Chapter 41 Soap
The villagers in Kaoshan Village recently feel as if they are living in a dream.

Since following Mr. Xiao Lang to Chang'an, life has obviously changed.

On the second day after arriving in Chang'an, someone took him to a Zhuangzi, where all food, lodging and work were settled in the Zhuangzi.

I live in a servant's room, although it is not very good, but it is not a star and a half better than my own home before.

As for the food, it is much better, among other things, there is at least one meal of meat every day, and there is broth at night!
The daily work is to make that kind of soap in Zhuangzi's workshop, and it only takes four hours a day.This work is also very easy, even half-grown children and women can easily complete it.

If you manage food and housing, you can still get [-] Wen a month.A family of three earns [-] Wen per month, which was unthinkable before.Compared with the exhausting planing in the fields before, I couldn't save much money in the end, and now I live like a fairy.

"Boss, you're here." Dazhu was working, and when he saw the steward coming, he hurriedly saluted and said hello.

"Dazhu, are you still used to staying here?" the steward asked with a smile.

"The manager is polite. The food here is good and the food is good, and I'm not tired." Da Zhu scratched his head.

"Okay, work hard!" The manager patted Da Zhu on the shoulder and left.

"Why do you feel that the manager is too polite?" Da Zhu scratched his head a little puzzled.

"It's a good thing that these villagers are relatively simple, and they didn't make any fuss, otherwise they would have a headache." The manager said with emotion.

When this group of people came over before, the higher-ups specifically explained that they must not be bullied, even if they bully others, as long as they are not too cruel, they must keep an eye open.

It's just that the person in charge can't figure it out. This Zhuangzi is directly under the royal family, so he can receive this kind of care. This group of people must have a lot of background.

But why do you come here to work with this background?

"Forget it, if you can't figure it out, don't think about it, as long as you don't make mistakes." The manager muttered in his heart.

Today, the people in Chang'an City found that many new shops popped up suddenly.There were several women sitting in the open space in front of the shop, and in front of each of them was an empty basin with a thin wooden board in it.

And this strange scene is being staged in front of every newly opened shop.

"It's strange, what kind of shop is this, and the sign is still covered with a cloth."

"I saw one when I came over there just now, just like this one."


"My dear friend, do you know what this shop sells?"

"I was just about to ask someone else."

Passers-by immediately started talking when they saw this scene.

Those women didn't speak or move, they just sat there quietly.

There are more and more people watching, after all, who is not curious.

After the number of onlookers was about the same, a boy came out of the shop with a gong.

"Fellow folks, elders and elders, today, the store launched a new magical product that has never been seen in Tang Dynasty. Of course, you may not believe me no matter how good I say," the young man knocked on the gong: "Hearing is believing, seeing is believing." Reality."

After the boy finished speaking, a few more boys came out of the store, none of them held a piece of clothing in their hands and displayed it in front of everyone.

"Look, everyone, these clothes are basically the types of dirt that we usually encounter." The boy pointed to the clothes on display: "And what our store launched is a brand new laundry product. As for the effect, please wait and see .”

After the boy finished speaking, the rest of the boys gave the dirty clothes to the sitting woman.

The melon eaters watched curiously. The dirt was just like what the boy said, and it was a common occurrence in daily work. Is this shop going to show the effect of washing on the spot?
After the women soaked the dirty clothes in the water, they took out a palm-sized object from the box on the ground next to them and rubbed them on the clothes.When the rubbing was almost done, he put the thing back into the box, took the clothes and rubbed them on the wooden board in the basin.

As the women rubbed their hands, the clean water in the basin gradually became cloudy, and small bubbles popped out one by one, which looked quite amusing.

After rubbing for about a quarter of an hour, the water in the basin has become dark.The boys immediately replaced the clean water, and the women continued to rub their clothes in the water.After doing this two or three times, the water in the basin was no longer dirty. The boys took out their clothes and wrung out the water, and showed it to everyone.

"Hiss~~ It's so clean!"

"Good guy, this is much better than that saponin."

"Not only that, look at that wooden plank, it's much easier to use than that mallet."

Everyone was shocked when they saw the effect, and started discussing it one after another.

"Everyone be quiet." The boy knocked on the gong: "We call this new product 'soap'. This soap can not only be used to wash clothes, but also to cleanse the body. Everyone can take turns to try it. "

Hearing that it can be experienced, people suddenly became interested and rushed forward one after another.

"Everyone, don't crowd, please line up consciously, so as not to hurt anyone." Seeing that the crowd was a bit chaotic, the boy immediately knocked on the gong.

Hearing what the boy said, people also lined up spontaneously.

Wet your hands with water, took the soap handed over by the boy, smeared it again, and rinsed it in the water, and your hands were clean immediately.

"Wow, really." People were immediately overwhelmed by the effect after experiencing it for themselves: "So my hands are so white."

"Just rubbing it casually for a few times, it's finished, and it's so clean!"

"I just don't know what the price is. The effect is so good, I'm afraid it's not cheap."

"Okay, everyone has almost tried it, and the small shop below is officially open." As the boy's words fell, the cloth on the sign was also peeled off.

Lee Kee Soap
"The price of soap is 10 cents a piece, everyone is welcome to come and buy it." The young man finished his last lines.

"Ten Wen seems a bit expensive."

Some people who were in financial difficulties hesitated on the spot, but more people who were not short of money walked into the shop.

In a rouge shop, some ladies and maids are choosing rouge.

"Shopkeeper, you don't have any new products recently, just come and go." A gorgeously dressed lady pouted.

"Little lady, you are really right to come today." The proprietress smiled at the young lady, "We really have a new product in our store today, I guarantee you haven't seen it before."

"Oh, then quickly show it to me." When the young lady heard that there was a new product, she immediately became interested.

"Look." The proprietress took a beautifully packaged box and gently opened it.

The lady saw a long white object the size of a palm lying inside, and a faint fragrance came out.

"This is the new product of our store: 'Soap'. You can use it to wash your hands, face, and bath." The proprietress began to introduce: "After using it, you will feel comfortable on your body, and it also has a fragrance. You can smell it."

The lady finished the soap, took it to her nose and smelled it, only to feel a faint fragrance of flowers penetrated into her nostrils.

"It's quite fragrant, but I don't know how effective it is." The lady put down the soap and said.

"You can try it now, you are guaranteed to be satisfied." The proprietress said, pointing to a basin of clear water beside her.

The young lady walked over after hearing the words, and washed her hands with soap under the guidance of the proprietress.

"Ah, really, it's so simple and so clean. After washing, it feels smooth and comfortable on your hands." The lady put her hand in front of her nose and smelled it: "And the fragrance will linger."

At this moment, there are quite a few girls and maids around, seeing this effect, they all expressed their desire to try it.

Naturally, the proprietress never refuses anyone who comes, and let everyone experience it one by one.

"And there are more than one kind of soap in this shop." The proprietress saw that everyone had finished the experience, and took out some new soaps: "There are all kinds of floral scents, and you can choose your favorite ones to buy."

After hearing the words, everyone picked up different soaps and smelled them. Sure enough, as the proprietress said, there were all kinds of scents.

"Shop, what is the price of this soap?" Everyone was very satisfied after reading it, and expressed their willingness to buy.

"It's not expensive, it's only a penny." The proprietress replied with a smile.

"Yeah, it's so cheap, give me a piece of this rose-flavored one."

"Shopkeeper, give me two jasmine flavored ones."

"Shopkeeper, I want a piece of chrysanthemum fragrance."

. . . . . .

Money is nothing to these rich ladies, they opened their wallets one after another and started shopping.

The proprietress's face was full of smiles: This owner has said that he will get money for every dollar he sells. Although one dollar is very small, it can't hold up to a large amount!This money is the same as being given for free, so it's no wonder he's unhappy.

And such a scene was also staged in other rouge shops.

Royal Palace
"Your Majesty, those shops were sold out in less than half a day after they opened today, and many people are asking when they will be stocked again." Wang Gonghui reported: "Today, these shops have made a net profit of more than 1 guan."

"So much?" Li Shimin asked in surprise.

Although Wang Yin said that this thing can be used for at least a month, but this does not prevent Li Shimin from being happy.

After all, this is just opened, and it is only sold in Chang'an.If the goods are distributed all over the country, even if other places are poorer and sell less, but the sum will add up to a lot of money.

Thinking of the continuous flow of money into his internal funds in the future, Li Shimin's mood suddenly improved.

There is no way, after all, I am afraid of poverty. . .

"By the way, how are the arrangements for the queen's birthday the day after tomorrow?" Li Shimin lowered his head and continued to read the memorial: "Did Wang Yin say hello? ""

"Return to Your Majesty, everything has been arranged." Wang Gonggong cupped his hands and said, "General Wang said he will come."

Li Shimin smiled and didn't speak any more.

(End of this chapter)

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