Datang started from being a salted fish

Chapter 227 Resettlement of Refugees

Chapter 227 Resettlement of Refugees

Of course, this group of soldiers would not care if they walked in the opposite direction of Chang'an City, but since they ran to Chang'an City to survive, no one was stupid enough to go back.

After all, although he couldn't enter Chang'an City here, at least he had a shack that could shelter him from the wind and rain, so that he would not be easily frozen to death.

If he turned back directly, he would either starve to death or freeze to death on the road.

"Dinner is ready!" Just as a group of refugees squatted on the ground numbly and did not know where they would be tomorrow, the shouts of the big soldiers suddenly came from their ears.

"Food?" Hearing this familiar yet unfamiliar word, the empty eyes of the refugees suddenly lit up.

When they dubiously stood up and walked outside, when they saw the steaming cauldron in the middle of the camp, they all went crazy and ran towards the cauldron recklessly.

God knows how long it had been since they had eaten something serious. They were lucky enough to grab something to eat along the way, but if they were unlucky, they would starve.Now it's so cold that there isn't even a grass root or bark.

Let alone food now, it is a luxury for them to have such a mouthful of hot water to drink.

"Stop!" Seeing this, the soldiers quickly raised their weapons and pointed at the refugees: "Everyone line up and come one by one. Anyone who rushes indiscriminately will be shot to death!"

As far as this group of refugees are panting with red eyes, if Xia Jiba is allowed to rush around like this, they will definitely trample a large number of them to death.

Seeing the posture of the soldiers, the refugees finally stopped the tendency to charge forward, slowly slowed down and lined up obediently.

Thinking of the person who disappeared before, they absolutely believed that these soldiers said that they would really kill people!

When the refugees at the front of the line walked up to the cauldron and saw the unknown food cooking in it, their eyes filled with tears of excitement: "Eat! There is really food!"

Although I don't know what is cooked in it, the taste of the food floating out of the pot will not lie!

After all, it was Chang'an City, the imperial city of the Tang Dynasty, so it was normal to have something to eat that I had never seen before.

When this person spoke, his voice was not low, and when the people behind heard that it was really food, there was another commotion.

Before, they just rushed over with the idea of ​​drinking some hot water to warm up their bodies, but now that they really have something to eat, it's no wonder they aren't excited.

"Everyone be quiet!" The soldiers yelled again when they saw this: "Don't worry, there are a lot of food, and everyone can eat."

Hearing what the soldiers said, no matter whether they believed it or were afraid, the crowd became quiet again, and the refugees continued to wait in line obediently.

As a result, the unknown food was contained in a rough bowl. The refugee at the front of the line walked to the side and took a sip impatiently. As a result, tears almost came out from the scalding, and he was reluctant to spit out the food in his mouth.

After getting used to it for a while and chewing the food carefully, the refugee's eyes immediately lit up: "It smells so good! It's so sweet!"

Then he blew into the bowl fiercely, after all, he wasn't short-hearted, he just got burned because he was too anxious, if he still did that, he would really be short-hearted. . .

As time went by, more and more refugees received the food and began to eat. The ground of the refugee camp was full of refugees who were squatting or standing there eating, and they were still grinning after being burned. stuffed it into his mouth.

"I've only heard about such a scene before, but I didn't expect to see it with my own eyes." Wang Yin stood in the distance and looked at the refugees eating potato porridge there, and said with emotion: "I didn't expect people who couldn't eat in Datang to be so many."

Although Wang Yin had seen refugees once before, after all, there were few people that time, and it was far less violent than the visual impact brought by the refugees of Thousand Lai.

"The ones you saw only reached Chang'an alive," Li Shimin said with a sigh, "Most of them stayed on the road, starving to death or freezing to death. And these are only refugees from the prefectures and counties near Chang'an City. Those far away are simply unable to reach Chang'an..."

"Don't worry," Wang Yin patted him on the shoulder: "This situation will end soon."

"Are you going to attack the family?" Hearing what Wang Yin said, Li Shimin looked at him for a moment and asked, "But the Turks..."

"It's not aimed at the family, I'm just doing my own thing now," the two said while entering a tent: "You don't have to worry about the Turks, I promise you at the worst, if the family has an affair with the Turks Things, let me help you destroy the Turks."

"Is this true?" Hearing Wang Yin's words, Li Shimin said excitedly.

"Okay, don't go so far." Wang Yin waved his hand: "It's not that far yet."

In fact, it's not that Wang Yin is unwilling to help Li Shimin destroy the Turks, it's just that it's too far away, and Wang Yin still has a lot of work to do, so how can he have time to do Turkic and Oujuk affairs. . .

Of course, if the Turkic army ran out of Chang'an City by themselves, Wang Yin would not mind helping Li Shimin clean them up.

Compared with developing talents and making games for yourself. . .No, for the powerful Tang Dynasty, Turkic Aujue is a trivial matter.

Hearing Wang Yin's guarantee, Li Shiminle's snot bubbles almost came out, and he waved there excitedly: Now that he has Wang Yin's guarantee, a big stone in his heart is finally let go.

Then Li Shimin secretly rejoiced: Although Wang Yin's original intention was not to target the aristocratic family, but what he is doing now is not like this!Hehe, when the time comes, I'm afraid that you didn't pay attention to the aristocratic family, but the aristocratic family found you first instead.Um. . .I have to pay close attention to this matter. Although I want him to deal with the family, I am afraid that when the time comes, this kid will kill someone with a knife on impulse, then
Toss in vain.If killing people could solve the problem, I would have done it long ago. . .

However, Li Shimin ignored a problem. If Li Shimin killed someone, the aristocratic family might rebel against him. If it was Wang Yin. . .

"Now these refugees have been resettled, but it's not a problem to stay outside the city all the time?" After the excitement, Li Shimin thought that he didn't know how to resettle these refugees, and suddenly his head grew dizzy.

Putting them in Chang'an City is definitely not enough, and there are not so many jobs for them. Besides, this is only the first batch, and there are many more in the future.

It's even worse to rush back, then your reputation will be completely rotten.

"Easy!" Wang Yin snapped his fingers: "Zhengchou has no one to build the road for me, don't you think this is here?"

(End of this chapter)

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