Datang started from being a salted fish

Chapter 275 Lingxue is Coming

Chapter 275 Lingxue is Coming

"Speaking of which, it's been a long time since I walked around like this alone." Wang Yin walked aimlessly, looked up at the bright night sky and said with emotion.

In this way, Wang Yin walked out of Shangshui Village all the way, passed through the mountains and forests, and finally stopped on a mountain top.

"Speaking of which, the last time I looked at the stars like this was when I was a child..." Wang Yin murmured while lying on the top of the mountain looking at the shining stars in the sky.

"Brother, look at those stars are so beautiful."

"I really don't understand what's so interesting about stars like you little girls."

"Tch, stupid brother."

"All right, all right, as long as you look good."

"Brother, I heard people say before that 'the passing of a life will inevitably take away a bright star', do you think it is true?"

"Crazy, you? What age are you still so superstitious?"

"Brother... You said... I will also..."

"To shut up!"


. . . . . .

"Speaking of which, it's been a long time since I came to Tang Dynasty..." Wang Yin arched his right leg to make himself lie more comfortably: "It seems to be pretty good now..."

"System, rice is a thief!" Wang Yin gave the system an order in his mind.

"The black sky hangs low..."

"The bright stars accompany each other..."

"Insects fly..."

"Insects fly..."

"Who are you missing..."

"The stars in the sky weep..."

"The roses on the ground withered..."

"The cold wind blows..."

"The cold wind blows..."

"As long as I'm with you..."

. . . . . .

Listening to the music playing in his mind and feeling the coolness of the cold mountain wind blowing on his cheeks, Wang Yin gradually closed his eyes.

next day
The cold mountain wind in the early morning woke Wang Yin from his sleep.

"Huh? Fell asleep again?" Wang Yin stood up suspiciously and stretched himself.

"Pa-ta." Suddenly there was a sound of something falling to the ground in Wang Yin's ear.

"What's the situation?" Wang Yin looked down, and saw two teeth-like things lying there quietly on the ground.

"System, don't you explain it to me?" Wang Yin picked it up and looked at it carefully. He could only see that it seemed to be the teeth of a general family of animals. The specific animal was not clear.

"A wolf came last night while you were sleeping." The system answered truthfully.

"WTF?" Wang Yin's mind suddenly rushed past: "Why don't I feel it?"

Listening to the system's explanation, combined with the two broken teeth in his hand, why doesn't Wang Yin know what happened?

Co-authored last night when I fell asleep, an unlucky wolf came over and bit me twice, breaking my teeth!
The terrible thing is that I didn't even notice it?

It’s almost the same as being completely comatose!

This is not a good signal!
"System, is there a solution?" Wang Yin expressed his dissatisfaction with this situation.

If someone did something while he was asleep, wouldn't he be completely unable to deal with it?
Although he would not be in any danger, what if he attacked the people around him?
"There is currently no solution." The cold voice of the system sounded in Wang Yin's mind again.

"Do it!" Wang Yin rubbed his brows helplessly: "Forget it, this is the only way. Fortunately, I need to sleep once every few days. I hope I won't be so unlucky that something happens to me while I'm sleeping..."

Stop thinking if you can't figure it out is the principle that Wang Yin has always adhered to, so he stood up and walked towards the school.

"Immortal, you are here." Seeing Wang Yin approaching, Yan Lide quickly put down his work and ran over to salute.

"En." Wang Yin nodded: "How much did you get?"

"Returning to the Immortal, the first few rooms can be finished by the afternoon." Yan Lide replied respectfully.

"Okay, I got it. Go get busy. I'll take a walk by myself." Wang Yin waved Yan Lide away.

"I've seen an immortal!" Every time Wang Yin wandered to a place, the workers would greet him respectfully, which made Wang Yin roll his eyes.

It took more than two hours for Wang Yinzai to check every line and water pipe carefully.

After all, it involves something as dangerous as electricity, and Wang Yin has to be serious. Otherwise, a short circuit will be a trivial matter. If someone is electrocuted and a fire is caused, it will be a big trouble!
After all the inspections were completed, Wang Yin nodded in satisfaction: As expected of a professional, there was no mistake the first time!
It's like a fortress!
This is even more awesome than some construction teams before crossing!
What Wang Yin didn't know was that he had previously described the dangers of wiring errors as being like a scourge, with fires and dead people happening at every turn. With his status as an immortal, how dare these people not be serious? !

"Okay, come on, work hard, and when the work is finished, each of you will give you a big red envelope!" Wang Yin gave instructions to the group of people before turning around and leaving.

After hearing Wang Yin's words, the group of people felt as if they had been beaten with chicken blood, and felt that they had endless energy!
They have all heard about Duan Lun being stuffed with a "red envelope" by Wang Yin before, good guy!That day, Duan Lun paid a New Year's greeting to the fairy, but he was given a "big red envelope" backhanded by the fairy, so that he almost doubted whether he was alive or not!
Of course, we are all small characters, so we can't compare with Duan Shangshu, and the red envelopes will definitely be smaller.

However, with the generous shot of the immortal, even if it is a little bit afraid, it can make me wake up laughing from my dreams!
Having nothing to do, Wang Yin ran to the village to play with a bunch of kids. . .

"Tuk! Tuk! Tuk!"

Just as Wang Yin was making a fuss with a group of brats Xia Jiba, there was a sound of horse hooves. Wang Yin looked up and saw Cheng Lingxue running towards this side on a horse.

"Huh~" Seeing that Wang Yin was really here, Cheng Lingxue quickly got off the horse: "Brother Yin, I finally found you."

Yesterday, Cheng Lingxue was with Wang Yinni as usual, but suddenly something happened and she went home.

As a result, when he went back, he found that Wang Yin had disappeared.

Yesterday happened to be the day for purchasing, and Jarvis and Qin Huaiyu took away Wangcai and the three of them.

After all, since Wang Yin's business reopened, the house has returned to a deserted state. Brother Ba and Luobo have been complaining all day about no one to play with them. When they see Jarvis and Qin Huaiyu about to go out, they shamelessly come over and say anything. Follow.

Qin Huaiyu and the others had no choice but to ask Wang Yin for instructions. Wang Yin thought it would be inappropriate to keep them at home all day, so he agreed.

As for prosperity, it was just incidental. . .

"Brother Yin, it's true, no one at home doesn't even lock the door, what if a thief comes!" Cheng Lingxue helped Wang Yin lock the door helplessly, and then went home and changed into a disguise and walked towards Yixianju.

In her opinion, Wang Yin was either going to the palace, looking for that vixen Cui Ying, or going to Yixianju. . . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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