Datang started from being a salted fish

Chapter 366 Are you cheating?

Chapter 366 Are you cheating?

next day
"Okay!" Li Shimin was overjoyed when he learned that Wang Yin had woken up and returned to normal.

Fortunately, this kid is fine, the stone in my heart can finally be let go!Besides, this kid's sanity has returned to normal now, and my good days are finally over!
Li Shimin almost laughed out loud when he thought of the situation where all the aristocratic families would be honest and not messing around in the future. . .

As for Wang Yin's disappearance, Li Shimin didn't really care much about it: it was obvious that there was something wrong with this kid's previous state, and now that he recovered, he might go somewhere to relax.I guess I'll be back in two days.

Thinking of this, Li Shimin frowned again: No, I have to ask this kid what's going on!It was so frightening before!

It was okay to belong to the Huohuo family before, but now the family is honest. If this kid goes crazy again in the future, he can't let the people of Huohuo Palace and Chang'an City let him go, right? !No, this matter must be clarified!
"Okay, let those people withdraw." Then Li Shimin threw a token to Cheng Yaojin: "Your family can also move back."

"Here." Cheng Yaojin took the order and went back.

Before, Li Shimin also had a headache and suddenly sent a lot of soldiers to surround Wang Yin's mansion. How to explain it?

After much deliberation, Li Shimin finally thought: Immortals are going to retreat in the near future, and I specially sent guards to guard them.

This guy directly used Wang Yin's previous excuse to deceive the family. . .

Cheng Yaojin went back and sent away those big soldiers, and called back his own servants by the way, and the family returned to Lu Guogong's mansion again.

"Master, according to what you said before, this Wang Yin is a little dangerous?" The couple hid in the bedroom and pondered: "If Ling Xue is allowed to continue to get along with him like this, in case he goes crazy again one day... .”

"This matter is indeed a problem..." Cheng Yaojin rubbed his chin and pondered: "When this kid comes back, we have to ask what's going on..."

Cheng Lingxue sat in the lobby of the villa and waited quietly for another three days. . .

Wang Yin disappeared and didn't show up for three whole days!

This news made Li Shimin feel bad: Could it be that I guessed wrong?Even if you run out to relax, you should come back, right?
Of course, this is still good for Li Shimin.

The four families of King Cui and Li Lu are really in a hurry. . .

Good guy, who knows how they survived these three days. . .

Originally, after the heads of the several families discussed it, they sent people to visit Wang Yin's mansion the next day to see if Wang Yin had woken up, so that he could plan the remedial measures in the future; but the news came back, it was all right to wake up, but the person disappeared . . .

It was terrible and they were terrified: What does it mean that people are missing?Are you hiding in the dark looking for an opportunity to mess with us?

So the patriarchs of several families suffered from insomnia that night. . .

At first, I didn't dare to sleep at all, for fear that if I fell asleep, I would die. . .

I couldn't bear it until the middle of the night and finally fell asleep, but I started to have nightmares all the time. . .

In the dream, either he was hammered into a meatloaf by Wang Yin, or he was hammered to death by Wang Yin. . .

The heads of several families are in a hurry!Get angry!Pulling strands of hair. . .

The next day I hurriedly sent people to continue to inquire about the news, but the news came back dozens of times a day, all of which were "still no one", so the family heads continued to suffer from insomnia, nightmares, and hair pulling. . .

Still the same on the third day. . .

The heads of several families who have done this are almost collapsed now: If this continues without Wang Yin taking action, they will be scared to death. Is it easy for us now that we are old?I have to deal with this every day. . .

They later found out that this was just the beginning. . .

For seven days, there was no news from Wang Yinyao.

All the patriarchs now have deep eye sockets and dark circles and are about to catch up with radishes. Now the servants in the family have speculated after seeing the patriarch: the patriarch is so old, is the old tree blooming?But can your body bear this?
Now they can only helplessly hide in the room and slap the table and scold their mothers in a low voice: This kid did it on purpose, right?It's too fucking bad!
Eighth day

When the patriarchs were almost desperate, news suddenly came from his subordinates: Wang Yin is back!

Good guy, all of them were overjoyed immediately, and almost went into epilepsy. . .

What happened next was logical: first, people were sent to send greeting cards, and then the second-in-command ran to give gifts to Wang Yin. After seeing that Wang Yin accepted them all with a smile, the heads of the various families even came to visit with big gifts in person. !The two sides chatted very happily, and people who didn't know it could definitely think that they were brothers who had been lost for many years. . .

Generally speaking, the conversation was very comfortable. During the period, the two sides did not mention any unpleasant experiences before. The family gave gifts steadily, and Wang Yin was also happy to receive them. . .

This time the patriarchs finally breathed a sigh of relief after returning home, and had a rare good night's sleep.

General House

"Brother Yin, where have you been these past few days?" Wang Yin had been busy entertaining Cheng Lingxue before and had no chance, but now he could finally ask his doubts.

"It's nothing, I went out for a walk." Looking at Cheng Lingxue, Wang Yin also felt dizzy.

No, I have to find an opportunity to ask this girl today, it's not an option to stay in a daze like this. . .

"Are you okay now, boy?" Cheng Yaojin also asked with concern.

"What's all right? I've been fine all along?" Wang Yin asked doubtfully.

"Then before you..." Li Shimin hesitated for a moment and then spoke.

After all, this matter is as uncomfortable as a thorn in my heart. If I don't ask myself clearly, I will never be at ease in my heart!

Wang Yin was silent when he heard the words: The one who should come still came. . .How about an excuse? . .

It's definitely not enough to tell the truth: it's not that Wang Yin deliberately concealed it, the main reason is that this matter can't be told the truth, and they can't understand it!At that time, I have to explain a lot of time travel and the like, which is too troublesome to think about.

Besides, if you really tell them that you are a person from a millennium later, you will probably be scared out of three mental illnesses on the spot. . .

1 minutes later

"You all want to know?" Wang Yin glanced at the three of them and said indifferently.

The three of them nodded when they heard the words, and even Cheng Lingxue's eyes were full of hope and anticipation.

It wasn't that she was gossip about Wang Yin's privacy or anything, but mainly because she was worried about Wang Yin's physical condition.After all, the situation that night was so weird, Cheng Lingxue always felt that Wang Yin's body seemed to have suffered some kind of injury.

Cheng Yaojin and Li Shimin were excited: Here we come!finally come!Questions that have plagued me for a long time are about to be solved!Now that I understand what's going on, if I encounter it again in the future, there will be a way to deal with it, which is better than catching the blind like before!
"Actually, it's nothing." Wang Yin put on an inscrutable look: "The main reason is that when I was cultivating as an immortal, my Dao heart was unstable and I accidentally went into a maddened state."

That's it?

Seeing this, the three of them all looked at Wang Yin with contempt: Are you lying to ghosts?
(End of this chapter)

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