Chapter 209

"I'm already very smart, okay?" Cheng Lingxue brushed away Wang Yin's mischievous hand, and straightened her tousled hair.

"More than that, I'm going to teach something else." Wang Yin thought for a while and said, "And my school is prepared to face the children of ordinary people."

Then Wang Yin looked at Cheng Lingxue and said, "Of course, female students are also recruited."

"Women are also recruited?" Cheng Lingxue was stunned when she heard Wang Yin's words.

Although there are women in the Tang Dynasty who can read and write, they are usually self-taught at home, and there are no women in the school.

"You will understand in the future." Wang Yin patted her little head lightly and said.

Wang Yin also understands the patriarchal situation in Datang now, but there is no need to say too much, and it will be over if you are reckless~
At this time, the panda 'Luobo' came over from Wangcai's kennel, lay at Wang Yin's feet and looked at him with his two watery eyes: "Master, where did Wangcai and the others go? There is no one to accompany them now." I played..."

"I've been too busy to ignore you recently." Wang Yin patted Luobo's head: "Okay, I'll take you to play with them later."

After Wang Yin finished speaking, he took out a few radishes and handed them to it. The radish hugged the radish and happily ate it. . .

"Little cutie, do you miss me?" Cheng Lingxue bent down and stretched out her hand to rub the carrot's face.

Wang Yin glanced at her: Why do you feel that bears have become cute in her eyes?The aesthetics of a female man is indeed very strange. . .Um. . .Speaking of it, it is indeed very large. The size of 14 years old is very unscientific!

"Huh? Why do I always pay attention to this kind of little girl?" Wang Yin was suddenly stunned for a moment: "Shouldn't I have no interest in women now? Forget it, I've been using my brain too much recently, I'll take a break first. .”

"Judging from the strength of the host's brain at the moment, such a small amount of thinking can cause less than one ten-thousandth of the load on the brain, and there is no such thing as excessive brain use." The voice of the system suddenly rang in Wang Yin's mind.

"System, you will have no friends if you talk like this." Wang Yin complained: "Do you understand people's difficulties?"

"The system is just a program and does not need friends." The system said truthfully.

"Forget it, why don't you go and stay where it's cool..." Wang Yin felt that he would vomit blood if he continued talking to this one-sided system.

"Speaking of which, if this guy didn't appear suddenly, I would have almost forgotten that I still have a system... I've been using that mall as a canteen before..." Wang Yin finally complained to himself, and then closed his eyes Completely salty fish up.

"Brother Yin, if you want to sleep, go to sleep indoors, you will get sick outside..." Cheng Lingxue stopped halfway through speaking, and then realized that she said something wrong: Brother Yin is a fairy, how could he get sick? Woolen cloth?Speaking of which, it seems that I have never seen him sick. . .

It was almost the end of the year, and the weather was getting colder and colder, Cheng Lingxue couldn't help tightening her clothes.Even though he was wearing thick clothes, he still felt a little cold.

"I didn't sleep, I was just thinking." Wang Yin went to the banquet and then turned to look at her: "Are you cold?"

"Don't even look at what month it is. I'm not a fairy, so I can't compare with you." Cheng Lingxue gave him a white look.

"That's right, I almost forgot." Wang Yin smiled and waved at her: "Let's go, I'll take you inside to keep you warm."

Speaking of which, he has already got rid of the category of human beings, but he has ignored the weather factor. . .

"It's still warm in your villa." In a bedroom of the villa, Cheng Lingxue stretched comfortably and said with emotion.

Although there is heating in the hall, after all, the space is too large, and the warmth is naturally worse than that of the bedroom.Wang Yin was afraid that she would be cold, so he simply turned on the air conditioner to the maximum.

5 minutes later
"Speaking of which, you immortals will enjoy it." Cheng Lingxue felt a little hot at the moment, so she took off the outer fur coat and put it on the bed: "It's amazing that winter can be so warm."

"Just as long as you're happy." Wang Yin lay down on the bed and said casually.

As a result, after a while, Wang Yin felt sleepy for a while, and suddenly wondered: I don't need to sleep now, why am I still sleepy?

It's just that he fell asleep without waiting for him to study and understand the problem.

"He also said that he was not sleepy." Hearing Wang Yin's slight snoring, Cheng Lingxue lay on the bedside and looked at his sleeping face: "It seems that a fairy is no different from us mortals when he is asleep."

Seeing that the white hair in front of Wang Yin's forehead was covering his eyes, Cheng Lingxue stretched out her hand to help him move it aside. Her fingers paused for a moment, and then she gently swiped at Wang Yin's eyebrows and the bridge of his nose: "But he is only one year older than me. That’s all, you treat me like a little girl all day long, hum!”

"Ha..." Cheng Lingxue covered her mouth with her sleeve and yawned, "I'm drowsy after warming up..."

Looking at the big bed in front of her, Cheng Lingxue gritted her teeth, and finally lay on the other side away from Wang Yin with a blushing face: "I... I'll just squint for a while..."

after an hour
"Damn it, I actually fell asleep..." Wang Yin woke up in a daze: "Master System, don't I need to sleep now? Why do I still feel sleepy?"

"The host misunderstood. It's not that you don't need to sleep now, it's just that you need to sleep once in a long time." The system replied truthfully.

Wang Yin was taken aback when he heard the system say this, and then began to recall: When was the last time I slept?Seems like it's been too long to remember. . .

"It's not a good thing to say that you don't need to sleep. When you're bored, you can just work hard..." Wang Yin made a casual remark, and was about to get up: "Well, what's going on?"

Wang Yin, who felt something strange about his body, took a closer look and immediately grasped a piece of straw: Cheng Lingxue was sleeping soundly with her arms around her, her head resting on her chest, and her clothes were wet with her laughter. . .

"This sleeping appearance is very powerful~" Wang Yin suddenly became happy: "It suits the identity of a female man..."

Seeing Cheng Lingxue like this, Wang Yin didn't want to get up directly, so as not to wake her up, so he was ready to continue thinking about the next development strategy.It's just that the familiar and soft touch from the chest made Wang Yin's egg hurt again: this damn. . .How can you concentrate on thinking like this. . .

"Strange, shouldn't I have no interest in women now? Why do I care about these things?" At this time, the previous doubts resurfaced in Wang Yin's mind again.

Just when Wang Yin was wondering, Cheng Lingxue curled up his right leg, but it didn't matter, it happened to touch a place that shouldn't be touched. . .

(End of this chapter)

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