Datang started from being a salted fish

Chapter 262 The Demons Dance in Discord

Chapter 262 The Demons Dance in Discord

"I finally see all my dreams blossoming..."

"The young chasing voice is so loud..."

"I finally soar..."

"Look with your heart and not be afraid..."

"Fly as far as there is wind..."

. . . . . .

What Wang Yin is playing and singing now is Uncle Teng's version of "Steel Wings". As the song unfolds, people's eyes become brighter and brighter, and finally their bodies shake slightly.

"Strange, the bleak feeling just now is gone..."

"Now I feel an inexplicable joy in my heart..."

"Yeah, I feel full of energy now!"

"It feels so hi! Strange, what is hi?..."

. . . . . .

After regaining their senses, the people shook their bodies meaninglessly, shouting words that they didn't understand what they meant. . .

What's the matter with the body?It's out of control at all!I can't stop at all!

Forget it, it seems to be quite exciting. . .

. . . . . .

After the song ended, Wang Yin put down the guitar, and was about to get up and go back to Cheng Lingxue and the others.

He wanted to leave, but the people who eat melons refused to agree!

Oh, you got us high and just left?
But we haven't had enough!
You want to leave before we're done?

You are causing trouble! ! !

"One more!" Someone in the crowd shouted.

"Yes, one more!"

"Xiao Langjun, don't leave!"

"keep going!"

. . . . . .

Seeing this, Wang Yin blinked: Fuck, I saved you from feeling sad, but it turned out that you were lucky, skipping the transition stage and directly getting high?

Eh?Seems pretty exciting too?
Thinking of this, Wang Yin's eyes lit up immediately, and then he walked towards the crowd around him and asked, "Tell me loudly, are you all high now?!"


"So hi!"


. . . . . .

The crowd immediately responded fiercely. Although they didn't know what hi meant, they just shouted loudly and it was over.

Don't care about him so much, let's talk about it after the addiction. . .

Wang Yin took a glance, and the ones who yelled most enthusiastically were those women disguised as men.

Whoops?not bad!Do we have a little girl now?

"Brother Yin, you are the best!" Cheng Lingxue, who is Wang Yin's loyal number one fangirl, immediately put her hand to her mouth and shouted at the top of her voice.

But after shouting, Cheng Lingxue realized that she had been too rude just now, and quickly looked around awkwardly to see if anyone had seen her.

Practice has proved that she really thinks too much: Now that a group of people who eat melons are shouting more energetically than her, who has the time to talk to her?The two hundred and five for the insane is fine, didn't you see Cao Ying and the little maid yelling around their necks?

Cui Ying also realized her gaffe after yelling, and hurriedly looked left and right in embarrassment, only to meet Cheng Lingxue's eyes.

The expressions on the faces of the two suddenly brightened, as if they drank two catties of old godmother when they were constipated. . .

Then the two people quickly turned their heads away, secretly spitting in their hearts.

"Do you want to continue to be high?" At this time, Wang Yin continued to ask anxiously.

"miss you!"


"hurry up!"

. . . . . .

Eat melon's response was more intense than before, and some people even started to sway excitedly.

After all, they were having fun just now, and Wang Yin stopped suddenly.You said you stopped and it's over, but you're so fucking teased now that it's not over yet! . . .

"Then let's have fun to the end!" Wang Yin picked up the guitar again and shouted at the crowd.

An oiran contest that was supposed to be good was turned into a concert scene by this guy.

But now no one cares about it: what is the oiran?Have this fun?While going, while going. . .

"Move!" Wang Yin began to sing after strumming the guitar twice.

This guy also has a dark heart: Don't you guys like to have fun?After being blessed by the system's BGM function, Uncle Teng's "Be Er Shuang" guarantees to let you enjoy it to the end!hey-hey. . .

As Wang Yin sang, the bodies of the people below began to move again. The difference was that they were moving more violently than before during the Steel Wings, and they had begun to move closer to the disco. . . . . .

Originally, this kind of situation would never happen to the people of Tang Dynasty. After all, no matter how crazy they were, they would never do such outrageous things.

But the BGM function that can't stand the system is really too powerful. After multiplying the artistic conception of the song by N times, it directly hits the depths of people's souls.

The artistic conception of Uncle Teng's "Be Er Shuang" is magnified several times by the BGM and then added with the blessing of the magic guitar, which feels beyond Wang Yin's imagination.

Anyway, Wang Yin asked himself that if he was a human being before, he would definitely not be able to bear it. Didn't he see that everyone is seriously bewitched now? . .

Forget it, it's not bad to be happy during the holidays. . .

"Wow! Brother Yin is so awesome!" Cheng Lingxue looked at Wang Yin who was playing and singing with twinkling eyes: "It turns out that he sounds so good when he sings seriously! It's just that my body can't stop..."

Cao Ying was still trying her best to suppress her body's desire to move, but she finally lost to the black technology of the system after working hard for a long time: "Forget it, there are so many people anyway, no one should have noticed me... Speaking of it It's really satisfying. . . ”

With so many people on their side dancing wildly in this group of demons, it is naturally impossible for the people around them to see if they are not blind.

Seeing that a group of them were holding some cult ceremony here, someone came over curiously to watch.

Of course, there are also those who want nothing to do and go directly to find the patrolling city guards. After all, these people look so abnormal! ! !
Unsurprisingly, the onlookers passively joined the 'cult ceremony' before they could figure out what was going on. By the time they realized it, it was too late: "Eh? What's going on? How did I become like this? Already? Forget it, let’s just enjoy it and it’s over..."

"Master, it's over there." He pulled the city guards and walked towards the scene: "Originally, the Oiran Grand Competition was held, but since that young gentleman went up, this group of people has become very different. It's normal, I suspect it might be some kind of Turkic spies!"

"There is indeed a problem." The squad leader of the city guards nodded in agreement when he saw this: "Brothers, let's go and have a look, stay vigilant, and cheer up!"

Because there is still some distance away, and Wang Yin didn't deliberately use the power of the devil to increase the volume, so they can't hear Wang Yin's singing at all now, they just see a young man there who seems to be singing something look.

The team leader watched from afar a group of people trembling beside him as if possessed by a demon, so he even quickened his pace. . .

(End of this chapter)

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