Datang started from being a salted fish

Chapter 265 Feng Zhidai Wants to Learn Music

Chapter 265 Feng Zhidai Wants to Learn Music
"Brother Wang? What's the matter?" Seeing Wang Yin's appearance, Feng Zhidai said nervously, "But what's wrong?"

"Ahem...I'm fine..." Wang Yin stretched out his hand to signal, "It's just that something happened just now..."

Feng Zhidai was stunned when he heard this: Immortals can also have troubles?Something feels weird. . .

At this moment, Wang Yin's heart is full of camels: what a 'playing and singing'. . .Wang Yin almost opened his mouth to say, "Your Excellency lives in Beijing"? . . .Brother Feng, I'm sorry, I was the one who messed up. . . . . .

"Okay, okay, I'm fine." Seeing Feng Zhidai looking at him with concern, Wang Yin suddenly felt quite guilty.

People originally said something normal, but I distorted it like this. . .

"Then I don't know if Brother Wang can..." Seeing that Wang Yin was fine, Feng Zhidai continued the topic just now.

"You really want to learn?" Wang Yin looked at Feng Zhidai's serious face, and suddenly his heart moved.

It seems that it would be good to form a band and play together?

Although he is the only loyal customer now, this is a good start.

At that time, after the people of Tang Dynasty are satisfied with their basic necessities, they will pull the band out and have a national tour or something.

It's time for the people of Datang to experience the 'mudslide' in the music world!

It's kind of exciting to think about it, hehe. . .

"No problem." Thinking of this, Wang Yin happily made a decision.

"Really?" Hearing that Wang Yin really agreed, Feng Zhidai immediately became excited.

Just now when Wang Yin played and sang, Feng Zhidai was beside him, but he saw it clearly. Although the way of singing and the instruments he played were completely different from those of Tang Dynasty, it made him feel inexplicably refreshed.

In comparison, although Datang's songs are good now, in Feng Zhidai's opinion, they are more humming, not enjoyable at all.

On the other hand, Wang Yin's unique singing style seems to be more able to express the feelings in his heart.

And this feeling is exactly what he hopes and desires!

In order to reassure Li Shimin, his father directly took him to Chang'an City, saying that he was a hostage, which is almost the same.

Since he has such a special status, he is destined to have little development in his career in the future.

The teenage boy is just at the age of tossing, and as a result, he has nothing to do except eating, drinking and having fun all day long, but he is so suffocated.

After all, there are only a few things to play in Chang'an City, and it's okay to play occasionally, but if you deal with these things all day long, you will lose the fun.

Feng Zhidai urgently needed something to concentrate on, otherwise he would go crazy if he was doing nothing all day long, so he had to find something to distract him.

So tonight he did find it.

The moment he saw Wang Yin playing and singing, Feng Zhidai understood clearly.

right!This is it!That's what it feels like!Isn't this exactly what I've been looking for! ! !

"Of course it's true." Hearing Feng Zhidai's question, Wang Yin nodded, "It's not convenient here. I'll fix those musical instruments for you when I go back to your house."

"The little brother thanked Brother Wang!" Seeing Wang Yin nodding, Feng Zhidai Le's snot bubbles almost came out.

"Then it's settled." Wang Yin patted him on the shoulder: "Now let's take a walk for a while, we haven't finished our tour yet."

"Brother Wang's words are very true!" Now don't say that Wang Yin asked him to walk with him, even if Wang Yin asked him to pick up soap. . .

Well, farther away.

Immediately Wang Yin greeted Cheng Lingxue, and the three continued to wander around.

With Feng Zhidai beside her, Cheng Lingxue's mood was naturally not so beautiful, but she also knew that Feng Zhidai was a frequent customer of Wang Yin Restaurant, so it was hard to say anything.

In addition, Feng Zhidai was still very winking, and he could always keep a distance from the two of them when they were walking together, leaving enough space for Wang Yin and Cheng Lingxue, and Cheng Lingxue's dissatisfaction gradually faded away.

"Fortunately, she has a wink, much more pleasing to the eye than that fox spirit." Cheng Lingxue muttered in her heart, and continued to happily wander around with Wang Yin.

Nothing special happened after that, the three of them went back home after watching the fun.

"Ling Xue, why don't you go first..." Wang Yin said half a sentence when he went back, and then swallowed it back.

"Brother Yin, what's wrong?" Cheng Lingxue blinked her big eyes and looked at him curiously.

"No, nothing..." Wang Yin shook his head.

Originally, Wang Yin planned to let Cheng Lingxue go back first, he and Feng Zhidai went directly to Feng Zhidai's house, but Wang Yin suddenly recalled the encounter in the temple before, and immediately gave up this idea.

Although there are quite a lot of patrolling soldiers in Chang'an City now, and there are people everywhere and no one dares to do anything blatantly, but there is a contingency in everything, isn't it?
I've 'lost' Cheng Lingxue once before, although the root cause was not on me, Cheng Yaojin didn't say anything, but if I lost her again this time because I wanted to save trouble, I'm afraid Cheng Yaojin will look for her I worked hard. . .

At that time, it is not easy for Wang Yin to beat him when he is wrong. . .

At the gate of Lu Guogong's mansion
"Okay, Ling Xue, you go back first." Wang Yin waved his hand at him: "I'll go to brother Feng's house."

After sending Cheng Lingxue to the door of his house, Wang Yin was relieved. If he could lose someone in Duke Lu's mansion, what kind of chaos would the Tang Dynasty be in?
I'm afraid that the seat under Lao Li's buttocks will be unstable by then. . .

"Then...Brother Yin, I'll go back first." Cheng Lingxue nodded to Wang Yin, and then bowed to Feng Zhidai: "Mr. Feng, Lingxue is leaving first."

"Brother Wang, you have a good eye." After Cheng Lingxue left, Feng Zhidai said to Wang Yin with a smile.

In his opinion, Cheng Lingxue's looks are absolutely nothing, plus she is the eldest lady of Lu Guogong's family, Wang Yin and her are quite a good match.

"What the hell?" Wang Yin was taken aback by what he said: "What are you doing?"

"No, it's nothing." Feng Zhi Dai said with a smile: "Then brother Wang will go back to the humble house with my younger brother."

Feng Zhidai said in his heart: My good fellow, is this immortal still shy?
"Okay, let's go." Since Feng Zhidai didn't go into details, and Wang Yin didn't bother to ask, it didn't seem to be an important matter.

Logically speaking, since he had reached his door, Wang Yin should have invited Feng Zhidai in for a sit-down.

But this is only logical. . .

Wang Yin is now thinking about starting a band, unexpectedly, Feng Zhidai is also eager for Wang Yin to teach himself quickly, so naturally he doesn't care about these trivial matters.

So the two headed towards the house Feng Zhidai bought in Chang'an City.

"Brother Wang, please." Standing at the door of his own house, Feng Zhidai signaled to Wang Yin: "The humble house is simple, I hope Brother Wang will forgive me."

(End of this chapter)

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