Datang started from being a salted fish

Chapter 301 Li Shimin's Speech

Chapter 301 Li Shimin's Speech

All of them blinked and stared at him curiously: So this is a fairy!Isn't it said that immortals all have gray beards of old age?It looks so young!And the immortal looks so strange in this outfit, his hair is all white. . .

Naturally, it was impossible for Wang Yin to check all of the two to three hundred dormitories one by one. After checking a dozen of them at random, Wang Yin left.

"Brother Yin." Seeing Wang Yin approaching, the four hurried up to meet him: "What are we doing down there?"

"Go around your dormitory." Wang Yin greeted and led the four of them towards the dormitory.

He took the four of them to the teacher's dormitory, checked the door and left them the key, and then the five of them marched towards the cafeteria.

It's time for dinner.

When the four of them saw the food in the cafeteria, their reactions were similar to Li Shimin's at the beginning, and they thought Wang Yin was out of his mind. . .

Of course, he struggled for a while, and was soon attracted by the delicacies on the plate: after all, some dishes had never been eaten before.

Wang Yin glanced at the group of brats, each of them lined up quietly carrying their dinner plates, while the bolder ones looked at Wang Yin and the others curiously, and when they saw Wang Yin, He quickly turned his head back.

In short, it's okay, but there is no discomfort after leaving home.

"Okay, you can live in the school from now on." After lunch, Wang Yin told the four of them: "If there is anything at home, just ask for leave from Uncle Li and go back to deal with it."

"The Supreme Emperor?" Everyone was puzzled when they heard what Wang Yin said.

Please take a leave of absence to find the Supreme Emperor for Mao?

"Because Uncle Li will be the principal of the school in the future." Wang Yin said with a smile: "From now on, you will all be under his control."

"No, Brother Yin!" The four of them suddenly looked bitter when they heard this.

Although Li Yuan has abdicated now, the four of them always feel awkward when getting along with him.

Thinking of having to be in the same school as Li Yuan every day in the future, the four of them suddenly felt a headache. . .

It's over, the good days are over!
"Okay, you guys go back by yourselves, I'll go first." Wang Yin left a set of mahjong and a deck of playing cards for the four of them and left.

Wang Yin went to the system to order a big stone and stuck it at the school gate. He clapped his hands with satisfaction and left.

next day
After going to court, Li Shimin led a group of ministers and marched toward Shangshui Village.

Fortunately, they were traveling in casual clothes and did not cause any commotion along the way.

After all, Wang Yin's school does not belong to the category of major national affairs, so it is not so formal.

Besides, these officials all came voluntarily. After all, their children were packed into the school, so it was natural for them to attend the opening ceremony.

Sheung Shui Village

Early in the morning, a group of brats got up with the ringing of the bell. After washing and having breakfast, they ran to the open space near the flagpole under Wang Yin's organization and waited.

After learning that His Majesty and a group of officials and lords were coming, the group of brats all had anxious expressions on their faces, and their nervous palms were almost sweating.

After all, they are all children from ordinary poor families. The biggest official they usually see is the county magistrate Cao Wenxi. Now that so many top bosses are suddenly coming, it's no wonder they are not nervous. . .

Fortunately, it didn't take long for Li Shimin and the others to arrive.

"See Your Majesty." When Li Shimin and others approached, Wang Yin brought a group of brats to salute Li Shimin.

Although Wang Yin and Li Shimin are usually on the same level, it's all in private.

Now in front of so many people, Wang Yin naturally wanted to save some face for Li Shimin.

It's just that the posture of this guy's salute is simply unbearable to look at, it's as weird as it gets. . .

Li Shimin immediately perked up after hearing this!
Made!The number of times this kid saluted himself like this can be counted on one hand.

ah!It feels so good!
Let me reflect for a while. . .

Think about it for a while. . .

"Your Majesty?" Wang Yin raised his eyes to see Li Shimin's crooked expression with his eyes closed, and a black line appeared on his head.

Interrupted by Wang Yin, Li Shimin naturally couldn't stand there anymore, so he waved his hands reluctantly: "Excuse me!"

"Wang An." Li Shimin directed to Wang Gonggong next to him, and Wang Gonggong walked quickly to Wang Yin's side and handed a roll of things with both hands: "General Wang, the flag you want."

After receiving it, Wang Yin opened it and looked at it: the whole body of the flag is woven with golden silk, surrounded by red borders.There is a big Tang character in the center, surrounded by a dragon, and there are some complicated and gorgeous patterns below.

With Wang Yin's aesthetics, he couldn't tell whether it was good or bad. Since Li Shimin thought it was okay, he wouldn't worry about it.

"His Majesty is invited to come to the stage to speak. Everyone applauds and welcomes you!" Wang Yin then put away his flag and roared, then took the lead and clapped his hands.

"Papa papa!" Seeing this, the students and officials followed suit.

Although I don’t know what it means, since the immortal has done it, we should follow suit. . .

"What the hell are you doing, kid?" Li Shimin leaned over to Wang Yin and whispered, "Didn't you mention this before? I don't know what to say."

"You are like this, and then like this..." Wang Yin whispered a few words in his ear.

"Your Majesty, please~" Wang Yin pointed to the white marble platform in front of the flag and gestured.

Seeing this, Li Shimin had no choice but to walk over bravely, scanned a circle of students and officials present, organized his words, and said bravely: "Since the founding of the Tang Dynasty..."

Immediately, Li Shimin began to speak according to Wang Yin's instruction, roughly meaning: This year, we in the Tang Dynasty are fortunate to welcome Wang Yin, a powerful fairy, look, this is Quyuanli and potatoes, everyone can eat enough Meal and so on.

In short, he first praised Wang Yin, and then emphasized again that his position is recognized by God: You see, God has sent gods to assist me. This is completely in line with God's will!
Then he instilled in the students the idea of ​​'study hard and strive to contribute more to the Tang Dynasty in the future'. After Li Shimin got into the state, he began to express himself freely.

Seeing Li Shimin getting more and more excited as he talked, Wang Yin suddenly felt a pain in his balls: Damn it, are you addicted?Almost got it!

In the end, Wang Yin had to remind Li Shimin very subtly. Seeing this, Li Shimin had to find a suitable opportunity to end his speech.

"Thank you Your Majesty for your wonderful speech. Everyone applauds." Wang Yin took the lead in applauding again after speaking.

With the previous experience, now a group of officials and students are familiar with the road and clapped along, each and every one of them can't wait to get their hands red.

(End of this chapter)

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