Datang started from being a salted fish

Chapter 296 Li Yuan's Request

Chapter 296 Li Yuan's Request

Although this is not the first time, Li Shimin still couldn't help but feel a headache when he saw the neat tables and chairs in the cafeteria: This kid is too extravagant, these chairs are fine, these tables are all made of steel, really I want to melt it all down and make it into a weapon. . .

Wang Yin's cafeteria is configured according to the common appearance of universities, basically no changes have been made.

"Everyone get the dinner plates from here, and then go to the window to line up." Wang Yin pointed to the table full of stainless steel dinner plates at the entrance of the restaurant and explained.

Li Shimin and his identities are destined to be at the front of the line, after all, no one dares to fight for their position with their lives.

"Your way of eating is novel. You actually have to serve the food yourself." As the emperor, Li Shimin usually sat down at the table and ate directly. This was the first time that he cooked food by himself.

It's not that he has any complaints, after all, he doesn't dare. . .

He just thought it was interesting.

Seeing Li Shimin and his father and several little princes each holding a dinner plate, Wang Yin suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of joy. . .

"Huh?" When Li Shimin came to the dining window and saw the food inside, he suddenly lost his composure!
Fuck, this dish, this aroma!

Isn't this the kind of stir-fry in Baowalou? !
Immediately, Li Shimin looked at Wang Yin with an expression as if he had seen a ghost: "You just feed these children this kind of food? Or is it free?"

"Yes." Wang Yin took it for granted, "Is there a problem?"

Li Shimin wanted to scold his mother on the spot. . .

Any question?It's a big problem, okay? !
Doesn’t any dish like this in Baowalou start with a few or a dozen guan?Now you're actually taking it out and giving it to these children and villagers for nothing?
At this moment Li Shimin even thought Wang Yin was crazy. . .

"You kid is usually such an iron cock, I didn't expect to do such a thing." Li Shimin's face was full of disbelief: "Don't tell me you don't plan to pass it?"

"What do you call that?" Wang Yin quit at that time: "Since when did I become a cock? Who do you think I've been mean to? I won't take the blame!"

Li Shimin was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, as if it was true: Duan Lun's carloads of money were not fake, didn't Yan Lide and the others get paid thousands of dollars by Wang Yin after finishing their work?I heard that Wang Yin gave a lot of money to his servants during the Chinese New Year. . .

Looking at it this way, it is indeed inappropriate to say that Wang Yin's iron rooster is.

But why is it so hard every time I want to ask you for something good, Mao!
If you partner up to do something, you will take the lead!
Co-author, you are so generous to everyone in the world, why do you care about everything when you come here?
This kid shouldn't have any prejudice against me, right? !
Thinking of this, Li Shimin was in a bad mood. . .

"Okay, don't be in a daze, hurry up and order what you want, the people behind are still waiting." Seeing Li Shimin in a daze, Wang Yin urged.

"This, this, and this..." Hearing this, Li Shimin had no choice but to honestly start choosing meals.

Speaking of which, as an emperor, he had to pick and choose food here by himself, Li Shimin felt awkward no matter what he thought. . .

After Li Shimin's family finished their meal, Wang Yin took them to the nearest tables and sat down: After all, the table is standard for four people, and there must be no room for seven or eight of them. up.

Wang Yin and Li Shimin's family ate there without mentioning it. When the villagers saw the food on the window facade, they were all scared to death!

Is this delicious and delicious food just for us?Still don't want money?
I dare not eat it!

Cuizhu and the other cooks saw the villagers queuing in a daze and urged: "Hurry up, there are people waiting behind."

"Oh... oh..." Hearing the words, the villagers hurriedly began to choose honestly: "This, and this will do."

After all, when Li Shimin's family was cooking, they all stretched their necks and watched, so there is no need to ask about the specific process.

After the villagers finished cooking and sat down, they stared at the food on the front of the plate in a daze, and no one dared to do anything. . .

This meal is so beautiful and delicious!
It feels so real, like a dream!
" smells so good..." My father didn't do anything, and a bunch of naughty children didn't dare to eat. They could only stare at the plate and drool.

When Wang Yin saw them all in a daze, black lines appeared on their heads: "Are you meeting each other for food? If you don't eat it, it will be cold!"

Finally, a bold man took the lead and took a bite of the steamed bun. Then his eyes widened: "It's so soft and fragrant!"

As a result, he couldn't stop eating the steamed buns, and the villager ate up the whole steamed buns in three or two bites.

As a result, he choked and rolled his eyes because he ate too fast. . .

"Aye, the soup..." Seeing his father choking, the bear child quickly pointed to the soup in the stainless steel bowl.

"Huh..." The villagers finally recovered after taking a mouthful of soup.

Then he found that the people around him were all looking at him as if they were monsters. Thinking about his eating just now, he almost buried his head in his crotch: Made!What a shame!

"Aye, is it really that delicious?" The bear boy asked curiously, unaware of his father's situation.

"Shut up and eat!" The villager patted the back of his baby's head when he heard this.

What are you talking about!Are you afraid that others won't see the embarrassment of your father and me? !

When other villagers saw this, they immediately picked up the steamed buns and started to eat them: Anyway, someone has started, let's eat too.

As a result, the eyes widened involuntarily after taking a mouthful of steamed buns: It's so delicious!

Then he lowered his head and ate fiercely there.

While eating, he greeted his children: "Eat it while it's hot."

"Oh..." Hearing his father's words, the bear children who had been waiting for a long time couldn't wait to pick up the steamed buns and started to chew.

For a moment, the only sound left in the cafeteria was the sound of eating, which seemed extraordinarily weird. . .

"This steamed bun is a good thing." Li Shimin squeezed the steamed bun in his hand: "It's soft and delicious, and it's a bit sweet, much more delicious than that pancake."

Wang Yin thought maliciously: If it is said that the sweetness is due to saliva, I am afraid that you will not be able to eat it. . .

"It's a pity that ordinary people's homes can eat white noodles..." Li Shimin sighed again: "Let's not talk about white noodles, now this potato has not been promoted smoothly."

"Okay, let's have a good meal." Wang Yin gave him a white look.

Made, knows the reminder all day long. . .

But speaking of it, the issue of the aristocratic family should also be put on the agenda. . .

After the meal, Wang Yin called the parents and children together again, and arranged for Li Tai to divide them into classes according to their age.

What Wang Yin meant was to deal with it in this way at the beginning, and then consider the matter of grades according to the different learning progress of each child.

As for the dormitory, there is no need for it for the time being.

After all, those bear children who were far away before had already been arranged in the dormitory, and the rest of them chose to go to school and couldn't live in the dormitory.

"If you want to continue to visit the school, you can just take a look, and you can go home if you want." Wang Yin told the villagers in several nearby villages: "The school will officially start in three days, and then don't forget to send the children here. .”

After sending away the group of villagers, Wang Yin found the group of preparatory teachers, made a bunch of wall clocks and bell ringers, and sent them to install them in various classrooms.

After Wang Yin explained the function of clocks and watches, Li Shimin's eyes lit up immediately, and he wanted Wang Yin to fix a few for him.

Wang Yin simply took out a lot and threw them to him: watches, alarm clocks, wall clocks, and pocket watches. . . . . .

In the end, Li Shimin expressed euphemistically that he wanted Wang Yin to assign his little princes to a dormitory, and Wang Yin naturally agreed to this small request.

"Wang Yin," Li Yuan suddenly said at this moment, "Why don't you arrange a position for me in this school."

(End of this chapter)

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