Datang started from being a salted fish

Chapter 330 The Family's Worries

Chapter 330 The Family's Worries

And these days pay attention to personal connections, even if there are so few self-taught you without connections, it is useless, even if you become an official in the end, you are basically in some marginal positions.

Want to show off your ambitions?nonexistent!

If you don't work for a family, why should they recommend you?

It is precisely through the control of knowledge that the family has been able to prosper until now, and if nothing else happens, it will continue to prosper.

But now that Wang Yin has made such a move, the situation is serious!

A large number of books have been circulated in this way. In the future, people can buy them for a little money if they want to read. Who the hell will work for their aristocratic family?

After all, no matter how nice it is, it is still a sign of being dependent on others. No one with a normal mind would like this feeling, let alone those scholars with lofty ideals?

It may not matter in the short term. After all, the family has been in control for so long, and there won't be any big impact at all within three to five years.

But how long has it been?
Three to five years is fine, but what about ten or twenty years?
At that time, I am afraid that the prosperity of the family will completely disappear, and the family will no longer exist!

Wang Yin is killing them!

No, it would be very difficult to do such a thing with Wang Yin's temperament, I am afraid that our beloved His Majesty has also got a foot in it!

Is he, Li Shimin, crazy?Don't you know the consequences of doing so?

Although on the surface Li Shimin is the emperor's family and all his subjects, in fact everyone knows what is going on.

To put it bluntly, as long as the aristocratic families unite, Li Shimin will have to worry about whether he can continue to sit in his seat.

This is not an exaggeration at all. After all, the Li family was also from an aristocratic family, so they knew this kind of thing very well.

It doesn't make sense!Li Shimin can't be so stupid!Isn't he ready for this day? !

But it didn't take long for the aristocratic family to figure out what was going on, and then there was a burst of helpless smiles: Our beloved Majesty really played a good move!

If Li Shimin sells books directly in his own name, he and others do have a way to interfere with checks and balances.

But if it is sold in the name of Wang Yin now, although the essence has not changed, it is not easy for me to wait for others to sell directly!
In any case, it's not to the point of completely tearing his face apart, so he can't directly put pressure on Li Shimin.

But this Wang Yin is such a tough nut to crack!
Although this guy is a serious general, he doesn't have a single soldier who is a good commander.Moreover, this guy didn't bring him to court at all, so there was no way to put pressure on him politically.

If you can't exert political pressure, the family's strongest means will be gone. . .

Even if he wanted to use some disgraceful means, but this Wang Yin was like a f*cking lady who didn't leave the door all day long, and couldn't find a chance to do it!
Go directly to his house to assassinate?I'm afraid you don't want to mix it up?
This is Chang'an City!Datang's power center!

Although Wang Yin has no real power, he is still a serious general and duke of the county!

Are you playing assassination here?Are you out of your mind?
And up to now, the aristocratic family has not figured out the details of Wang Yin, even if the aristocratic family does not consider the unspoken rules, they dare not act rashly!

Although this guy doesn't show any powerful fairy arts now, what if he really has it?
By then, if the assassination fails and Wang Yin is pissed off, we will just move mountains and reclaim seas or something. Then we don't have to wait ten or twenty years, and we can all stop eating together in advance. . .

Thinking of these aristocratic families here, I suddenly felt a pain in my liver: this Wang Yin is now a fucking stone in a latrine, where all kinds of disgusting people are placed there. . .

In the end, the aristocratic family had no choice but to adopt the previous method: I can't afford to offend you, can I?OK, I don't mess with it.I'm going to buy all your books!I bought your book, you can't say anything, right?
The wealth accumulated by the aristocratic family for thousands of years is simply astronomical. Now that Wang Yin's books are sold so cheaply, in their opinion, they can almost buy Wang Yin's bankruptcy.

When Wang Yin couldn't afford it anymore, everything would be back on track.


This is what the aristocratic families thought and did, so as expected, all the books were bought by people from the aristocratic families the next day.This resulted in a group of scholars who had nowhere to vent their complaints and could only slam the table and scold their mother behind closed doors at home.

After the aristocratic family bought the book, they took a look and found that not only the paper was the best new type of paper, but even the printed characters were much clearer than their own books.

When they took a look, they were stunned: What are these strange symbols?
When they finally found the instructions on how to use punctuation marks and read the book again after reading it, they suddenly broke out in a cold sweat: What the hell is Wang Yin doing here? !
What the hell did Wang Yin come up with? !
Are you kidding me?
After adding these punctuation marks, some meanings in the book even completely changed!
Needless to say, it must have been written by our beloved Majesty. . .

If you think about it, if you own these things, you will definitely do the same!

But now that Wang Yin and Li Shimin took the lead, it would not be appropriate to do it by himself: after all, Wang Yin's status as a fairy still has a high prestige among the common people!The version punctuated by Wang Yin has been regarded as the most standard version.

Now that Wang Yin's version is in front of him, it would be a bit ugly to use punctuation marks to change the meaning of the book. . .

No, no, now with these ghost things, I'm afraid it won't take ten or twenty years, and the glory of the aristocratic family will disappear in about four or five years!
Start to increase your purchases tomorrow!Must buy all these books back!
If this kind of book with punctuation marks spreads, it will be terrible!
Sheung Shui Village School

This weekend, Ren Xingzhou sat on the balcony with a book of Analects and read it.

Speaking of which, since he became a teacher at school, Ren Xingzhou expressed his interest in the method of counting days from Monday to weekend promulgated by the immortals, and what he usually talks about has changed from the first day of the week to the day of the week. Perhaps this is the teacher's professional habits.

Of course, this does not mean that he has forgotten the traditional day-counting method of first day and first day. After all, it is something deep in his bones, so how could he forget it.

"Husband, today is a rare day off, why did you go to read again?" Mrs. Ren came over and called out softly.

Seeing that her husband was still reading a book after a rare day off, Mrs. Ren frowned slightly.

More students and fewer teachers is a true portrayal of the current school. Every teacher is basically full of classes around the clock.

At the end of the day, I was exhausted all over, and usually fell asleep after eating a few mouthfuls of food.

(End of this chapter)

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