Datang started from being a salted fish

Chapter 237 Eating Dumplings

Chapter 237 Eating Dumplings

Of course, the result was unsurprisingly useless: How can the chef's cooking skills be learned by just looking at them?
"Okay, hurry up and get to work." After Wang Yin processed the ingredients, he saw a group of people looking at him in a daze, and he couldn't help but feel a black line on his forehead.

"Oh... oh..." A group of servants came back to their senses and quickly resumed their work.

"Cui Zhu, you guys make more noodles." Seeing that the volume of the noodles that Cui Zhu and the others made is estimated to be enough for the people in his house, Wang Yin quickly reminded: "Double the amount. "

After all, it's New Year's Eve, and it's a neighbor's, Wang Yin is naturally going to send some to Cheng Yaojin and the others.

Considering the food intake of the Cheng family's several animals, if it was doubled, it would probably be enough for them to eat.

After Wang San and the others washed a large pile of beef, mutton, and pork, Wang Yin picked up the kitchen knife again and started working hard.

Seeing Wang San and the others standing there in a daze after washing the meat and having nothing to do, Wang Yin simply asked them to also run to make noodles.

Anyway, I made a lot of meat myself, so it would be good to pack more and eat a few more meals, after all, it’s Chinese New Year’s Eve.

Besides, kneading noodles is not a very skillful job, even if Wang San and the others don't live very well, let the cooks go through it again in the end, it's better than letting them stand there and stare at the ass of a few little maids up. . .

Thinking of this, Wang Yin simply got some meat out, and this time he didn't let Wang San and the others do it, so he took care of it himself.

With Wang Yin's God of Cookery technology and his strengthened body with Spartan blood, he washed the meat much faster than Wang San and the others. His hands fluttered like a small electric motor, and he was done washing quickly.

After washing the meat, Wang Yin picked up the kitchen knife and continued to process it, and the whole kitchen suddenly heard the sound of "duk tuk tuk".

Brother Ba originally planned to come to the kitchen for a stroll in the name of 'helping', but was stopped by Wangcai and Luobo: "Don't make trouble, be careful that the master beats you."

In the end, Brother Ba finally gave up his plan to go to the kitchen after thinking for a while, after all, the shadow of being almost roasted before has not dissipated. . .

After the noodles and fillings were finished, Wang Yin made dumplings with them for a while, and then told them how long to cook the different fillings and remembered to cook them separately before leaving.

After all, making dumplings is just a whim on his mind, and now he will get tired of playing and won't bother to play.

At noon, the dumplings came out of the pot one after another. Wang Yin tasted the dumplings with every kind of filling and then nodded: "The taste is not bad, let's continue cooking."

"Okay, let's eat it while it's hot." Leaving Wang Jiu there to continue cooking the dumplings, Wang Yin sat down at the table and took out a few small plates and put them on the table, and then took out a bottle of dumpling vinegar to drink. Said with a group of servants.

"Speaking of which, it's been a long time since I've eaten." Wang Yin picked up a dumpling and sighed, and then saw a group of servants still standing cautiously beside him, thinking it was some kind of feudal etiquette master-servant rank or something: " House rules."

Wang Yin knew that it would be a waste of saliva to reason with them, so he simply used the nirvana, after all, these two words are tried and tested~
A group of servants looked at me and looked at you, still hesitating, and finally saw Jarvis nodded at them, and sat down bravely.

Normally, even if he killed Jarvis, he wouldn't dare to do that, and it was absolutely impossible to be at the same table with the master.

But who called my young master a special case?
This is the experience that Jarvis has gained after many failed battles on the issue of master and servant levels: as long as the young master wants to do something, even if he speaks out, he can't stop it. . .

"Pour vinegar into the plate yourself." Wang Yin pointed to the plate and dumpling vinegar on the table and gestured.

Seeing this, Wang San quickly put a vinegar dish in front of Jarvis to help him pour the vinegar, and then pushed the vinegar dish in front of Cuizhu in a very doggy manner and began to pour the vinegar.

Man, it's almost overflowing. . .

Seeing this, Wang Yin gave Wang San a thumbs up in his heart: You can, young man!There is a future, I am optimistic about you!

After a fierce psychological struggle, a group of servants finally bit the bullet and picked up the dumplings and ate them.

"Wow, this is delicious," Cuizhu said with eyes shining as soon as he took a mouthful of dumplings, "Master, this Jiaoer... the dumplings are so delicious! Why are they so delicious?!"

Facing the gourmet green bamboo, he had no resistance and was instantly conquered.

After all, Wang Yin's dumplings were stuffed with a lot of seasonings from later generations, and Datang's dumplings were naturally incomparable.

"Eat more if it tastes good." Wang Yin suddenly remembered the slogan and said it casually.

The eyes of the other servants were also shining brightly, if it weren't for Wang Yin's presence here, they probably wouldn't be able to see the appearance of eating. . .

After eating for a while, another pot of dumplings came out, and Wang Yin took the dumpling plate and received it in the system space: After all, there are so many dumplings, if the last pot is cooked, the previous ones will be cold.

The dumplings were finally cooked when the servants were almost finished eating. Wang Jiu was already sweating a lot on his forehead because he kept sitting next to the hot pot while cooking the dumplings.

Seeing this, Cuizhu walked over chewing on dumplings, took out a silk scarf and handed it to Wang Jiu: "Wipe."

Seeing this, Wang Jiu felt embarrassed for a while, and finally had to wipe off his sweat with a silk scarf: "Oh...thank you..."

When Wang San and Wang Wu saw this, they were struck by lightning and couldn't believe it.

Wang Yin was immediately happy: Fuck, Wang Jiu is the winner in life. . .

"What's the matter?" Cuizhu sat back at the table and asked wonderingly: "Why are you all looking at me like this?"

Wang San and Wang Wu said they didn't want to talk. . .

"Wang Jiu, come and eat." Wang Yin greeted him, left enough dumplings for them to eat, and left.

Duke Lu's Mansion
"Yo, Wang Yin is here?" Cheng Yaojin's family was sitting together for a meal, when they saw Wang Yin coming over, they greeted quickly: "Come, come, sit down and eat together."

Seeing this, Cheng Chuliang rolled his eyes, then left his seat and ran to Cheng Chumo's side: "I like this dish, it's not convenient enough over there, please save some for me."

"Didn't this make some delicious food at home just now?" Wang Yin naturally walked to Cheng Chuliang's place just now, that is, next to Cheng Lingxue, and continued to cook: "I just wanted to bring you something to try."

Seeing Wang Yin sitting next to him, Cheng Lingxue was both nervous and happy.

Needless to say, she was delighted, and as for being nervous, although she usually sat with Wang Yin every day, it was basically just the two of them after all, so naturally she would be a little nervous in front of her parents now.

"There's not much room on this table..." Wang Yin looked at the table full of dishes and muttered, "Old Cheng, take some away."

(End of this chapter)

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