Chapter 186 The Crusher

"Brother Yin, sister." The three brothers jumped off their horses and greeted them.

"Brother Yin." Qin Huaiyu greeted Wang Yin.

"I have met the Duke of the county." A group of people hurriedly saluted Wang Yin.

"GO!" Seeing this, Wang Yin stood up and snapped his fingers.

"Dog! Dog!" The three brothers yelled a few words, leading a group of people towards the mountain.

Cao Wenxi looked at the people behind with a dazed expression, carrying poles and baskets one by one, not knowing what they were going to do.

after an hour
"Young Master, it's just ahead." A black-faced man in the crowd said to Cheng Chumo.

When he got close to the walk, Wang Yin checked it and was immediately delighted: Good guy, it's still a natural open-pit mine, and the ground is full of black coal.

"Start." Wang Yin looked at it and gave the order without any further preparations.

A group of people immediately took out the tools they carried with them and started to get busy.

"Why did the Duke of the county mine this poisonous coal?" Cao Wenxi asked, following the principle of asking if you don't understand.

"It's a good thing. As for what it's useful for, you'll find out later." Wang Yin waved his hand at him, making a fool of himself.

"You saw it too, it's boring." Wang Yin muttered to Cheng Lingxue who was beside him.

"It doesn't matter." Cheng Lingxue smiled at him.

"Women are really strange creatures..." Wang Yin muttered, but ignored it.

Another place in the mountains.

Duan Lun stood in the 'Valley of the Wicked' and was directing the crowd to do the cleanup work, but all the workers looked like they had seen a ghost. . .

"Stop staring, act like a stupid bird, hurry up and work!" Ba Ge yelled at the dumbfounded people around him, and then hugged a piece of wood thicker than it with his two small front legs ran out.

"Duan Shangshu...are they really monsters..." The person who was yelled looked at Duan Lun in a daze and asked tremblingly.

"Don't worry," Wangcai said to him as he passed by with a stone in his arms, "Although I eat meat, I don't eat people."

After Wangcai finished speaking, he left, leaving the two of them in a mess in the wind.

"Eat... eat people?..." The man was so frightened that he almost cried. . .

"Don't worry, this is a fairy beast, it won't hurt us." Duan Lun patted the man on the shoulder, and then went to work away from Wangcai and Brother Ba.

coal mine side
"It's almost there." Wang Yin glanced at the coal piled up next to him after mining and nodded, then opened the system mall.

LX small mobile crusher: 200 pieces/unit.It is a type of truck-mounted crusher that can crush ore into powder within 2 mm and is famous for its ease of use.

After shopping, Wang Yin chose a relatively flat terrain and took out the crusher.

Although everyone was used to Wang Yin's teleportation, this big guy still shocked them deeply.

"Brother Yin, what is this thing for?" The three brothers and Qin Huaiyu rushed over when they saw this, and asked curiously.

"It's too slow to use human power to break these coals." Wang Yin replied casually while looking at the manual.

Immediately, Wang Yin got into the cab, fumbled around, and started the crusher.

The people working in the distance saw Wang Yin getting into the monster's stomach and were about to step forward, but when the engine roared, they almost sat on the ground in fright.

"Little lord, has the county lord been eaten by this monster? Shall we save people?" People bravely came over and looked at the three brothers and asked cautiously.

"That's not a monster, that's a machine!" Cheng Chumo waved at them: "Okay, keep working, don't be lazy!"

"Oh..." Hearing what Cheng Chumo said, everyone went back angrily.

Although they went back, how could everyone care about working? They all stood there and stared at the crusher.

After seeing that the machine was running normally, Wang Yin put away the coals on the ground, then waved his hand towards the entrance of the crusher, and threw the coals in.The metal collided violently with the coal, and there was a piercing noise, and the people around them subconsciously blocked their ears.

With the operation of the machine, broken cinders rushed out along the exit after a while.

When the height of the cinder pile was about to reach the coal outlet, Wang Yin turned off the machine, went to the side of the coal pile and checked.

Wang Yin stretched out his hand and grabbed a handful of cinders, looked at them, and nodded in satisfaction. It doesn't matter if they are within 2 mm, anyway, the size is enough now.

"Wow! Brother Yin, this big guy is amazing! It's so finely broken!" The three brothers followed suit after inspecting the cinders and exclaimed again and again.

"That is, after all, it is a professional!" Wang Yin waved the cinder into the system space, and got into the cab again.

After going back and forth like this several times, the coal mined by people before has been tossed by Wang Yin.

"Okay, you guys continue mining, let's go back first." Wang Yin gave instructions to the three brothers, and left with Cheng Lingxue and Cao Wenxi.

The crusher was left in place, and would be used anyway.

As for whether it will be stolen by someone, Wang Yin said: If someone can steal something weighing more than ten tons in this ancient times, it is his ability!
Seeing Wang Yin leaving, the three brothers immediately rolled their eyes and ran towards the driver's cab. They just stretched out their hands and pulled the door, and immediately their faces collapsed: it's locked. . .

"What are you looking at? Hurry up and go to work!" The three brothers yelled viciously at the onlookers, and then ran over to work.

"Speaking of which, didn't Brother Yin say he brought us here to play?" Cheng Chumo muttered.

"Obviously we've been tricked~" Cheng Chu gave his elder brother a clear look.

"Brother Chu Liang is right..." Cheng Chubi echoed.

on the way back

"This thing is really amazing! It can crush the charcoal so finely! It would take a long time to rely on human power." On the way back, Cao Wenxi was full of emotion.

"So this is the importance of tools." Wang Yin replied shyly.

"I'm afraid that only the fairy world has such a fetish..." Cao Wenxi sighed.

"Don't worry, there will be some in Tang Dynasty in the future." Wang Yin patted him on the shoulder and comforted him.

Cheng Lingxue walked behind the two of them, staring at the back of Wang Yin's head with emotion: "Brother Yin is just amazing..."

After returning to Shangshui Village, Wang Yin began to grope around again. Occasionally, a few villagers passed by to say hello to him. Wang Yin just dealt with it casually, and then continued to grope.

"What is the county lord looking for?" Cao Wenxi and a group of villagers looked at Wang Yin's appearance and felt puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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