Chapter 39

"What the hell?" Wang Yin asked puzzled, "What do you mean?"

"According to what you said, the wall was covered with blood last night." Li Shimin said, "But you heard it."

"It smells good." Wang Yin muttered, but he still sniffed and sniffed: "It doesn't smell at all..."

Bridge Bean Sacks!

No smell at all? ?

There was so much blood last night, it's impossible for the house to be smellless now!
No wonder something felt wrong when I came in last night!
As a result, I was so scared that I forgot about it. . .

Wang Yin glanced at Li Shimin, and saw that he was staring at him playfully.

Mad, what a shame. . .

"Okay, the matter is clear," Li Shimin patted Wang Yin's arm: "I'll drop a team of people to help you watch later, and find out the culprits."

"Don't, that will startle the snake." Wang Yin quickly refused.

"Oh, do you have a better way?" Li Shimin asked.

"The mountain people have their own tricks." Wang Yin straightened his shrunken body instantly, and his chest straightened up, with an expression that he was in control of everything.

Wang Yin: It’s so spicy, as long as it’s done by humans, it’s easy to handle!He actually embarrassed Brother Yin, so he had to do it!
Li Shimin went back to the palace when Wang Yin said he wanted to handle it by himself.

Duke Lu's Mansion
After knowing that it was done by people, Wang Yin immediately stopped being afraid. Once the salted fish was not afraid, he became bored again.

"Am I just staring at it like this?" Wang Yin felt a little bit pained.When Li Shimin asked before, he boasted casually that he could handle it. The question is, who knows when the troublemaker will come, and whether he will show up tonight is still a matter of debate.

"Made, it would be easier if there was a camera and a computer." Wang Yin thought depressingly.

Judging from the situation last night, the troublemaker must not have been nearby when the bloody palm print appeared, otherwise he would have sensed it.Their whereabouts can be traced if there is surveillance.

"Wait a minute, who said I didn't have surveillance?" Wang Yin suddenly thought of something and was delighted.

Late night
Several men in black slipped out of the palace.

"Boss, there is a dog following us." A man in black whispered.

"It's just a dog, don't worry about it." The leader said and continued on his way.

After a while

"Boss, that dog is still following."

"I guess I'm hungry, just run away."

The man in black took the order and walked towards the dog with a knife. The dog turned around and ran away immediately.

"Hey, you're smart, or I'll drink you tonight." The man in black returned to the team cursing.

Duke Lu's Mansion
Cheng Lingxue has been very depressed recently.

No matter how he looked at the formulas that Wang Yin gave him, he couldn't understand them, and he was almost driven crazy by those words.

"Is it true that I don't have this fate?" Cheng Lingxue was depressed, and was about to open the window to get some air.

"Huh? Where did the dog come from?" Cheng Lingxue wondered.

I saw a dog stopped in front of Wang Yin's gate, and then stretched out its paw. . .

knocked on the door
Cheng Lingxue seemed to have seen a ghost, rubbed his eyes vigorously and looked again, the dog was still knocking on the door.

"Bang bang bang... Peng Peng"

"Bang bang bang... Peng Peng"

Hearing the signal, Wang Yin immediately got up and opened the door.

"Wangcai, where do you mean they went?" Wang Yin asked, pointing in one direction.

"Wang... Yes, that's over there..." Wangcai wagged his tail.

"Lead the way ahead, let's go and have a look." Wang Yin ordered, picked up Wangcai and went out over the wall.

"Prince Wang is actually talking to a dog?" Cheng Lingxue felt that his brain was not enough.

"Lingxue? What are you doing here?" Wang Yin looked suspiciously at Cheng Lingxue who was following up.

"Prince Wang, where are you going?" Cheng Lingxue's spirit of gossip woke up after talking with the dog at night.

"Go catch the guy who made trouble in my house." Wang Yin looked at Cheng Lingxue: "Why are you hanging around if you don't sleep at night?"

"My lord, were you talking to it before?" Cheng Lingxue pointed at Wangcai on the ground.

"Well, it's called Wangcai, and I met it recently." Wang Yin didn't look back and continued walking.

"Can I follow along?" Cheng Lingxue asked cautiously.

Cheng Lingxue became excited at the thought of seeing Wang Yin make a move soon.

"Okay, you can go if you want." Wang Yin thought for a while and agreed.

Anyway, by your side, safety should be no problem.It's not bad to have someone gossiping on the road.

"My lord, are there many people on the other side?" Cheng Lingxue asked.

"Wangcai said that there were about a dozen of them just now." Wang Yin said, "As for whether there are still people in their old den, I don't know."

"Then should we bring some more people?" Cheng Lingxue suggested when he heard that there were at least a dozen people on the other side.

"No, it's just a bunch of scum, it will fall away every minute." Wang Yin waved his hand and said indifferently.

Walking and chatting like this, the two of them and the dog slowly came to the place where Wangcai was driven away.

"You mean you followed here and went back? Yes, if you encounter danger, you have to run first, your life is important, that's it, you go back." Wang Yin threw a piece of meat to Wangcai and sent it back.

Seeing that Wang Yinzhen was seriously questioning a dog, Cheng Lingxue felt that the scene was getting weirder and weirder.

"Young Master Wang, where are you going next?" Seeing Wang Yin sending Wangcai away, Cheng Lingxue asked suspiciously.

"Let me take a look." Wang Yin looked around and found an owl on a tree in the distance: "Hey, little guy."

Seeing that Wang Yin started talking to an owl again, Cheng Lingxue felt a little cold. . .

"Hmm... are you talking to me? Mmm..." The owl stared at Wang Yin curiously.

"Yes, it's you," Wang Yin hooked his hands at the owl, "Come, let me ask you something."

"Hmm, I can understand you, it's amazing!" The owl flapped its wings and flew over, landing on a tree in front of Wang Yin.

"Did you see a group of men in black walking by here just now?" Wang Yin took out a piece of meat and threw it to him.

"Mmm, it's delicious. Mmm, I saw it." The owl said while eating the meat.

"Okay, then you lead me the way, and I'll give you some meat when I get there." Wang Yin made a condition.

"Hmm, okay, follow up." The owl spread its wings and flew out.

"Let's go, why are you in a daze?" Wang Yin patted Cheng Lingxue and followed.

"Oh my God. This owl actually looks like it can understand!" Cheng Lingxue was completely confused, and followed behind numbly.

"Well, I haven't seen it since I got here. At that time, a mouse showed its head, so I went to catch it." After the owl finished speaking, she looked at Wang Yin expectantly.

"Here you are," Wang Yin threw away a piece of meat to send the owl away.

"My lord, can they really... understand you? You can... understand them too?" Cheng Lingxue asked the doubts in his heart.

"Small things, small things, don't worry about them." Wang Yin waved his hand.

"My lord, there seems to be no other animals around here." Cheng Lingxue looked around and said.

"Oh, it's all right." Wang Yin walked in front of a tree: "Master, I want to ask you something."

. . . . . .

In this way, the two walked all the way, inquiring all the way, and finally came to an abandoned temple outside Chang'an City.

"You mean there? Did they go in there?"

Seeing Wang Yin talking to a weed, Cheng Lingxue said he was numb.

In a dark room, a group of men in black were sitting around discussing something.

"Head, this family doesn't seem to be too scared this time, what shall we do next?"

"Let's see in two days. If they still don't move, then think of another way."

"Boss, if you want me to say that you can kill them all, why bother?"

"No! We have been operating this stronghold for so long, we cannot give up easily."

"But, head..."

"Bang! Bang!" Two gunshots interrupted the discussion of the man in black.

"Listen, people inside. You are surrounded by me. Put down your weapons and surrender is your only option." Wang Yin's words were clearly transmitted into the room.

"Who!" A group of men in black heard the voice, picked up their weapons and rushed outside the house.

Looking intently, a young man and a lower-ranking boy are standing not far in front, the girl is holding two daggers, looking ready to fight, while the young man is looking at him with a smile.

Seeing that he was exposed, the man in black slashed at him without saying a word.

"I'm going! The script is wrong. Didn't you talk about it first before the fight! You guys are too unconventional!" Seeing the man in black rushing over, Wang Yin was depressed for a while.

I haven't hit this gun yet, so let me pretend to be tough first!

Cheng Lingxue felt nervous when he saw at least twenty people on the other side, and couldn't help clenching the dagger in his hand.

Seeing the enemies getting closer and closer, Cheng Lingxue's palms were sweating. Although she could still fight, the chances of the two of them facing more than 20 people were really not too high.

Cheng Lingxue gritted her teeth: Fight!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!..."

(End of this chapter)

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