Chapter 17 Search Function
Li Shimin's study in the palace
"It really is good wine!" Li Shimin stopped Wang Gonggong, who was about to test the poison, and took a sip from the cup. A spicy taste exploded in his mouth. Li Shimin held his breath and came over for a while before he recovered. : "Sweet aftertaste, fragrant lips and teeth."

"The utensils used to hold the wine are also made of high-quality colored glaze. It seems that Wang Yin is not just capable." Li Shimin said while playing with the wine glass in his hand.

"I've never had such fine wine, and it's not an exaggeration to say it's fairy wine." Cheng Yaojin echoed.

"Has Zhijie seen clearly? Are these taken out of thin air by Wang Yin?" Li Shimin asked.

"Your Majesty, it is true that the fine wine and utensils appeared as soon as Wang Yin waved his hand." Cheng Yaojin replied truthfully.

"Did you find out anything else last night?" Li Shimin continued to ask.

"Then Wang Yin said..." Cheng Yaojin hesitated to speak.

"To be honest, I don't blame you."

"Your Majesty, you are stingy. You gave it to the village but didn't give you any money..." Cheng Yaojin said carefully.

"This bastard..." Li Shimin was embarrassed.

"You also said that the road conditions in your Tang Dynasty are not good.. The carriage rides too bumpy.. Then you said something like um, shit, something boring..." Cheng Yaojin said while recalling, after all last night I drank too much and can't remember clearly.

"Getting things from space is the way of the immortal family. Could it be that Wang Yin is really an immortal?" Li Shimin muttered in a low voice.

"Your Majesty, in my opinion, as long as Wang Yin is harmless to our Tang Dynasty, it doesn't matter what he is." Cheng Yaojin said.

"Zhijie, I'm afraid that someone will make a fuss about his identity." Li Shimin sighed.

If Wang Yin joined the army or became an official, it would be easy to say, then he would be Li Shimin's subject, even if he was a fairy, his status would be lower than Li Shimin's.But now Wang Yin neither joins the army nor is an official, plus his status as an outsider, Li Shimin is afraid that someone with a heart will use Wang Yin's status to make troubles, and his position is not right, and he will be very passive at that time.

It was three poles high in the sun, and Wang Yin was still soundly asleep.

"Why isn't Brother Yin up yet?"

"Cheng Chumo, you and Brother Yin know each other, doesn't he usually sleep up so late?"

"How about we go and wake Brother Yin up?"

The three brothers originally wanted to ask Wang Yin to come out and play together, but when they saw that Wang Yin hadn't gotten up yet, they started discussing quietly at the door.

"What are you guys doing sneakily?" Cheng Lingxue came over and asked when she saw the three brothers gathered together.

"Sister..." Seeing Cheng Lingxue, the three of them trembled.

After all, from being ravaged since childhood to growing up, there are shadows. . .

"Ask you guys." Cheng Lingxue narrowed her eyes.

"We... want to play with brother Yin, but he hasn't gotten up yet..." The three brothers replied honestly.

"Then go in and call him." Cheng Lingxue said, "I happen to have something to do with him."

Originally, she came to look for Wang Yin, but when she heard that Wang Yin hadn't gotten up yet, it was naturally inconvenient for her to go in as a woman.

"Don't dare..." Cheng Chumo replied honestly.After all, he didn't know if Wang Yin had the energy to get up. Thinking about Wang Yin's fighting power, he felt a little bit more concerned.

"Or should I go in and call myself?" Cheng Lingxue squinted at Cheng Chumo.

Cheng Chumo suddenly felt cold all over. . .

"Brother Yin, wake up!" Cheng Chumo dragged his two younger brothers, kicked open the door and walked in.

Wang Yin was playing games happily in his dream, when he suddenly saw Cheng Chumo's big face emerge from the screen, and shouted at himself: "Brother Yin, wake up!"

Wang Yin woke up with a shiver. When he opened his eyes, he saw three brothers looking at him on the bedside.

"Du Lei Lou!" Anyone who just got up and saw three big black faces in front of him would not feel happy, let alone Wang Yin who has the aura of getting up.

boom! boom! boom!
Cheng Lingxue only felt a blur in front of her eyes, and vaguely saw three groups of black shadows flying out.Looking closely, his three brothers were lying on the ground and howling.

Cheng Lingxue chuckled, turned around and looked into the room, only to see Wang Yin walking towards the outside while rubbing his messy hair.

"A bunch of naughty kids." Wang Yin walked over and kicked one of the three brothers in the butt.

Wang Yin took out the toiletries from the system space, ready to brush his teeth and wash his face.

"My lord, how did you do it!" Cheng Lingxue stared blankly at all this, her beautiful eyes were full of shock.

"Sister, Brother Yin is a fairy, this is nothing to Brother Yin." After all, the three brothers met yesterday, and their nerve lines are relatively thick, so it is not surprising.

"Huh?" Cheng Lingxue stared at the three brothers who were a little embarrassed.

The three of them shrank their necks in fright.

"Wow, Brother Yin, what do you use to brush your teeth? Why do white things come out of your mouth? It's the same on your hands, it's all over your hands, and it smells good."

I lost it!What is white stuff coming out of the mouth?Still full of hands?Who the hell taught you such terrible lines. . .

"Wow, it's really clean!" The three couldn't help sighing when they saw Wang Yin's clean hands after flushing.

Although Cheng Lingxue didn't speak, her eyes were fixed on the soap.

"Try it on your hands when you wash your hands." Wang Yin pointed to the soap and said to them.

The three brothers hurriedly followed suit, first wet their hands with clean water, and then began to make soap.

It might be because of the first contact, but Cheng Chumo just hit the soap twice, when his hand slipped, the soap flew out and fell to the ground.

"Cheng Chumo, you are so stupid!" Cheng Chubi picked up the soap and began to slap it happily.

Then, his hand slipped. . .

WTF? ?Wang Yin stared at the three of them fighting with soap: Could this be the legendary large-scale philosophical scene?

"This one is for you." Seeing the longing look in Cheng Lingxue's eyes, Wang Yin took out another piece of soap and handed it to her.

Cheng Lingxue was so happy that she wet her hands carefully and began to rub the soap.After washing my hands, I put it in front of my nose and smelled it, with a satisfied look on my face.

"Thank you, Prince." Cheng Lingxue pushed the soap over and said.

"Forget it, you can keep it." Wang Yin waved his hand.It's just a piece of soap, Wang Yin doesn't care.

"Thank you, sir." Cheng Lingxue bowed, called a maid, and delivered the soap to her room.

Um. .He also took away the piece from the three brothers.

This is very Cheng Yaojin. . .

After washing up, Wang Yin walked towards his new home, followed by the Cheng family siblings.

After wandering around for a long time, I chose a room as my bedroom, opened the door and walked in.

"Bah bah..Damn it." As soon as he entered the door, Wang Yin's face was covered in spider webs.

Made?What is the situation?
When I came here last night, I just took a rough look around, and didn't go to those rooms to look inside, but now I have a happy opening.

Wang Yin looked intently, and there was a thick layer of dust accumulated in the house, obviously no one had lived in it for a long time.

"How long has it been since anyone lived in this damn place!" Wang Yin complained.

"Brother Yin, this was originally the village of a wealthy businessman. Later, the rich merchant's family moved out a few years ago, and the village has been left unused." Cheng Chumo said.

"A house with a master?" Wang Yin asked doubtfully.

"The wealthy businessman sold the house to the Ministry of Revenue at a low price before he left. His Majesty later rewarded it to several officials, but everyone who lived there said the house was haunted. Slowly, no one dared to take it over," Cheng Chumo replied.

Diu Leilou, it turned out that Li Shimin took the opportunity to throw the mess to himself, he really is a stingy emperor!
Okay, let's buy some servants first, clean up first, and then think about decoration.

"You three, go buy some people for me, and ask them to clean up for me when you come back." Wang Yin waved his hand, and a lot of copper coins appeared on the ground.

When Cheng Lingxue saw Wang Yin use teleportation again, she was not as frightened as the first time. She just blinked her big eyes and looked at the money on the ground curiously.

Originally, Wang Yin was going to let them lead the way, but he thought: I'm not a fool, there are ready-made errands for this. . .

"Brother Yin...they will send someone to withdraw the money in a while..." Cheng Chumo looked at Wang Yin strangely.

Wang Yin took back the money on the ground, turned around and walked towards the city mansion.

"Brother Yin, how many people are you buying?" Cheng Chumo shouted at the top of his voice.

"You can figure it out!" Wang Yin said without looking back.

Made, shame on you again, do it!
"Prince Wang." Coming to Duke Lu's mansion, Cheng Lingxue stopped Wang Yin.

"What's wrong?" Wang Yin turned around and asked.

"I heard that the group of men in black were killed in a few breaths when you were assassinated on the street that day?" Cheng Lingxue asked with wide eyes.

"Did you see it?" Was this girl there?There are too many sets of people and I have no impression at all.

"Nowadays, it's widely spread that a boy with white hair in strange clothes descends like a god of war and kills a group of men in black in a few strokes," Cheng Lingxue said.

Yo?Are we famous now?
"What do you mean by wearing weird clothes? This is called low-key luxury and aristocratic temperament, understand? A bunch of bumpkins!" Wang Yin immediately condemned.

"The rumors in the market cannot be fully believed. I don't know if the prince is really as powerful as the rumors!" Cheng Lingxue put on a posture of wanting to learn from each other.

"Please enlighten me, my lord!" Seeing Wang Yin looking at him strangely, Cheng Lingxue didn't say anything, and punched him.

"What's wrong?" Wang Yin grabbed Cheng Lingxue's fist.

"Lingxue! Don't be rude!" Cheng Yaojingang came back from the palace, saw his daughter punching Wang Yin, and hurriedly reprimanded him!
My little ancestor, have you eaten the heart of a bear and the guts of a leopard?This master is also something you can mess with?If you get beaten up, there is nowhere to cry!

Cheng Yaojin pulled Cheng Lingxue away, and hurriedly checked to see if he was injured or anything.

"I just want to see if he is as powerful as the legends say." Cheng Lingxue muttered in a low voice.

"Ask your father if you're serious, I just beat him up a few days ago." Wang Yin pouted and went back to the room.

"Aye, is what he said true?" Cheng Lingxue looked at Cheng Yaojin expectantly and asked.

What do you mean by your face full of anticipation?Are you so happy to hear that your father was hammered?
"Old man... that's not the same as the younger generation... common sense." Cheng Yaojin said falteringly: "It's not proper for a girl to yell and kill all day long!" After speaking, he flicked his sleeves and left.

Judging from his father's reaction, it's probably true.Cheng Lingxue suddenly felt ecstatic.Who is my father?The famous Lu Guogong was among the top fighters in the Tang Dynasty.And it seems that his father is no match for him.

"If I can worship him as my teacher, wouldn't I be invincible in the future?" Cheng Lingxue began to dream of a chivalrous woman again.

"Anyway, it's fine now, let's pick out things for decoration first." Sitting on the bed, Wang Yin opened the system mall.

Bridge Bean Sacks!

I saw a new button under the original mall button.

Search function: 1 click/minute.

? ? ?Wang Yin looked confused.

Click on the search button and take a look: Damn it!This familiar interface, isn't this a certain degree before time travel. . .

"System, what's the situation?" Wang Yin asked suspiciously.

"The items in the mall are only real objects, and the host needs to search for relevant information." The system replied.

"Why do I check these things, I'm not full." Wang Yin curled his lips.

"The development and growth of Datang is inseparable from the support of these." The system replied.

"Wait a minute, didn't we say before that the main line can be skipped?" Wang Yin expressed his confusion.

"The host can choose not to do it. Providing these to the host is the high-level execution sequence of this system. This system only executes instructions according to priority."

Wang Yin understands that feelings are equivalent to the addition of new skills in the second round of the game. You can choose to learn or not, but these skills will definitely appear after you pass the first round, which is a problem of programming.

"It is impossible to transform the Great Tang, it is impossible to transform the Great Tang in this lifetime..." Just as Wang Yin was about to continue shopping, he suddenly thought of something.

Immediately, he entered the name of a movie in the search bar, and seeing the familiar page that popped up, Wang Yin's smile gradually became abnormal.

(End of this chapter)

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