Chapter 272 Killing Pigs

"Stand up and line up, and come one by one." Wang Yin said to a group of big fat pigs: "Yes, yes, stand up obediently, you will be stabbed in the morning, and you will be stabbed in the evening. You will die early and you will be born sooner. Now is the time for you to be liberated." , you should face it with a smile."

Wang Yin stood there while Xia Jiba pulled and waved his hands to direct the group of pigs to line up.

When a group of butchers saw Wang Yin talking to a group of pigs, they were all stunned: Didn't they say that this young man is a fairy?Why did you go talk to the pig?Could it be that the fairy's brain is broken?
"Do you understand?" Wang Yin looked at a group of pigs and asked: "If you understand, answer me loudly. If you don't understand, I can 'teach it'!"

Seeing that Wang Yin was actually still talking seriously to a group of pigs there, the group of butchers became more firm in their thinking: Sure enough, their brains are broken, and it seems that cultivating immortals is still a dangerous job. . .

"Hmph...Understood! Humph..." A group of pigs immediately responded with a loud voice.

Nonsense, of course they understand, especially just now Wang Yin deliberately emphasized the word "teach it", a group of pigs must understand even if they don't understand!

If this person taught him a lesson, would he still be able to bear it?It's not as good as getting a knife in the neck. . .

Of course, even though all the pigs answered, only Wang Yin could understand.

After all, they have never drank the transformation potion, so it is just a meaningless hum to others.

But even so, a group of butchers were stunned.

After all, the appearance of a group of big fat pigs nodding collectively was still very scary to them. . .

Especially when they saw a group of pigs actually lining up honestly and standing there quietly without any signs of trouble, their eyes almost dropped.

Do these pigs really understand?

Soon the big fat pig at the front of the team climbed up to the pig killing platform with the help of the villagers.

That's right. . .A few villagers below helped to fight up, and the big fat pig swung its two small forelegs upside down on the butcher's platform.

Look at the big fat pig working so hard, as if it is not going to the pig killing platform but its own nest. . .

"I'm ready, you tell him it's time to start." The big fat pig lay sprawled on the butcher's platform, turned his head and said to Wang Yin: "Remember to tell him to cut the knife faster and more accurately, so that it will be easier. I will suffer less."

The rest of the pigs were lying on the ground looking at the pigs lying on the butcher's platform, full of apprehension: I don't know if these techniques are familiar or not?I hope I can feel less guilty for a while. . .

"Uncle, let's get started." Seeing this, Wang Yin stabbed the dead butcher beside him.

"Oh... oh..." The pig butcher finally came back to his senses after being stabbed by Wang Yin in this way, and then looked at the pig lying quietly on the pig slaughtering platform with a strange expression, subconsciously He put his hand on its neck and touched it.

The pig butcher's heart was broken at the moment: it's a bloody hell. . .These pigs actually understood!Could it be that what the immortal said just now was pig talk?But obviously I understand it too?Can't figure it out, can't figure it out. . .

The villagers looked at the Spartan pig butchers and were secretly proud: Tsk, isn't it that pigs can understand the words of immortals? What is this?Back then we had seen rabbits and tigers talking, it was much more exciting than this!Look at all of you who have never seen the world. . .

It's a pity that the gang of flirtatious villagers completely forgot that when I saw Brother Ba and Tago talking, I was no better than this gang of butchers. . .

Or even worse than that. . .

"Forget it, I don't want these messes anymore, let's work quickly." The pig butcher saw the pigs on the pig slaughtering platform looking at him with puzzled eyes, and then threw out these messy thoughts in his mind , ready to start work.

What the hell!I actually saw doubt in this pig's eyes just now?It seems that there is still a little urging meaning?
I think I must be blind!

Thinking of this, the pig butcher quickly found the right spot and stabbed him.

"It hurts..." Naturally, he felt uncomfortable after being stabbed in the neck by a big fat pig, but just as he was about to struggle a few times, he saw Wang Yinzheng looking at him with a smile. . .

Well. . .It seems to be within the tolerable range. . .I'd better be honest. . .

Blood gushed out from the pig's neck and fell into a stainless steel basin filled with iodized salt on the ground.

"Strange, why do you think the immortal would take this pig's blood on purpose?"

"This thing is obviously useless..."

"Then who knows, how can the immortal's thoughts be understood by us..."

. . . . . .

Seeing this scene, a group of villagers began to discuss in a low voice.

Wang Yin just took out the stainless steel basin and put it there before, and didn't explain anything to them, so now a group of people don't understand what's going on.

"In the future, you will know what real fragrance is when you eat it." Wang Yin glanced at the discussing crowd, and thought maliciously in his heart.

"Eh? It doesn't seem to hurt as much as before?" With the loss of blood in his body, the big fat pig who gritted his teeth and persisted felt doubtful in his heart: "My head feels dizzy..."

Looking at the big fat pig that barely struggled until death on the butchering table, the butcher felt that his world view had collapsed. . .

The other pigs were relieved when they saw that their own kind was not struggling: this person is reliable, and they don't have to suffer. . .

Soon the first batch of pigs were carried down for disposal, and the second batch of pigs climbed up again with the help of the villagers.

"I feel like I've been cheated..." When they were stabbed in the neck, they suddenly cried out in their hearts: "Who said it doesn't hurt..."

It's a pity that they soon succumbed to Wang Yin's lust, and waited honestly for the moment of liberation.

From being surprised and shocked at the beginning to gradually adapting to it later, the pig butchers have gradually become numb to the strange situation of these pigs.

The simple stabbing was quick, and with the help of the villagers, a group of pigs were successfully freed within a short period of time. As for the remaining handling of the pigs, Wang Yin did not need to look at them.

Even if they are dead, can they still get up and jump around again?

Wang Yin waved and threw the stainless steel basins full of pig blood on the ground into the system space: In the future, his restaurant will be able to add another dish, and I think the rich people who come to Datang will like it very much.

Many people are powerful.

By the evening, dozens of flying pigs had been thoroughly cleaned up. Wang Yin conveniently collected all the pork into the system space, and also collected the waste water at the same time.

These are all good things. . . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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