin looked at the maikos in the hall: "If this is a proper dancer in the past~"

Looking up at Li Shimin who was chatting happily with the ministers, Wang Yin couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "The evil feudal society!"

but. .I like it, hehe. . .

Seeing Wang Yin staring at the dancers in rapt attention, Cheng Yaojin rolled his eyes and came closer, with a sleazy expression on his face: "Why, are you interested? Don't worry, as long as you say it, His Majesty will definitely reward you. "

After all, in Cheng Yaojin's view, Wang Yin's age is the time when he is interested in women.

"Old Cheng, I saw your dirty soul from your wretched eyes." Wang Yin resolutely despised: "I'm criticizing... Ah bah, I call it appreciation, do you understand appreciation?"

"Yes, I understand." Cheng Yaojin still had a wretched face.

The atmosphere of the banquet gradually relaxed, Empress Changsun and Li Shimin greeted, and took a group of little princesses to the side hall to accompany the ministers' wives.

Li Shimin also left his seat, talking and laughing with several ministers.

Civil servants gathered together in threes and fives to exchange and discuss state affairs.

Of course, the busiest one was the generals.

Cheng Yaojin helped Wang Yin introduce this general. Of course, the way to get to know him was drinking.

"Qin thanked General Wang for his kindness." Qin Qiong finished drinking the glass of wine.

"Uncle Qin, you are being polite." Wang Yin also drank the wine in his glass.

"A certain Wei Chigong, General Wang cured my second brother, and we will be brothers from now on!" Yu Chigong was even more direct.

Wang Yin poked Cheng Yaojin: "I will never call you Uncle Hei again."

Cheng Yaojin was covering his stomach: "Heitantou, did you hear that...haha..."

What Yuchi Gong heard was a black line, but fortunately he was used to it, so he didn't care about it.

"A certain Niu Jinda, respect the king and general!" Niu Jinda picked up the wine glass and drank it down.

Niu Jinda lived through hard times. Back then, he couldn’t get enough to eat. He watched everyone around him starve to death. This experience made Niu Jinda deeply obsessed with food. Now that Wang Yinjin has offered Quyuanli, Niu Jinda naturally It is a heartfelt thanks and respect to Wang Yin.

"This is Li Jing, Duke of Wei..."

"This is Qiao Guo Gong Chai Shao..."

"This is Chen Guogong..."

. . . . . .

Cheng Yaojin continued to recommend to Wang Yin, and Wang Yin naturally would not refuse anyone, after all, the alcohol content was too low, Wang Yin was an alcohol-tested soldier before crossing, and he was still a meat shield, not to mention being taken by Sparta now. After the bloodline has been strengthened.

Wang Yin didn't take out the distilled wine either. There was nothing he could do. There were too many people and it was troublesome.

Seeing Wang Yin being so forthright, these military generals immediately fell in love with him.

Especially Li Jing, who had wanted to get Wang Yin into the army before, but now that Wang Yinjin had presented him with a horseshoe, his idea became even stronger.

Soon everyone became one with each other, and started to blow Xia Jiba with Wang Yin.It tells the past of following the King Qin's army and fighting everywhere.

Wang Yinze was very cooperative on the sidelines, and from time to time he said something like 'great' and '666'.

"Come and drink!"


"Wang Yin, you have a good drinker..."

After several battles, several of them had fallen down, but Wang Yin was still there.

"Wang Yin, I don't believe it... I can't let you go! Come and drink!" Yuchi Gongbu froze his head and said unconvinced.

To be honest, Yu Chigong still had a lot of alcohol, but he had no choice but to meet Wang Yin, a pervert.

"Boom!" Yu Chigong fell headlong and rushed to the street.

Cheng Yaojin: This kid really is a monster. . .

At the end of the drink, except for Li Jing, basically everyone went to the street, and the few who didn't go to the street were almost drunk, rolling their eyes and chatting at Xia Jiba.

After seeing that the atmosphere was getting better, Li Jing said: "General Wang, the man is still alive, he should gallop on the battlefield, defend the family and defend the country, why don't you join the army and show your strength?"

(End of this chapter)

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