Chapter 343 Unusual taste
next day
"Do you still want to play, gentlemen?" Li Shimin asked symbolically at the end of the morning court.

"Your Majesty, regarding the arson case in Chang'an City the day before yesterday, the culprits have already been recruited." An official stood up and replied.

Everyone knows this person, from the side of Dali Temple.Now hearing him say that, a group of civil and military ministers immediately smelled gossip. . .

After all, although it was Wang Yin's property that was burned, this is Chang'an City!It is natural that such a big thing happened directly at Dali Temple.

But everyone knows one thing: this person is purely talking about Xia Ji now. . .

At the beginning, the aristocratic family did throw out a few scapegoats, and the people from Dali Temple also caught them smoothly.But everyone knows that this is just a routine show, for the sake of face, as for whether those people are recruited or not, no one cares at all.

So now this person raised this matter so solemnly, isn't it bullshit?
But what everyone doesn't understand is that everyone knows it's a nonsense thing, and this man-made hair has to be brought up now.This person's brain is not bad, how could he do such a thing that seems to be done by a person with a mental illness?
"Then let's deal with it according to the crime." Li Shimin waved his hand to indicate that he knew.

"Here." Hearing this, the official withdrew.

This time everyone was even more confused: Are you two making fun of us by singing together?Or is it really that you are full and have nothing to do?This is obviously talking nonsense!


Just when everyone was wondering, there was a sudden noise from the roof of the hall, followed by a large pile of tiles smashed to the ground and shattered.

"Escort!" Cheng Yaojin and other generals immediately surrounded Li Shimin when they saw this, and the warriors in front of the hall also rushed in with their weapons, all of them looked like they were facing a big enemy.


"Ahem... Bah!"

. . . . . .

Everyone looked at Wang Yin who jumped down from the roof mountain, and all of them immediately had constipated faces: What the hell are you playing?
Wang Yin usually doesn't go to court at all, and everyone is used to this. Now Wang Yin suddenly appears, and in such a painful way, making everyone feel uncomfortable!
What's even more flamboyant is that what this guy is wearing today is the incomparably gorgeous Taoist robe that he wore when he was offering sacrifices to heaven.

It's a pity that there is a pile of dust on the Taoist robe now, the gorgeousness is gone, only the funny is left. . .

"I said, Your Majesty, your palace really needs to be repaired. You can see that the dust is so thick." Wang Yin complained while patting the dirt on his body: "And the tiles should be replaced, too. Rotten."

"Wang Xianshi, your way of appearance is really special!" Li Shimin squeezed out a sentence from the front of his teeth with a dark face.

Made!You kid deliberately do something!

If you don't walk through the good gate, what kind of roof do you walk through? !I heard that your kid also climbed over the wall when he came home, and he never walked through the gate. Could it be that this is what your kid is doing above? !
Made!My tile. . .

"Your Majesty, I could hear you clearly from above." Wang Yin saluted Li Shimin with a serious face after he slapped the dust off his body: "Since everyone has been caught, you have to make the decision for me! I think I have always kept my own place, and managed to do a small business to make ends meet, but they burned me down like this! I can’t live this day

ah!This month, the whole mansion will have to eat dirt! "

Everyone heard that, including Li Shimin, all had black lines: Do you dare to fake any more, kid!You didn't even fart when you were tossed around for so long, and you just remembered it now? !
Still a small business?Still eating dirt?
Your family manages a business of thousands of dollars a day as a small business?Is your soil made of gold? !

I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen you so shameless!
Like acting and crying poor, right?

Okay, you act, you continue to act, we don't talk, we just watch you act. . .

"They must pay!" Then Wang Yin gritted his teeth and said in distress: "Compensate fiercely! Pity my property! It will be burned away in a fire! My money!"

Seeing Wang Yin's appearance, everyone couldn't bear to look directly at him: You are an immortal after all, what about your majesty and reserve?Is your unreasonable appearance of a shrew worthy of the Taoist robe on you? !

"Don't worry, Wang Xianshi, since the prisoner has been recruited, he will naturally deal with it according to the law," Li Shimin twitched his lips: "As for your losses, you will naturally make compensation."

"The minister thanked His Majesty!" Wang Yin was overjoyed when he heard this, and quickly saluted Li Shimin again.

Although Li Shimin enjoyed the rare feeling of being saluted by Wang Yin, but if he was allowed to go on messing around like this, he simply didn't want this face. . .

"I guess you came today not only because of this matter?" Li Shimin said, "I don't know why Immortal Master Wang is looking for me?"

Hearing Li Shimin's question, everyone raised their ears again: Here we come!The good show is coming!
Wang Yin was so fucked up before that he didn't even fart, which is obviously abnormal!

As a result, the crowd waited and waited until they saw no reaction from Wang Yin, but this group of people was very anxious: How much did you express it!You are so completely indifferent, we can't eat this melon!

Wang Yin didn't make any response until the property was burnt to the ground, and the mouths of this group of people were all bubbling: people can't be cowardly like this!What's more, you are still a fairy!You are deliberately playing with us, aren't you!

It wasn't until Wang Yin's sudden appearance today that everyone realized that something was going to happen.

And it must be a big deal!

After all, I have been following my heart for so long, everyone thought you were going to stay in your shell and continue to be a bastard, but now you suddenly appeared and put on this gorgeous Taoist robe so formally, if you didn't come here I screwed off my head and used it as a chamber pot for you!
It's not easy!We waited for so long, Liao made a lot of bubbles, and went to brothels, and now we finally got the result! ! !
Speak!Say it quickly!We are all set! ! !
"Ahem!" After Li Shimin finished asking, Wang Yin's face straightened suddenly, and he immediately put on a posture of a magic stick: "Today, the immortals in Japan have some insights from watching the sky at night, and they only feel that their minds are clear, and their understanding of Taoism is clear." It deepened even more."

Speaking of this, Wang Yin originally planned to pretend to be a forced learner and stroked his long beard with those magic sticks in the TV. After finding that he didn't have one, he had to touch his chin instead: "So this immortal decided to find a quiet place to go to retreat. , This time I came to bid farewell to His Majesty."

Everyone blinked in bewilderment when they heard the words: No, we were waiting to see what your next strategy would be, but in the end your property was burned on the front foot, and you were about to run away on the back foot?Are you kidding me? !

Of course, there are also some shrewd ones like Changsun Wuji who immediately squinted their eyes and smelled something unusual.

(End of this chapter)

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