Datang started from being a salted fish

Chapter 190 Fool Yuan Tiangang

Chapter 190 Fool Yuan Tiangang

"We are guests from afar. Since Uncle Sun and Taoist Yuan are here, why not have a drink?" Wang Yin looked at the two of them and extended an invitation.

"The old man, I won't be polite to you." Hearing that there was wine to drink, Sun Simiao immediately lifted his spirits, Wang Yin's fine wine left a deep impression on him.

"That's a lot of trouble." Yuan Tiangang cupped his hands.

"Qingque, come together." Wang Yin beckoned to Li Tai, and led everyone to the villa hall.

As soon as he entered the hall, Yuan Tiangang was overwhelmed by the scene inside, and stood there in a daze.

"I told you about the magic of Wang Yin's villa before, believe me now." Sun Simiao looked at him and smiled.

"Amazing!" Yuan Tiangang sighed.

Yuan Tiangang was shocked again when he saw Wang Yin using his ability to fetch things from the air to get food outside: Is this kid really a fairy like the rumors outside?

"Old Yuan, don't be dazed, sit down." Seeing Yuan Tiangang in a daze, Wang Yin hurriedly greeted him.

"Come on, you and I drink this cup together, it's a celebration of my acquaintance with Daoist Yuan." Wang Yin finished speaking and picked up the cup.

Smelling the aroma of wine in the air, Yuan Tiangang couldn't care less about sighing at the glass at this moment, picked up the wine glass and couldn't wait to take a sip.

"Good wine!" After drinking a glass of wine, Yuan Tiangang's eyes lit up immediately.

"Since Lao Yuan likes it, let's drink more." Seeing this, Wang Yin filled another glass for him.

Since he didn't have much contact with Wang Yin, Sun Simiao thought that Wang Yin was just showing his friendship as a landlord, but Li Tai next to him didn't think so.

Seeing Wang Yin's courteous appearance, and based on his understanding of Wang Yin, Li Tai always felt that Daoist Yuan seemed to be tricked by Brother Yin. . .

The wine and food opened up Yuan Tiangang's stomach, and at the same time opened up Wang Yin's chatterbox. . .

"Old Yuan, what do you think of this alchemy technique?" Wang Yin looked at Yuan Tiangang and asked.

"Ask immortals to ask, my yearning." Yuan Tiangang looked yearning.

"I have a different opinion." Wang Yin shook his head: "Your current method of alchemy is, to put it bluntly, a fool's errand. If you don't eat dead people, you are lucky!"

"How do you say that?" Yuan Tiangang immediately became unhappy when he heard Wang Yin belittle his profession.

"Don't think what I said is unpleasant, it's the fact. It's not an exaggeration to say that the elixirs you practice are poisons. Various heavy metals exceed the standard..."

"Why heavy metals exceed the standard?"

"Heavy metal is a substance that is harmful to humans... Exceeding the limit can cause damage to human internal organs... leading to death..."

"Is there even such a thing?"

"Forget it, let's not talk about it when we eat, let's talk about the stars in the sky... Actually, the stars don't shine..."

"Then why do the stars shine at night?"

"This involves optics... By the way, these stars are actually divided, and we call them constellations..."

"What is a constellation?"

. . . . . .

"You mean the sun doesn't move but the earth under our feet does?"

. . . . . .

"You mean that there are extremely cold places at the north and south ends, where the ice and snow will not melt for thousands of years?"

. . . . . .

"Are you saying that having a boy or a girl depends on which X chromosome and crooked chromosome?"

. . . . . .

"Didn't you just talk about oxygen, why did you talk about postpartum care for sows?"

. . . . . .

Wang Yin caught Yuan Tiangang just talking about Xia Ji. In the end, let alone Yuan Tiangang and the others fainted, even he himself fainted. . .

Cheng Lingxue has been watching Wang Yin's 'performance' attentively, thinking in her heart: Brother Yin is amazing!Even the postpartum care of sows is known!
At this moment, Yuan Tiangang didn't even think about Wang Yin's identity at all, his mind was full of all kinds of strange knowledge. . .

Seeing Yuan Tiangang's expression of "you have successfully aroused my interest", Wang Yin knew that there was something to be said for this matter, so he didn't waste himself fooling around while driving the search.

Looking at the expression on Li Tai's face next to him, Wang Yin also knew how to deal with him next.

"Before, my thinking fell into a misunderstanding. I just thought that there was nothing to teach him, but I forgot that I could let him learn by himself. Isn't old man Sun a living example..." Wang Yin complained to himself.

"Actually, I only have a superficial understanding of this knowledge. After all, I didn't study these knowledge specifically. If you are interested, Lao Yuan, you can read these." Then he took out a few books and handed them to the two.

Of course, it is an improved version of the system.

""Geography", "Biology", "Chemistry", "Physics"..." Yuan Tiangang looked at the titles of the books Wang Yin handed over: "All the things you just talked about are in these books?"

"Almost." Wang Yin nodded: "If you don't understand some symbols or some basic knowledge, you can ask Qing Que. He learned from me for a while before."

"This is your apprentice?" Yuan Tiangang noticed Li Tai at this time.

"Well, he is also His Majesty's fourth prince, Li Tai, King of Shu." Wang Yin introduced.

"I have seen His Highness the King of Shu." Sun Simiao and Yuan Tiangang saluted quickly after hearing the words.

"The two real people don't need to be too polite." Li Tai hurriedly returned the gift: "I hope that real person Yuan will support you a lot in the process of studying in the future."

Li Tai thought in his heart: Brother Yin, I can only help you so far.

"The king of Shu speaks seriously." Yuan Tiangang hurriedly signaled that he did not dare, but his face was very calm.

"Okay, you two, don't be too polite." Wang Yin said with a smile: "Just help each other and make progress together."

Hearing what Wang Yin said, the two of them smiled slightly, and then each picked out a book and flipped through it casually. As a result, they couldn't pull it out again after reading it. .

Well, there's nothing wrong with Ruzui, because the two of them watched it for a while, and the spirit of alcohol came up, and they threw their heads on the street.

"Uncle Sun is a good drinker." Wang Yin gave Sun Simiao a thumbs up.

"Compared to you, Wang Yin, you are far behind," Sun Simiao said with a smile, "about your drinking capacity, the old man also learned a thing or two from Lu Guogong."

Wang Yin was amused when he heard it: Good guy, you two usually drink a lot together~
Early the next morning, Sun Simiao got up and said goodbye.

Yuan Tiangang said that the book was very good-looking, and decided to stay and study with Li Tai, and Wang Yin naturally agreed.

Leaving the two guys with the MAX thirst for knowledge reading there, Wang Yin continued to run to the yard and started to eat fish.

Cheng Lingxue came to the General's Mansion to 'check in' as usual and started spending the day with Wang Yin.

Li Lizhi's little girl went back to the palace two days ago, and Li Yuan and Uncle Li also left yesterday.

Brother Li You went out to roam around as usual, and now there is only Cheng Lingxue who is quiet and silent by his side, Wang Yin expressed his satisfaction.

(End of this chapter)

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