Datang started from being a salted fish

Chapter 201 No Place to Place

Chapter 201 No Place to Place
Gulan Temple

"Abbot, I just got the news that Li Shimin's soldiers are already on their way!" A monk came to the abbot's room and whispered: "I have asked them to move the things outside, what do you think we should do next?"

"Don't panic," the abbot squinted his eyes: "When they come, they won't find anything, and they will leave naturally."

half an hour later

"Search!" Cheng Yaojin stood at the gate of Gulan Temple and waved his hand, and the soldiers behind rushed in with weapons.

"What's going on? Why are there so many soldiers suddenly?"

"I do not know..."

"Did something happen in this temple?"

. . . . . .

Seeing this, the pilgrims around started talking.

They basically haven't returned home after going out, so they haven't heard anything about what happened before.Now seeing so many soldiers suddenly surrounded the temple, they all stood outside with bewildered faces and dared not go in.

Driven by the soldiers like wolves and tigers, the monks in the temple were soon driven together.A group of soldiers were left to guard these monks, and the rest of the troops scattered around the temple to search for them.

an hour later
"Have you searched all over?" Cheng Yaojin frowned as he watched the soldiers returning empty-handed.

"Reporting to the general, the entire temple has been searched!" The leader of the soldiers reported: "A few secret passages and darkrooms were found, but there were only some sundries or food piled up inside, and no other suspicious things were found. place."

"Use secret passages and darkrooms to store sundries and food?" Cheng Yaojin was stunned for a moment: "There's obviously something wrong with this fucking thing!..."

Although Cheng Yaojin had some doubts, it's not good to arrest someone without evidence.

"Amitabha! Aren't you afraid of being blamed by the Bodhisattva for the almsgiver to disturb the pure cultivation of Buddhism rashly?" The abbot among the monks said suddenly after seeing that Cheng Yaojin had nothing to gain.

"Hey, old guy, don't let me play this game here." Cheng Yaojin glanced at him: "Even if you turn your temple upside down today, I will find out who you are!"

This Gulan Temple is not far from the former Damin Temple. Cheng Yaojin always feels that there is something wrong with this temple, and he can't tell where the specific problem is. Anyway, he has this intuition.

The old abbot stopped talking, looked at Cheng Yaojin sympathetically, bowed his head and read Buddhist scriptures.

"Aye, I found something!" At this moment, Cheng Chubi poked his head out from the main hall and shouted at Cheng Yaojin.

Cheng Yaojin glanced at the abbot when he heard the words, and walked in quickly.

I saw that the Buddha statue in the center of the Daxiong Palace had been moved aside, and the entrance of a secret passage was exposed in front of everyone.

"Hey! Sure enough, there is a problem!" Cheng Yaojin muttered, and walked in with the soldiers.

Such a scene was staged simultaneously in many temples inside and outside Chang'an City.

Li Shimin looked at the news sent back in the palace with a gloomy face. Every time he saw one more message, his face became more gloomy. The prince next to him stood by with a blank face, not daring to vent his anger.

At this time, Li Shimin was obviously on the verge of breaking out, and he might be blown up by just a little irrelevant matter.

"It's ridiculous... Originally, I thought that if we don't talk about the Tang Dynasty, at least this city of Chang'an is still peaceful, and the people live and work in peace and contentment..." Li Shimin threw the secret letter with the news on the table, closed his eyes and took a deep breath A few times: "I didn't expect... There are so many dirty deeds under my nose!!!"

"Your Majesty, it's dawn." Empress Changsun walked behind him and helped him massage his stiff neck muscles: "It's time for you to sleep."

Li Shimin heard the words and looked outside the hall, the light of the early morning had pierced the night and sprinkled on the ground.

"How can I sleep now..." Li Shimin stood up and paced in the hall: "Search money, annex land, privately manufacture weapons and armor! They are going to rebel!!!"

There is another sentence that Li Shimin didn't say: a group of monks would never have the courage to do these things, and there must be the secret support of the aristocratic family.

As for which one, it's hard to say. . .

General House

"Old Cheng, what do you mean?" Wang Yin stared at Cheng Yaojin: "Without any injustice or enmity, you actually cheated me?"

"Wang Yin, don't say that." Cheng Yaojin sat down on the rocking chair next to him: "This is what His Majesty meant."

"Why didn't you send them home? I'm not a shelter!" Wang Yin gave him a blank look.

"That's what we planned at the beginning, but when those women heard that they were going to be arranged to go home, they immediately pulled out the soldiers' knives and wiped their necks." Cheng Yaojin sighed: "Yes, what happened to them now, even if they go back I can’t live well..."

Wang Yin patted his forehead when he heard the words: "This era of evil! Obviously they are all victims..."

Indeed, as Cheng Yaojin said, this group of women can't live without going home now, they can bear the gossip of the people around them.Some parents even don't recognize their daughter at all, thinking that this is a shame to the family, and they can't afford to lose this person.

"Anyway, that's how things are." Cheng Yaojin spread his hands: "They refuse to go home, don't eat or drink, don't listen to what others say, just stand there in a daze. You can't just look at them Are you going to starve yourself to death like this? Your Majesty really has no choice but to look for you. I guess you are an immortal, so you have something to do, right?"

Thinking of three or four hundred women waiting for him to settle, Wang Yin felt dizzy. . .

As Cheng Yaojin said, you can't just watch them starve to death, can you?

At least Wang Yin asked himself that he couldn't do it.

"Where are they now?" Wang Yin stood up and asked.

Royal Palace
"You go in first, I won't go in." Standing in front of a courtyard, Cheng Yaojin patted Wang Yin's shoulder: "Now they are particularly resistant to men, as long as they see a man appearing, they will be scared You have to huddle on the ground."

Wang Yin pushed the door and walked in. There was no one else in the distance except the three or four hundred women and the Empress Changsun.Empress Changsun is currently doing ideological work for these girls, but it is obviously useless.Empress Ren Changsun's lips were worn out, but they still stood there with empty eyes.

After seeing Wang Yin's appearance, the group of women really shrank on the ground as Cheng Yaojin said, not daring to stand up, trembling all over.

"Wang Yin, it's up to you." Empress Changsun glanced at him: "If you can't help it..."

"Okay, I understand. Ma'am, go and rest for a while." Wang Yin waved at her.

After hearing the words, Empress Changsun looked at the women shrinking on the ground again, sighed and left.

(End of this chapter)

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